2012-13 University Calendar
 Kwantlen Polytechnic University  Calendar  2012-13  Faculty of Arts  Psychology - Applied: Bachelor of Science (also: Honours)

Psychology - Applied: Bachelor of Science (also: Honours)


While Bachelor of Science in Psychology degrees have existed at universities since the late 1800s, recent developments have proclaimed that "the psychology of science has arrived" (Journal of Psychology of Science and Technology, 1, 205, 2008). The Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology is an interdisciplinary program rich in Psychology and Natural Sciences content. It is built primarily upon the attributes that have proven successful in the existing Bachelor of Applied Arts (BAA) and Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology degrees. The foundation of the degree is rooted in Kwantlen’s existing two year science curriculum, with an emphasis on Biology and Chemistry, and on core base courses in Psychology.

The degree was developed in close connection with employers in the field and community partners, and has an applied focus that prepares students for employment upon graduation, for research-focused graduate studies, or for entry into professional programs of study. Many courses within this program have a lab component. The program will take a systems/ecological approach, recognizing the interrelationships between humans and their environments, and the ways in which each influences and alters the other.

During the third and fourth year students will take courses across three main topical areas within Psychology: (1) research skills (statistics, program evaluation, qualitative and quantitative research, and tests and measurement); (2) biological psychology (neuroscience, drugs and behaviour, neuropsychology, and learning theory and practice); and (3) health psychology (developmental psychopathology, rehabilitation, clinical intervention, psychopathology, psychology and law, health psychology, and aging). The degree will be embedded throughout with psychological application, including hands-on lab experience and courses focusing on human interaction with (and use of) modern technology, ethics, professional business practices, and technical writing. Students will be required to participate in a workplace practicum co-supervised by faculty and employers. The Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology degree provides innovative academic rigor encompassing exploration, inclusiveness, excellence, integrity, community, and accountability with clear employment outcomes. An existing Honours program in Psychology would be utilized to prepare interested students for research-focused graduate studies.

Students interested in applying to graduate school or who prefer a more extensive research experience are encouraged to apply to the Honours program. The Honours program affords students an opportunity to develop and report on a research project under the direct supervision of a faculty member within the Psychology Department.

Career Opportunities

While taking the program, students will be required to participate in a workplace practicum co-supervised by faculty and community employers. They will have the opportunity to test their skills and knowledge in specific contexts, to observe the relationships between specific disciplinary techniques, and to appreciate the complexities of technical and human interactions. They will see, first hand, that no single method is sufficient, no single discipline capable of interpreting and responding to modern individual, community and workplace challenges. The shared responsibility for the practicum taken by academic and community sponsors will provide a powerful balance between classroom and workplace learning, deepening both.

A student who successfully completes the B.Sc. in Applied Psychology, will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

The degree was developed in close collaboration with industry/employers to ensure positive outcomes and maximum opportunities. Graduates of this degree could therefore find employment in areas such as vocational rehabilitation, mental health services, gerontology, neuropsychological testing, forensics, disability services, software usability research, research and design, pharmaceutical companies, and child care consultancy. They would also be well prepared for researched focused graduate studies in neuroscience, psychology, counseling, public policy, kinesiology, and special education, and post-graduate programs in physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

Program Admission Requirements

In addition to Kwantlen's General university admission requirements including the undergraduate-level English Proficiency Requirement, the following program admission requirements apply.

Year One Admission:

Year Three Admission:

Students can enter the program in third year, provided they have completed all Year 1 and Year 2 required courses with a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher and a C or higher in Psychology 2300 and 2400 (or equivalent transfer credits). Students are advised to consider prerequisites for 3rd and 4th year courses when applying for entry into the 3rd year of the program.

A student who has completed courses at another post-secondary institution may request that these credits be transferred to Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Transfer students may be admitted to the program, space permitting, at any point up to the seventh semester. This structure follows the approved B.Sc. framework in place at Kwantlen Polytechnic University with respect to both minimum academic standards to progress in the program, as well as entrance requirements.

Honours Admission:

In order to be admitted to the Honours program students are expected to achieve and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.3 and to obtain a 'B+' grade in both PSYC 3300 and 3400. Students must also obtain endorsement from a faculty member who will serve as their thesis advisor, and be recommended by the Psychology Honours selection committee. Selections are made in May for the following September.

A limited number of seats are available each year for Honours students. Interested students can obtain a program application form from the Psychology Department during or after their third year.

Program Requirements

The learning environment and methodologies will utilize all current andragogical techniques that enhance student learning. Faculty will adopt approaches that provide students with a participatory and collaborative learning environment that merges theory and research with experiential participation. These approaches include traditional classroom instruction, computer simulations and experiential web materials, small seminar groups, field trips to research facilities and medical units where appropriate and “hands-on” training and experience with industry/academic-specific methodological techniques. Faculty-supervised independent and/or collaborative student research will also be a key component of study in several courses with particular emphasis on in-depth research, both qualitative and quantitative, in both the practicum and Honours program courses.

