Learning Technology to Support Accessibility
This WordPress site provides support and resources on accessibility for learn tech, such as Moodle, PebblePad, and media creation.
Ensuring Accessible Course Materials
This Community Moodle course offers specific guidance for accessibility in course and presentation design for common productivity tools such as Word, PPT, and WordPress. Click on "+Learn More" to self-enrol in this course.
BC Accessibility Tool Kit
This open-licensed site provides support and resources related to teaching and learning about digital literacy, including modules on specific competencies.
Designing for Accessibility
Developed by the UK Government’s Home Office Digital, this open licensed resource, Designing for Accessibility, provides 7 comprehensive infographics supporting “Do’s and Don’ts” for designing learning resources and environments for individuals that have a particular accessibility need. This resource includes Autistic Spectrum, Anxiety, Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Dyslexia, Low Vision, Physical or Motor Disabilities, and Screenreaders. Each infographic contains 5 specific actionable “Do’s” and 5 “Don’ts” related to each need and includes both text and a visual example.