We stand firmly behind our educational mandate and commit to program and course delivery with a particular focus on:
Programs will maintain currency, exhibit high standards of academic rigor and feature educational evaluation standards fully accountable to the learning community and funders. Our libraries and learning centres will stimulate learners to probe depth, method and academic rigor.
Our classroom, lab, shop and online offerings will be carried out in a respectful, coherent, and fair manner.
Diverse teaching methodologies
KPU will provide instructors with a range of learning environments, and access and training in current and emerging leading teaching practices.
Digital readiness
We will continue to advance our existing classroom technologies while enhancing all teaching modalities including face-to-face, flexible, hybrid and online learning environments.
A people-first approach
Academic, developmental and trades/technology training will be centered on the individual and her/his potential. Our dealings commence at the level of the person and follow through to their integration into our community. We will promote a culture of academic integrity and excellence made possible by helping our instructors and students achieve their learning and research goals with the full collaboration and support of our dedicated staff and administration.
Our programming will evolve with the changing times; programs will feature outcomes that speak to future-focused thinking; teaching methodologies will reflect the very best ideas emanating From external and internal dynamic learning environments.
Experiential learning
We will commit to providing every graduate with an experiential education opportunity during the course of their education at KPU.
A forward-thinking frame-of-mind
At KPU innovation and creativity will remain embedded in our ethos.
Our programs will aim towards the most efficient use of our capacity, and will be answerable to government, industry, NGOs, taxpayers and the general community.
The student of the future
We will be an institution where new and emerging learning methods are matched by an emphasis on delivering in multiple modes on multiple platforms and in multiple time frames. Our faculties, our library and our learning supports will promote education and research at the intersection of thought and action through a supportive, catalytic and quality-focused mentorship of learning.