
In the spirit of celebrating and learning from the extensive experiences of members of the KPU community, you are invited to submit interactive and collaborative proposals for KPU’s 3rd Teaching, Learning, Scholarship & Research Symposium.
This is an opportunity for faculty members, instructors, students, staff and administrators to share how your teaching practice, scholarly inquiry, research and learning experience demonstrates the Symposium’s theme, “Best of KPU.”
Collaborative proposals (e.g. faculty and students, multiple peers, staff and faculty, etc.) are encouraged.
Symposium Proposal Submission Form
Form | Submit Your Proposal
Session Types
On-campus or Off-campus Field Trip: Offer an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the teaching, learning, or research occurring at KPU outside of a regular classroom and/or at any of KPU’s campuses.
Interactive Workshop (45 or 90 minutes): Facilitate an action-oriented workshop of interest and relevance to a wide audience. Facilitators should include a short presentation of research findings, an illustration of theories and practices in teaching, or a show-and-tell of tools and practices, and include activities for attendees to participate in.
Poster Presentation: Showcase research findings, innovative practices, or and programs, by using graphics and concise text.
Tips & Tools for Teaching, Learning, Scholarship & Research (15 minutes): Similar sessions will be grouped into a shared timeslot. Each person/group will have 15 minutes to demo/show their tip and tool including questions from attendees).
Scholarship or Research presentations (30 minutes) focus on structured dissemination rather than on dialogue and exchange. These sessions might involve sharing highlights of research findings or profiling an initiative or partnership. Presenters should allow at least 5 minutes for questions.
Panel Discussions (45 minutes) are facilitated by teams of 3 or 4 faculty, staff, students, or administrators each with a unique perspective on a particular challenge or opportunity related to the Symposium theme. Panellists and attendees are encouraged to explore and share possible solutions/outcomes.
Review & Selection
Submissions are reviewed by the Symposium Program Committee. Criteria by which submissions will be assessed are available below to guide the development of your proposal. The Symposium organizers may approach applicants to request changes to their proposals to better address Symposium needs.
Alignment with theme: To what extent does it resonate with the overall theme of the symposium?
Meaningful content: To what extent does the proposal provide meaningful information/research and make a contribution to our understanding of teaching/learning or research/scholarship?
Engaging or Informed: To what extent does the proposal appear to be interactive and engaging? OR Informed by the relevant theory, practice, and/or research in the area?
Audience appeal: To what extent would the session be of interest to attendees from a variety of perspectives (e.g., diverse disciplinary backgrounds, diverse roles).
Collaboration: To what extent does the proposal include multiple authors, perspectives or roles?
All proposals must be submitted by 8 am, Monday, February 25.
Symposium's Main Webpage