Archaeology Field School
Field School provides students with modern, useful skills in archaeology and Anthropology. The hands-on experience gives KPU students a competitive edge when applying for jobs.
The fieldwork portion of the programme is typically 5 weeks in duration, from June-July. In past field schools, fieldwork and camping has taken place in the Fraser Canyon. Future projects may be located in other areas of BC. The next applied archaeology field school is scheduled for Summer 2023. Please check back for updates, or contact Brian Pegg for information.
Prerequisites: Completion of 30 credits in addition to ANTH 1300 (Archaeology).
Corequisites: Following courses must be taken during the Summer semester.
- ANTH 3301 (Archaeological Methods for Cultural Resource Management)
- ANTH 3340 (British Columbia Archaeology)
- ANTH 3361 (Archaeological Field Studies)
Previous Field Schools, Publications & Reports
Archaeology of 1858 Pegg 2018 BC Studies.pdf
Midden 47(1) Pegg Hanna McKave Munro.pdf
2019 Field School Student Documentary
2011 Field School Results
Kwantlen Polytechnic Field School 2011 - Tuckkwiowhum and Ainslie Creek from Brian Pegg on Vimeo.
2009 Field School Results
Publications and Reports
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