Future Course Offerings

Philosophy courses run throughout the year. To learn more, see the courses descriptions in the calendar.

Please refer to Register for Classes for published course schedules. The list below remains tentative until the official schedule is released. The course delivery mode may be subject to change.

Summer 2024 Course Highlight:

PHIL 4117, S10: What is Equality?

Friday, 1-4pm, Surrey Campus

Instructor: Dr. Holly Longair

Description: Equality, inequality, justice, and injustice are terms that we find everywhere in every day discussions of contemporary social and political issues. But what does it mean to talk about equality in the context of our social and political world? This course will examine a variety of ways in which contemporary philosophers have conceptualized equality, and some of the problems that result from the theories that they have built. Beginning with selections from John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice, we will look at several approaches in the liberal egalitarian tradition that have built on his work, as well as critiques of those theories from libertarians, feminists, and others. We will finish the semester by looking at approaches to the concept of equality from other traditions outside of Western liberalism, and ask ourselves what we really mean when we say people should be treated as equals. 

Summer 2024 Courses

PHIL 1100 - General Introduction to Philosophy 

PHIL 1110 - Introduction to Moral Philosophy

PHIL 1111 - Sustainability and Ethics

PHIL 1145 - Critical Thinking

PHIL 1150 - Introduction to Formal Logic

PHIL 3010 - Health Care Ethics 

PHIL 3033 - Business Ethics 

PHIL 3040 - Philosophy of Art 

PHIL 4117 - Topics in Social and Political Philosophy


Fall 2024 Courses

PHIL 1100 - General Introduction to Philosophy 

PHIL 1110 - Introduction to Moral Philosophy

PHIL 1111 - Sustainability and Ethics

PHIL 1145 - Critical Thinking

PHIL 1150 - Introduction to Formal Logic

PHIL 2106 - Ancient Greek Philosophy 

PHIL 2210 - Epistemology 

PHIL 3033 - Business Ethics 

PHIL 3533 - Confronting Moral Issues: Business Ethics 

PHIL 4110 - Topics in Ethics 

PHIL 4430 - Topics in the Philosophy of Mind