Fine Arts
Introduction to Drawing
Students will learn the fundamentals of drawing in the field of visual art. They will study and practise various technical approaches to drawing in a variety of media. Students will also explore personal subjectivity through lectures and class discussions.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Introduction to Painting
Students will study the fundamental materials, methods, and techniques of painting. They will practise and develop painting skills through technical and creative challenges. Students will also explore personal subjectivity in relation to historical movements and current trends in art through studio activity, lectures, and class discussions.
Corequisites: FINA 1100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Ceramics I
Students will learn fundamental processes of handling and firing ceramic materials of different sizes, thicknesses, and textures. They will work with basic techniques of clay preparation, joining, building, drying, glazing, and firing while developing personal expression through form, colour, and texture.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Sculpture I
Students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts, methods, and materials of contemporary sculpture. They will survey major movements in sculpture over the last century through slide lectures, demonstrations, and individual and group critiques. Students will integrate theory and practice through technical challenges presented by processes and materials.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Introduction to Digital Media I
Students will learn to use digital software such as Photoshop™ and Imovie™ in a lab setting. They will create artwork that emphasizes the historical and conceptual elements of digital technologies in contemporary art.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Introduction to Print Media
Students will study the historical and contemporary role of print in the field of visual arts. They will develop visual imagery by exploring conceptual interests and learning technical aspects of relief, screenprinting, and intaglio.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Introduction to Printmaking
The course will commence with the most direct and least technically complex printmaking method, collograph, and move on to the more complex methods of silk screen, relief printmaking and etching. The definition of Fine Arts prints, as opposed to reproductions, will be discussed.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Monotype -The Painted Print
Students will explore processes that combine painting and drawing with printmaking. They will investigate the interdisciplinary possibilities in these areas of study. Students will experiment with a variety of different techniques under the categories of both monotype and monoprint.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Visual Language and Composition
Students will study the fundamental principles of constructing and analyzing two-dimensional images. They will gain knowledge of the strategies necessary for creating two-dimensional space through the exploration of materials and techniques. Students will familiarize themselves with the role of the artist as a producer of meaning through the study of both historical and contemporary examples. They will explore the significance of the relationship between media, visual elements and concept in the realization of finished works.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Color Theory & Practice
Students will learn the theory and uses of color in art and the contemporary environment. Students will gain practice in color mixing and manipulating color to produce specific visual effects.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Introduction to Visual Culture: Look Now!
Students will be introduced to how we shape and are shaped by visual culture through forms such as art, video, film, and advertising. Students will be also be introduced to the role of the artist as a producer of meaning through the use of historical and contemporary examples. They will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of various approaches to viewing, understanding and making images by exploring the relationship between form, content and context. Readings, discussion, critical writing, and creative responses will enable students to better understand visual culture and its making and meaning.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Photography I
Students will explore conceptual and practical approaches to black-and-white photography. They will learn to operate a 35mm single-lens-reflex camera, and learn to use basic darkroom techniques. Students will study the history of photography, and contemporary photography through class critiques and lectures
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Form, Structure and Materials
Students will study the fundamental principles behind the conception and design of three-dimensional form and space within the field of contemporary art. They will explore the relationships between form, structure, and materials through a range of processes and the realization of three-dimensional objects and compositions.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Drawing II
Students will investigate both traditional and non-traditional strategies for creating art through drawing. They will practise the fundamentals of drawing while expanding their artistic expression in relation to contemporary art.
Prerequisites: FINA 1100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Painting II
Students will focus on the fundamental materials, methods, and issues of contemporary painting. They will also develop their abilities to complete projects in an innovative and creative manner.
Prerequisites: FINA 1110
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Ceramics II
Students will review and reinforce skills and develop them to a higher degree of sophistication and complexity. They will focus on developing complete control of the medium at this level and will accept more responsibility for firing. Students will search for unusual approaches to, and ways of, using ceramic materials and will work toward defining their own personal style.
Prerequisites: FINA 1130
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Sculpture II
Students will build on concepts and materials introduced in Sculpture I and will investigate and debate a blend of traditional and non-traditional strategies for making sculpture. They will be introduced to new processes and materials to reflect the complex nature of contemporary sculptural practice and will participate in slide lectures, demonstrations, and individual and group critiques. Students will also use local resources such as libraries, galleries, and museums.
Prerequisites: FINA 1131
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Introduction to New Media II
Students will expand their knowledge of various digital software such as Photoshop™, Final Cut Express™, Director™ and Flash™. They will apply these programs to create artwork that will encompass digital stills, online work, installation, video and sound. Students will also learn to locate contemporary digital practices within the broader history of cultural production.
Prerequisites: FINA 1135
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Issues in Photography
Students will study issues in photography from its invention in the 19th Century to the digital imaging of the present. Within the context of contemporary critical theory, they will explore meanings in various photographic genres including snapshots, documentary, advertising, and fine art.
Prerequisites: One of FINA 1120, 1121, 1122, 1124, 1126, 1147, 1222 or One of ARTH 1120, 1121, 1126 or One of ENGL, HIST, or POLI 1100 or higher
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Print Media II
Students will explore a wide variety of techniques in both intaglio and screenprinting including photographic and digital imaging. They will explore the potentials of mixed media prints on different surfaces in two- or three-dimensional structures. Students will also develop their conceptual interests and visual language through assigned projects and class discussions.
