You can expect to have students impacted by disability in your course.
Students bring different abilities and experiences. This improves the learning community for everyone. You will have students who are experiencing an illness or disability, learning disability, and mental health issue that impacts their learning.
You can expect students to talk to you about their disability needs.
Students often ask faculty for help first. You can set a positive tone in your course by inviting conversations about disability-related needs. You might include an invitation in your course presentation and invite students to speak with you privately through email or during office hours.
You can expect students to have individualized accommodation plans.
Accommodations are arrangements that reduce or remove barriers so that students have the chance to develop and demonstrate the same skills and abilities that are expected of all students. Examples include a quiet space or extra time to write a test, an alternative to a group project, audio recording of lectures, or accessible course materials. Accessibility Services works with each student to create individualized accommodation plans.
You can expect Accessibility Services to work with you.
You are an important source of information and innovation in planning accommodations and solutions for individual students. By way of Accommodation Letters, you will be invited to participate in planning, implementing, monitoring, and troubleshooting accommodations throughout your course.
You can expect to make a big difference.
Students who require accommodations want you to know that they are motivated and hard-working. Students tell us that faculty who welcome their unique strengths, perspectives, and contributions and want to work together to find solutions, make a huge difference to their academic experience and success.