Are there prerequisites for Creative Writing 1100?
Yes, a B in English.
I didn't get a B in English. Will the instructor still let me in?
There is a good chance you can still get in. Ask the instructor's permission to submit a portfolio of writing.
Does Kwantlen Polytechnic University offer a BA or BFA program in Creative Writing?
We offer a BA Major in Creative Writing and a BA Minor in Creative Writing.
What do I do if I want to add a minor or another major to my BA in Creative Writing?
Students wanting double-majors or a major with a minor should make an appointment with one of the BA Degree Advisors or email You need to plan your courses out properly to avoid a delay in graduation.
Do students who are registered majors in your program get preference in registration?
Yes, they do. We encourage majors to declare as soon as they have the necessary credits.

Do students who are registered minors get preference too?
Yes, if someone is declared in the minor at the 3rd year level, they will have priority access to the upper-level courses registration.
How many of your courses are offered online?
We regularly offer our foundation courses, CRWR 1100 and CRWR 1200 online. Please see our Future Course Offerings page for more information.
KPU Creative Writing offers courses on three campuses. Will I need to travel between campuses for my courses?
Most of our courses are concentrated at our main campus in Surrey. We sometimes offer sections in Richmond and Langley, but these same courses are available in Surrey.
KPU Creative Writing has a reputation of a strong sense of student community. How do I get involved?
The KPU Creative Writing Student Guild meets regularly and is one of KPU’s most popular and successful student clubs. Any KPU student is welcome to join. The Guild invites speakers, organizes poetry slam events, attend festivals and events together and support one another’s writing work. Contact them at, or on Facebook. The Kwantlen Poetry Project is a popular spoken-word reading series that is student-run and hosts poetry slams as well as brings well-known spoken word artists to campus to perform. Find them on Facebook and Instagram. Pulp Magazine is a student-run literary and visual art magazine that fosters a great sense of engagement and community. Find them on Facebook and on Instagram @pulpmagkpu. Many Creative Writing students have also written for The Runner, the KPU student-run newspaper. Find them at

What is the average age of your students?
We welcome students of all ages. The majority of our students are 19 to 30, although we have several students in their 30s, 40s, and 50s as well.
What do I do if I’ve already taken creative writing classes at another institution and yet I don’t meet the criteria to register for KPU Creative Writing upper level courses?
Get in touch with the either of the Chairs - Nicola Harwood ( or Jen Currin ( - and they will see if KPU Creative Writing can offer you transfer credit or a waiver for registration.
What do I do if I already have a Master's Degree and KPU Admissions tells me I don't meet the requirement in English?
Get in touch with one of the Chairs, as per above.

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