David Sadoway
BES (Hons) (Waterloo), MRM (SFU), PhD (Hong Kong)
I am a faculty member and teacher in Kwantlen's Geography and Environment Department and am grateful to be working at a university that derives its name from the Kwantlen First Nation along with other Coast Salish Peoples on whose territories we live, work, play and learn.
My training is as an urban planner and an environmental manager. At the moment I am the Human Rights and International Solidarity representative of the Kwantlen Faculty Association to the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of B.C. In 2023 I joined the KPU Climate+ Challenge ("Climate Plus Challenge") as an advising faculty member involved with climate change-related course/curriculum planning, student-faculty relations and credential development. In 2020-21 I have also been involved with colleagues from KPU as a United Nations SDGs Open Pedagogy Fellow. I am also currently one of the CityLab instructors in The Department of Policy Studies (POST), with a focus on student projects and provocations linked to the KPU 2050 Campus Plan. And I am involved with the Arts Practicum, an interdisciplinary practical course experience linking KPU students to local community/activist groups, non-profits, governments and businesses.
Prior to coming to KPU, I lived and worked in Asia for over 15 years. I was a Research Fellow in the Division of Sociology at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (2015-17), where besides teaching, I was involved in research on soundscapes and noise impacts on urban quality of life and livability. Before that I was a Postdoc Fellow at Concordia University (Montréal) (2012-14), where besides teaching, I studied the politics and governance of urban infrastructure in Indian cities. I have also been a visiting scholar, most recently at Norway's Bergen University, Department of Geography (Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation) (2019); and previously at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany (Topology of Technology Faculty) (2013); as well as the National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi, India (2013); and Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies) (2008). My PhD work at the University of Hong Kong (2007-12) focused on civic environmentalists' uses of information communications technologies in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taipei. I also have previous work experiences with the United Nations system, government, non-profits; and with urban planning consultants in Toronto and Vancouver.
Collaborating with scholars close to home and around the globe, I maintain writing and research interests in: urban (im)mobilities; community informatics and participatory science; sonic urbanism; Canadian and global carbonscapes; and decolonization methodologies. I am interested in how people around the globe are working together to address common ecological, socio-economic, technological and political dilemmas and controversies.
Academic Events Organized
Sadoway, D. (2024). Moderator & Organizer. Climate + Talks. A weekly seminar series on climate change research, teaching and advocacy at KPU. 6 February - 2 April 2024. http://wordpress.kpu.ca/climatepluschallenge/events/
Azmitia, E. & Sadoway, D. (2023). Co-moderator & Co-organizer. FPSE-HRISC Speakers Tour Event. International Students in Canada, hybrid event (in person and online). Capilano University, Lonsdale/Shipyard Campus. https://fpse.ca/news/meetings-events/speakers-tour-2023 (March 3).
Azmitia, E. & Sadoway, D. (2022). Co-moderator & Co-Organizer. FPSE-HRISC Speakers Tour Event. Migrant Workers Panel, online event. https://fpse.ca/news/meetings-events/speakers-tour-2022 (Feb 22).
David, L. & Sadoway, D. (2022). Co-moderator & Co-Organizer. FPSE-HRISC Speakers Tour Event. Canadian Mining Panel, online event. Campus. https://fpse.ca/news/meetings-events/speakers-tour-2022 (March 10).
King, L., Koch, J. & Sadoway, D. (2022). Co-organizer. KPU Geography & the Environment GEOFORUM 2022. Heat, Rising Waters & the Climate Emergency South of the Fraser. https://www.kpu.ca/arts/geography/events (March 15).
Sadoway, D. (2021). Moderator & Organizer. KPU Geography & the Environment GEOFORUM. MOBILITIES 2021: Post-Covid Mobility in BC’s Fastest Changing Urban-Region. https://www.kpu.ca/arts/geography/events (April 20).
Sadoway, D. (2016). Chair & Organizer, “Memes, schemes and dreams: Singapore urban futures,” An international workshop supported by NTU’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Global Asia Research Cluster. Opening provocation by Prof. Ananya Roy (UCLA). Nanyang Technological University Singapore. https://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/singurbanfutures/. (June 10 &11).
