China: Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program - OPEN
What: The program provides grants for Canadians to pursue post-secondary studies, research, short-term professional development opportunities and/or language training at leading institutions across China.
How to apply: Please see Application Guidelines
Application Deadline: March 10, 2025
Eligibility: For Canadians. For complete info., check here
Amount: Tuition feeds, monthly stipend, medical insurance, roundtrip airfare (conditions apply), On-campus (or a subsidy for off-campus) accommodation.
Website: Click here.
Metropolia, Finland: Erasmus+ Scholarship - OPEN
What: A European Erasmus+ scholarship is available to a KPU international or domestic student to support with expenses for the exchange to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, Finland for the Spring 2025 semester.
How to apply: applicants must first apply and be accepted to go on exchange according to the requirements in step 4 here with Metropolia as their top choice. KPU's study abroad office will select a candidate during the scholarship committee review after the application deadline. The successful application will then need to apply directly for exchange to Metropolia and be accepted for the funds to be issued.
Application Deadline: February 27th, 2025.
Eligibility: applicants must have 24 credits by the time they go on exchange and a gpa no lower than 2.5. They must also complete the application requirements to go on exchange according to the requirements in step 4 here
Amount: 900 € / month (30 € per day). Travel support: 820 €. The exact amount will be calculated based on the semester dates and updated upon acceptance. More funding can be available if you have a physical, mental or health related condition. See here for more details
Japan: Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan) - OPEN
What: This scholarship is for exchange students studying in Japan and is provided by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). Past KPU students that studied in Japan have been successful recipients of this scholarship.
How to apply:
Applications for the scholarship will be accepted only from Japanese school.
Upon screening the application documents submitted by Japanese school, JASSO will decide the programs to support and notice the results.
The selection method of scholarship recipients is different from each school and each program. For further information and inquiry, students are advised to ask each home school.
Application Deadline: Determined by partner university in Japan. Please inquire through the school you go on exchange to.
Eligibility: Students must satisfy following conditions. For further information and inquiry, students are advised to ask each home school.
- Students from all countries that have diplomatic relations with Japan. (Students from Taiwan and Palestine are acceptable.)
- Students accepted by Japanese school under a student exchange agreement or other student exchange arrangement with their home school.
- Students not having the financial means to study in Japan.
- Students eligible for "Student Visa". (For study in Japan for 90 days or less, Japanese school will arrange the status of residence.)
- Students, upon termination of the period of study in Japan, will complete their studies at their home school.
- Students demonstrating excellent academic and personal records at their home school.
- Students receiving more than 80,000 JPY per month in total from other scholarships for study in Japan are ineligible for this scholarship.
Amount: Monthly stipend of 80,000 JPY
Website: Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Study in Japan under Agreement) | JASSO
Switzerland: ThinkSwiss Summer School Travel Grants - CLOSED
What: This program offers travel grants to U.S. and Canadian participants for several Swiss summer schools. The participants will benefit from hands-on research, training and exposure to cutting-edge issues within a professional research community. Participants are selected by the respective summer school.
How to apply: applicants must first apply and be accepted to the Bswiss Summer program.
Application Deadline: Will be notified when accepted.
Eligibility: Applied and accepted into a summer school program at a Swiss institution.
Amount: each of the selected students will receive a flat rate of CHF 1000 plus CHF 20/day for the duration of the summer school program.
UK: British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association (BUTEX) Award - CLOSED
What: The Scholarship is open to all undergraduate students currently registered at an institution in the USA or Canada. To be eligible to apply you must have been offered a study abroad or exchange place at UK university or college which is BUTEX affiliated.
How to apply: Applications are currently closed
Application Deadline: reopens May 1st, 2025
Eligibility: To be eligible to apply:
- You must have been offered, currently undertaking or already completed, a study abroad or exchange placement or a work/internship/traineeship placement
- Your study abroad, exchange or work placement takes place in the calendar year in which you apply.
- Your placement must be for either one semester or one year if it is a study abroad experience.
- Work, Internship or Traineeship placements must be overseas and do not need to be a specific length of time.
- You must be enrolled in your undergraduate course when you apply for, and receive a scholarship. Once students graduate they are not eligible to receive a scholarship.
Amount: £500
Japan: MEXT Research Student Scholarship - CLOSED
What: The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (in Japanese: Monbukagakusho, English acronym: MEXT) offers scholarships to Canadian students wishing to pursue their studies at a Japanese university. Please note that fluency in Japanese is not necessarily required, but dependent on the nature of the university and study program as selected by the scholarship candidate.
How to apply: Please see Application Guidelines
Application Deadline: February 7, 2025
Eligibility: For Canadians. For complete info., check here
Amount: Full tuition, monthly allowance and round-trip flight between Japan and Canada.
Austria: Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian University of Applied Sciences - CLOSED
What: This grant awarded by the OeAD (Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalisation) and the BMBWF (Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research) is designed for undergraduate and graduate students under the age of 35, of non-European nationality and of all study disciplines.
How to apply: Applications will sent based on acceptance.
Application Deadline: 15 January 2024
Eligibility: To be eligible to apply:
- Study level: Master/graduate students or Bachelor/undergraduate students. Bachelorstudents need to have successfully completed at least 4 semesters of studies by thetime of taking up the grant.
- Maximum age: 35 years (born on or after 1 October 1988).
- Applicants must not have studied/pursued research/pursued academic work in Austriain the last six months before taking up the grant.
- Language proficiency: applicants have to be proficient in the language of instruction. Incase of FHWien of WKW that would be English OR German.
Amount: € 1.250- per month