> Kwantlen University College > Calendar > Programs > Associate of Arts Degree: Social Sciences > ASSOCIATE OF ARTS DEGREE IN PSYCHOLOGY
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Within the framework of the Associate of Arts Degree, students must complete at least 60 credits with a minimum grade of C in each course, including the following:

  1. All of:

  2. At least one of:

  3. At least one of:

  4. Two of:

    • PSYC 2300, 2308, 2321, 2322, 2340, 2375, 2400, 2450, 3307, or any additional PSYC course listed in section 2 or 3 above that have not been taken previously.

Students interested in applying for the Kwantlen University College Bachelor of Applied Arts (Psychology) should have completed an Associate of Arts Degree in Psychology (60 credits), with an overall cumulative GPA of 3.00, though less than a 3.00 CGPA may be considered on a case by case basis, space permitting.

The following courses should be included as part of the Associate of Arts degree in order to apply to the Bachelor of Applied Arts degree: PSYC 1100, 1200, 2300, 2330, 2385, and 2400 with a 3.00 GPA in each of PSYC 2300 and 2400.


Students intending to transfer to SFU, must take PSYC 2300 and 2400. The maximum advance credit permitted in Psychology for UBC is 18 credits.