Sadoway, D. & Levanda, A. (2016). Co-Chair & Organizer, “Importing and exporting worldly urbanism - The challenges of studying the global circulation of city models, best practices & imaginaries,” Three panels for ‘The Transgressive City,’ RC21 (Sociology of Urban & Regional Development, International Sociological Association Conference), El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City (July 21-23).
Courses taught
- GEOG 1101 Introduction to Human Geography
- GEOG 2140 Regional Geography of Canada
- GEOG 2185 Regional Geography of East Asia
- GEOG 2250 The City
- GEOG 2050 Climate Change Strategies
- GEOG 2380 Qualitative Methods in Geography
- GEOG 3220 Urban Planning and Politics
- GEOG 3320 Environment and Resources
- GEOG 4501 Current Geographic Issues : Energy Geography
- GEOG 4501 Current Geographic Issues: Mobilities, Livability & Climate Change
- ARTS 1100 Experiencing the Arts: The Climate Emergency, The World & Me
- ARTS 1150 Introduction to the Climate Crisis
- ARTS 3991- 3993 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship
- POST 2140 CityLab3 - Rethinking Community & ReDesigning the Post-Pandemic University
- POST 2140 CityLab3 - (Re)Designing the City for Climate Justice
Scholarly Work
- Sadoway, D. (2022). Grounding perspectives on mobilities: Theory meets practice in an artist’s eyes. In P. Ballamingie & D. Szanto (Eds.), Showing Theory to Know Theory: Understanding Social Science Concepts through Illustrative Vignettes. Showing Theory Press.
- Amir, S., Sadoway D., & Dommaraju, P. (2021)."Taming the noise: soundscape and livability in a technocratic city-state," East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
- Sadoway, D. & Shekhar, S. (2021). "Changing infrastructure in urban India: Critical reflections on openness and trust in the governance of public services," Chapter 6 in Eds. A. Chib, C.M. Bentley, M.L. Smith, Critical Perspectives on Open Development: Empirical Interrogation of Theory Construction. MIT Press (Open Access).
- Sadoway, D., Gopakumar, G., Baindur, V., Badami M.G. (2018). “JNNURM as a window on urban governance: Its Institutional footprint, antecedents and legacy,” Economic and Political Weekly, 53:2 (Review of Urban Affairs, 13 January).
- Sadoway, D. (2018). Conundrums in Comparative Urbanism. In: The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, A.M. Orum (Ed.). Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sadoway, D. & Gopakumar, G. (2017). “(Un)bundling Bangalore: Infrastructure bundling ‘best practices’ and assembling novel scapes,” Geoforum 79, 46-57.
- Sadoway, D. (2017). Fukushima and Beyond: Nuclear Power in a Low‐Carbon World. Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited. xi + 202 pages. ISBN 978‐1‐4094‐5491‐5. Christopher Hubbard. 2014. Review of Policy Research, 34:1 (Nov), 136-138.
- Sadoway, D. & Shekhar, S. (2014). “(Re)prioritizing citizens in ‘smart cities’ governance: Examples of smart citizenship from India,” Journal of Community Informatics 10:3.
- Horelli, L. & Sadoway, D. (2014). “Community informatics in cities: New catalysts for urban change,” Editorial, Special Issue on Urban Planning and Community Informatics, Journal of Community Informatics 10:3.
- Sadoway, D. (2013). “How are ICTs transforming civic space in Singapore?: Changing civic-cyber environmentalism in the island city-state,” Journal of Creative Communications 8 (2&3), 107-138.
- Sadoway, D. (2013). From associations to info-sociations : civic environmentalism and information communication technologies in three Asian tiger cities. (Thesis). University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR.
- Sadoway, D. (2012). “From associations to info-sociations: The co-evolution of civic associations and ICTs in two Asian cities,” Journal of Community Informatics 8:3.
- Sadoway, D. (2009). “Asian urban spatial sustainability: conservation, eco-modernization and urban wilding,” in Eds. J. Bolchover, J. D. Solomon, Sustain and Develop, 306090 Books 13, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 155-168. ISBN 9780692000885 0692000887
- Sadoway, D. (2009). Bundling carbon and energy management with urban sustainability: A preliminary assessment of Hong Kong, Singapore and Taipei. Paper for Planning for Low Carbon Cities (22-23-May). Hong Kong Institute of Planners.