2012-13 University Calendar
 Kwantlen Polytechnic University  Calendar  2012-13  Faculty of Arts  Modern Languages

Modern Languages


Kwantlen offers a wide variety of language and linguistics courses (French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Linguistics, Punjabi, and Spanish) as well as cultural studies courses (instruction in English). Learning foreign languages helps students develop the complex set of linguistic, social , and cultural skills, which enables them to understand not only the particular language and culture they are studying but also their own socio-cultural norms and values. These languages are also spoken locally so studying them will help students communicate and integrate with the broader local communities. Knowing additional languages will also help students study abroad and work internationally.

We offer an inclusive and interactive learning environment, encouraging students to engage with the course content and actively broaden their perspectives of the world.

Study abroad opportunities are available in several countries: France, Germany, Japan, China, Chile.

Cultural Studies Courses

Offered at Richmond and Surrey

Culture is the ways people think about themselves and organize the world they inhabit, which is closely related to language which is the medium of a culture's expression. Language and culture are both part of the lives of a particular group of people, and our Cultural Studies Courses provide students with an opportunity to explore cultures through textual and visual media and through business practices.

For course descriptions and prerequisites, see the Cultural Studies course descriptions.

Cultural Studies courses are offered in English.

French Courses

Offered at Richmond and Surrey

French is an official language of Canada and mother tongue of about 7.0 million Canadians. It is also one of the world's major international languages spoken by over 200 million people in 43 countries. Knowing French is a plus and often a necessity in the Canadian Federal public services and the travel industry. Beyond helping students pursue career goals, French enables communication with people in many different countries, and a deeper exploration of French art, fashion, and cuisine.

Kwantlen offers various levels of French courses. Since not all courses are offered in every semester or on every campus, language students are strongly advised to seek counseling from members of the Modern Languages department before planning their program.

For course descriptions and prerequisites, see the French course descriptions.

For assessment or placement test information, please see the Department of Modern Languages (kwantlen.ca/modernlanguages).

German Courses

Offered at Surrey, Richmond, and Langley

German is widely spoken throughout Europe and is used extensively on the internet. Learning German will give you access to a culture which is incredibly rich and rewarding, particularly for students interested in philosophy, literature and technology. Learning German will enable you to communicate with over 200 million people around the world, increase your employment opportunities, and improve your understanding and use of English.

Note that not all courses are offered in every semester or on every campus.

Native speakers of German who wish to take a first- or second-year German course must consult with a German instructor before registration. Students with a German 'Abitur' are not permitted to enroll in the courses.

For course descriptions and prerequisites, see the German course descriptions.

For assessment or placement test information, please see the Department of Modern Languages ( kwantlen.ca/modernlanguages ).

Japanese Courses

Offered at Richmond and Surrey

Japanese is a language spoken by over 130 million people in Japan and in Japanese immigrant communities around the world. Since Japan has the most diverse economy in Asia and has the 3rd largest economy in the world, knowing Japanese will bring business opportunities and help students pursue their career goals. Also, Japanese culture has become part of the international cultural scene, including sushi bars, karaoke, anime, in addition to traditional arts. Learning Japanese helps students explore Japan's rich history and culture.

Students who have previously taken Japanese must contact the instructor before registering for JAPN 1101, 2200,2201, 3300, or 3301.

For course descriptions and prerequisites, see the Japanese course descriptions.

For assessment or placement test information, please see the Department of Modern Languages ( kwantlen.ca/modernlanguages ).

Linguistics Courses

Offered at Richmond and Surrey

Linguistics is the methodical and systematic study of human language. It investigates all aspects of how people use language and what they must know in order to do so. In examining the general structural properties of language, students learn how words and sentences are formed, how sounds are articulated and patterned, how words and sentences are interpreted and how context affects meaning. Students analyze examples from a variety of languages, not only English. Subfields of linguistic study examine first and second language acquisition, the neurological foundations of language, the interrelationships between language and various social factors, the historical changes of language, as well as linguistic typology and universals. Knowledge of linguistics is highly beneficial for the study and teaching of any language, but linguistic research also shares concerns with practically every human science, from psychology and neurology to literary study, anthropology, sociology, history, political science and criminology.

For course descriptions and prerequisites, see the Linguistics course descriptions.

For assessment or placement test information, please see the Department of Modern Languages ( kwantlen.ca/modernlanguages ).

Mandarin Courses

Offered at Richmond

Mandarin has more native speakers in the world than any other languages, including English. It is the official language of the People's Republic of China and Taiwan, one of the major languages (or lingua franca) used in the Chinese communities outside China, and one of the six official working languages at the United Nations. It is becoming the second largest language spoken in Metro Vancouver. Knowledge in Mandarin can be part of various kinds of education programs and degrees at Kwantlen, and is also a definite asset for increased employment opportunities, in areas of business in particular, both at home and overseas.

To help students register in the right course level, the Modern Languages Department has instituted guidelines for Mandarin course registration available at kwantlen.ca/mandarin. Students are strongly advised to refer to these guidelines for self-assessment before registering for a course. Should their language level be found higher than the course level after classes start, they may be dropped from the class.

For course descriptions and prerequisites, see the Mandarin course descriptions.

For assessment or placement test information, please see the Department of Modern Languages ( kwantlen.ca/modernlanguages ).

Punjabi Courses

Offered at Surrey

Punjabi is spoken by eighty million people in South Asia. In BC, it is the fourth most commonly spoken language. Learning Punjabi helps students communicate with people in the large Punjabi community and explore its cultural importance.

Any student with recent Grade 12 Punjabi, or with previous language skills meeting or exceeding this level, is not permitted to register in the introductory courses PUNJ 1100 and 1101. PUNJ 1100 is designed for students who have little or no previous knowledge of Punjabi (Gurmukhi). They will use the communicative approach to develop the ability to speak, comprehend, read, and write Punjabi while further exploring the Punjabi culture.

For course descriptions and prerequisites, see the Punjabi course descriptions.

For assessment or placement test information, please see the Department of Modern Languages ( kwantlen.ca/modernlanguages ).

Spanish Courses

Offered at Richmond, Langley, and Surrey

Spanish is the fourth most commonly spoken language in the world and the official language of 21 countries with combined population of 350 million. Learning Spanish helps students explore different parts of the world and have opportunities to work in trade or business fields.

Kwantlen offers various levels of Spanish. Since not all courses are offered in every semester or on every campus, language students are strongly advised to seek counseling from members of the Modern Languages discipline before planning their program.

For course descriptions and prerequisites, see the Spanish course descriptions.

For assessment or placement test information, please see the Department of Modern Languages ( kwantlen.ca/modernlanguages ).

Program Admission Requirements

Admission to a Kwantlen program is required to access the Modern Languages courses.

Program Requirements

Courses at the 1100-level are open to students who have no knowledge of that language.

Students with competence in a language beyond the level of the courses available are not permitted to register. In the event that they do register, they will be required to withdraw. Students who are not sure of their language level should contact an instructor for an assessment. Generally, students who are native speakers of a language are not permitted to register in the related Modern Language course. For information on some exceptions, please contact the instructor of the language of interest.

Credential Awarded

These courses may be used towards many Kwantlen credentials.

Last Updated: Aug 9, 2012

This online version of the Kwantlen Academic Calendar is the official version of the University calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, Kwantlen reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email Calendar.Editor@kwantlen.ca.