Sustainability Programs

Environmental Protection

The protection of the environment is everybody's business. Part of the effort involves a diverse body of professionals working in what is sometimes referred to as the Environment Industry.

Plant Health

Engage in the science of horticulture to resolve community, industry, and research related problems associated with plant health in horticultural systems. Enroll in Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s new Bachelor of Horticulture Science degree major in Plant Health.

Sustainable Agriculture

Join the community of leaders and entrepreneurs who are helping to build our sustainable future. Enroll in Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s new degree in Sustainable Agriculture.

Policy Studies

Policy can be used to promote local community goals like increasing the number of community gardens, or encouraging “green building” practices. Policy can determine if an office will use recycled paper, or whether our electricity will be generated by hydro, wind, nuclear power, or coal. Policy can even affect the way we feel about the things we do. Policy is powerful.

Urban Ecosystems

Connect with community in urban landscapes to build our sustainable future. Enroll in Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s new Bachelor of Horticulture Science degree major in Urban Ecosystems.