Methodologies will be specifically aimed at enhancing student success in identified learning outcomes. Common themes to these outcomes beyond the knowledge-based aspects of the curriculum will be critical thinking, analytical skills, team building, communication skills and employability skills, as well as the ability to move beyond theoretical constructs to operationalization for the purpose of problem identification and problem solving. The goal will be the development of well-educated, critically aware and articulate graduates who demonstrate a thorough understanding of current issues, theory and research in the psychological sciences.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that many students are dissatisfied with traditional science offerings that are perceived as leading only to graduate studies or specialized professions. In addition to preparing students for more traditional pursuits, the B.Sc. in Applied Psychology degree offers job-focused, job-ready, innovated learning that prepares students for new types of positions in the science, health and pharmaceutical industries, and for constant change in today’s workplace.

Applied Psychology Honours

The following are the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology Honours program.

The Honours program consists of two 6 credit thesis courses (PSYC 5002 and PSYC 5010 ) that are offered in September and January respectively. For the BSc in Applied Psychology, these courses can be taken within the 120 credits required for degree completion.

Students choosing the Honours degree, must take the following in lieu of 2 electives:
  PSYC 5002 Honours Thesis I (BSc) 6 credits
  PSYC 5010 Honours Thesis II 6 credits

To qualify for the Applied Psychology Honours degree, students must have been admitted to the Honours program prior to earning the Applied Psychology degree. Students may receive either the Applied Psychology degree or the Applied Psychology Honours degree, but not both.

Applied Psychology Degree

Core Requirements

The following core requirements are to be completed for the Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology:

Year One Requirements

All of:
  BIOL 1110 Introductory Biology I 4 credits
  BIOL 1210 Introductory Biology II 4 credits
  CHEM 1110 The Structure of Matter 4 credits
  CHEM 1210 Chemical Energetics and Dynamics 4 credits
  ENGL 1100 Introduction to University Writing 3 credits
  PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes 3 credits
  PSYC 1200 Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications 3 credits
And one of:
  MATH 1120 Differential Calculus 3 credits
  MATH 1130 Calculus for Life Sciences I (recommended) 3 credits
And one of:
  MATH 1220 Integral Calculus 3 credits
  MATH 1230 Calculus for Life Sciences II (recommended) 3 credits
And one of:
  PHYS 1101 Physics for Life Sciences I 4 credits
  PHYS 1120 Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences I 4 credits

Year Two Requirements

All of:
  BIOL 2321 Cell Biology 4 credits
  CHEM 2320 Organic Chemistry I 4 credits
  PSYC 2300 Applied Statistics 3 credits
  PSYC 2315 Brain and Behaviour 3 credits
  PSYC 2375 Perception 3 credits
  PSYC 2385 Cognition 3 credits
  PSYC 2400 Experimental Psychology: Research Methodology 3 credits
And one of:
  BIOL 2320 Genetics 4 credits
  BIOL 2421 Cellular Biochemistry 3 credits

Year Three and Four Requirements

All of:
  CMNS 3100 Technical Report Writing 3 credits
  PSYC 4000 Practicum 3 credits
  PSYC 4800 Professional & Ethical Issues 3 credits
And at least two of:
  Statistics and Research Methodology Courses
  PSYC 3300 Applied Statistics II 3 credits
  PSYC 3400 Applied Research I 3 credits
  PSYC 3960 Program Evaluation 3 credits
  PSYC 4100 Tests and Measurement 3 credits
  PSYC 4400 Research Methods II: Qualitative Methodologies 3 credits
And at least two of:
  Biological Psychology
  PSYC 3303 Learning: Theory and Practice 3 credits
  PSYC 3320 Drugs and Behaviour 3 credits
  PSYC 3910 Neuropsychology 3 credits
  PSYC 4315 Neuroscience 3 credits
And at least two of:
  Health and Clinical Psychology
  PSYC 3350 Advanced Topics in Psychopathology 3 credits
  PSYC 3450 Clinical Psychology: Intervention 3 credits
  PSYC 3451 Psychology and Law 3 credits
  PSYC 3600 Health Psychology 3 credits
  PSYC 3920 Aging 3 credits
  PSYC 4350 Developmental Psychopathology 3 credits
  PSYC 4910 Rehabilitation 3 credits
And at least two of:
  Applied Psychology
  PSYC 3200 Industrial and Organizational Psychology 3 credits
  PSYC 3220 Group Dynamics 3 credits
  PSYC 3500 Interpersonal Relations I 3 credits
  PSYC 3930 Consumer Psychology - Research & Applications 3 credits
  PSYC 3950 Cognitive Ergonomics 3 credits
  PSYC 4200 Human Factors & Ergonomics 3 credits
And one of:
  Culture and Diversity
  PSYC 4700 Culture and Psychology 3 credits
  Any other cultural course at Kwantlen 3 credits


In addition, students must complete an additional ten electives
  Electives are not restricted provided all breadth and general education requirements are met.
  Students may take three electives in second year, and the balanced in their third and fourth years.

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of the honours program, students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology (Honours).

Upon successful completion of the degree program, students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology.

Last Updated: Aug 9, 2012

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