Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Transfer Credit

Partner Course (Credit Value) Kwantlen Equivalent (credit value)
Assignment + China Program (20 ECTS) BUSI 2490 (3 Credits) + BUSI 1110 (3 credits)
Economy, Trade & Business (2 ECTS) ECON 1101 (3 credits)
Chinese Language Basics 2 ects MAND 1100 (3 credits)
Culture, Society & Population 2 ects LANC 11XX (1.5 credits)
Geography, History & Politics 2 ects POLI 11XX (3 credits)
Sourcing, Research & Organization (2 ECTS) BUSM 2XXX (3 credits)
Frameworks for Human Rights and Urban Contexts (6) POST 4900 (3): Urban Contexts
Community Organizing Methods and Skills (6) POST 4900 (3): Community Organizing
Field Practice (18) ARTS 4XXX (6)
Leadership in the European Union (4 ECTS) ECON 2XXX (3)
European Business Skills (6 ECTS) POLI 2131 (3)

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