Open Education
How else can we support student success? Open Education at KPU encompasses diverse activities that support program areas and lead the development of innovative global education initiatives. We encourage and emphasize new ways our faculty engage with colleagues world-wide in innovative knowledge-practice networks to improve the learning experience. Through this approach we serve as a model for the way our graduates will engage with their own professional and practice communities.
Significant actions that directly support students include the creation, adaptation, and adoption of open textbooks and other open educational resources that make paying for an education less challenging and more affordable. Our Open Education activities also promote the use of just-in-time learning strategies, the design of renewable assignments and other open pedagogies, the sustainable growth of the popular Zed Cred courses being offered, and the development of courses and programs related to KPU’s partnership in the Open Education Resources network (OERu). KPU maintains essential links within the internal community that include the Open Education Working Group, the KPU Library, and Deans Council among others. Our Library services are nimble and being repositioned to meet the new demands of instructors transitioning to the principles of Open Education
Our external outreach and collaboration with organizations such as BC Campus and the international OERu network helps nurture our growing reputation as a leader in this sector. This internal and external momentum sends a clear message to the higher learning community that we are committed to affordable education and to crafting new ways to enable learners to realize their ambition and career plans.
Goal 6: KPU becomes an international leader in Open Education research
and practices
Strategy 6.1
Support the adoption of open educational resources across all Faculties & Schools through education, training & support, system & role integration, and recognition.
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Strategy 6.2
Support the development, growth, and effective marketing of additional Zed Cred programs.
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Strategy 6.3
Develop a publishing infrastructure and systems to support the creation and adaptation of open educational resources.
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Strategy 6.4
Articulate OERu courses and offer an exit credential to the OERu network.
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Strategy 6.5
Establish targeted Open Education initiatives to attract working adults seeking to pursue post-secondary study and provide program completion encouragement and alternatives for adult learners.
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Strategy 6.6
Provide training and support for faculty to embrace open pedagogies.
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Strategy 6.7
Develop an institutional open education policy.
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Strategy 6.8
Embed and enhance e-portfolios that reflect open education strategies and acknowledge the added value of global open education practices.
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