
Wayne Fenske

BA (Calgary), MA (McMaster), PhD (Dalhousie)
Voicemail: 9480
Surrey Office: Fir 310
Surrey Campus: 604-599-2179

Dr. Wayne Fenske teaches a variety of courses at KPU. His favorite ones have to do with Ethics and Logic. He has been known to throw chalk in his classes, but no student has ever been injured as a result. His research interests are in meta-ethics and ethical theory. He has published in Dialogue and The Journal of Value Inquiry. His current research focuses on the nature of practical reason and its relation to moral obligation.

Courses taught

  • PHIL 1100 Introduction to Philosophy
  • PHIL 1110 Confronting Moral Issues: Introduction to Ethics
  • PHIL 1150 Introduction to Formal Logic
  • PHIL 2106 Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • PHIL 2110 Moral Theory
  • PHIL 3010 Health Care Ethics
  • PHIL 3109 Foundations in Ethics
  • PHIL 4117 Topics in Social and Political Philosophy
  • PHIL 4215 Topics in Metaphysics