Teaching with Pizzazz! Conference
’Building Communities in Higher Education’
6 June 2018
08:15-:0900 Registration & Coffee
09:00-09:15 WELCOME
Dr. David Burns (20 mins)
Examining the ways in which better communication between K-12 systems and post-secondary institutions can be fostered.
Nancy Norman (20 mins)
Universal design in action, using “Multiple Means” in your classroom
Q&A with David and Nancy (15 mins)
Artur Niziolek, Dailene Parno, Hsiu-Hui Huang, Kate Jenkins, Michelle Robichaud
BSN-AE students, Faculty of Health KPU (20 mins)
Denmark 2018 International Exchange Experience
Ruth Fraser (45 mins)
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
11:45 – 1:15
LUNCH – “Pizzazz Dollars”
Farmer’s Market (KPU courtyard)
Ricky’s Country Restaurant (Best Western Hotel - beside West Building parking lot)
KPU Cafeteria (In East Building)
Katherine Murray, Life & Death Matters (45 mins)
Dying to Know: Developing a Tool-Kit to Help Nursing Students Address Changes in Dying, and to Integrate a Palliative Approach
Christina Page, Leeann Waddington
(45 mins)
Supporting Teaching and Learning – building a bridge between faculty development and student learning supports
2:00- 2:20
Tess Kroeker (45mins)
Maintaining and Enhancing Resiliency among Nursing professionals in British Columbia
Kaitlin Kozlowski (30 mins)
Developing a Community of Inquiry (CoI) in my Classroom; My Experience Using the CoI Framework in an Online Environment.
Dr. Harjit Dhesi (20 mins)
Presentation of findings from her research project and recommendations for a mentoring program between faculty and students
3:15- 3:45
Judith Degroot (30 mins)
Understanding Dementia - Research presentation
Lee Beavington (20 mins)
Embodied & Empowered Learning Communities