
Colin Ruloff

BA Hons. (SFU), MA (Claremont), PhD (Claremont)
Surrey Office: Fir 309
Richmond Office: R2330

Dr. Colin Ruloff is Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. He earned a B.A. (Hons.) from Simon Fraser University, and a PhD from Claremont. His research ranges primarily over epistemology and the philosophy of religion. Within epistemology, He works on issues related to the internalism/externalism debate, skepticism, and the epistemic basing relation. Within the philosophy of religion, he works on issues related to religious epistemology and natural theology. Dr. Ruloff's list of publications can be accessed at

Courses taught

  • PHIL 1100 Introduction to Philosophy
  • PHIL 1107 Introduction to Modern Philosophy
  • PHIL 1145 Critical Thinking
  • PHIL 2107 Modern Philosophy: Descartes to Kant
  • PHIL 2120 Philosophy of Religion
  • PHIL 2210 Epistemology
  • PHIL 3110 The Possibility of Knowledge
  • PHIL 3225 Rationalism
  • PHIL 3430 Philosophy of Mind: Consciousness
  • PHIL 4120 Topics in Philosophy of Religion
  • PHIL 4210 Topics in Epistemology