Prerequisites: FINA 1142
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Photography II
Students discuss and develop a body of photo-based works, which explore issues related to concepts and visual representations in photography. They will study works of past and contemporary artists and explore photography as art. Students will learn alternative processes in black and white, archival printing techniques, and basic digital manipulations in photography.
Prerequisites: FINA 1170
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Professsional Practices
Students will study professional issues and practices useful to visual artists, arts administrators, and cultural workers in the field of art. They will focus on developing skills relating to portfolio development and documentation, grant proposals, and curriculum vitae writing and acquiring knowledge towards issues including copyright law, promotional practices, and art institutions.
Prerequisites: 6 credits of FINA 1100-level course and ENGL 1100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Digital Media: Design in Contemporary Art
Students will learn to work with Adobe Illustrator™ software to create vector based artwork. They will expand their knowledge of digital software such as Photoshop™. They will apply these programs to create artwork that will encompass digital stills, an artist book and online work. Students will also learn to locate contemporary digital practices in the context of contemporary cultural production.
Prerequisites: FINA 1135 or permission of the instructor
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Issues in Contemporary Art I
Students will study theoretical issues relevant to the production and reception of visual art and popular culture in the last 35 years, including debates around semiotics, modernism/postmodernism, feminism(s), postcolonialism, and the attendant politics of identities produced through structures of race, class, gender and sexual preferences/practices. Students will examine the emergence of new technologies and their use in art practices. Students will visit exhibition venues, including public museums and galleries, commercial galleries and artist run centres. Note: This is a seminar-based course.
Prerequisites:One of ARTH 1120 or 1121 or FINA 1165 or ENGL 1100 or by permission of the instructor
NOTE: Students may earn credit for only one of FINA 2147 and CUST 2147 as they are identical courses.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Digital Media: Interactive Art on the Web
Students will expand their knowledge of various digital software such as Photoshop™, Dreamweaver™, Director™ and Flash™. They will apply these programs to create artwork that will encompass digital stills, online work, installation, video and sound. Students will also learn to locate contemporary digital practices within the broader history of cultural production.
Prerequisites: FINA 1135
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Advanced Drawing I
Students will focus on developing their abilities to respond, in a personal and creative way, to the challenges of assignments. They will investigate and research alternative forms of expression as they develop and re-evaluate their work. To assist in this investigation, students will study contemporary trends in art and various artistic practices, both current and historical.
Prerequisites: FINA 1200
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Advanced Painting Studio I
Students will develop their abilities to respond in a self-directed manner to the challenges of painting assignments. They will investigate and research alternative forms of expression as they develop and re-evaluate their work. Students will study contemporary trends in art and various artistic practices, both current and historical, to assist in this process.
Prerequisites: FINA 1210
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Ceramics III
Students will build on existing skills and engage in personal research, experimentation and self-directed learning. They will use additional techniques such as slip casting and mural tile production with the goal of developing greater expression, originality, and a defined personal style.
Prerequisites: FINA 1230
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Sculpture III
Students will build on the materials and concepts explored in Sculpture I and Sculpture II. They will further develop and be challenged with projects which address craft, process, concepts, and materials. They will explore contemporary sculpture practices including the creation of independent sculptures and sculptural installations. Students will work within a framework of thematic and site-specific projects. They will explore assignments centred on advanced uses of the studio.
Prerequisites: FINA 1231
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Digital Media: Video and Installation
Students will expand their knowledge of various digital software such as Imovie™ and Photoshop™. They will also learn to use digital video software such as Final Cut Express™ in a lab setting. They will apply these programs to create artwork that will encompass online work, installation, video and sound. Students will also learn to locate contemporary digital practices within the broader history of cultural production
Prerequisites: FINA 1135 or permission of the instructor
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Print Media III
Students will continue to explore different techniques in both intaglio and screenprinting. They will investigate and research the possibilities of interdisciplinary approach to print in contemporary print context. Students will also develop their conceptual interests and visual language through assigned and self-directed projects.
Prerequisites: FINA 1242
Photography III
Students will study current themes and issues pertaining to contemporary photography. They will use various format cameras and photographic techniques to produce both digital and manual work. Students will work collaboratively to produce mural photography, and narrative and non-linear photographic sequences. They will produce a body of photo-based works that communicate personal concepts and ideas.
Prerequisites: FINA 1270
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Advanced Drawing II
Students will pursue and define their own personal approach to drawing in the field of contemporary art. They will conduct research and complete both assigned and self-directed projects. Students will lead discussions and critique the work of contemporary artists, as well as the work of their peers.
Prerequisites: FINA 2300
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Advanced Painting Studio II
Students will pursue and define their own approach to painting in the field of contemporary art. They will conduct research and complete both assigned and self-directed projects. Students will lead discussions and critique the work of contemporary artists, as well as the work of their peers.
Prerequisites: FINA 2310
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Ceramics IV
Students will concentrate on the integration of ceramic forms, surfaces, and materials in the development of a personal style and will aim for originality and expressiveness. They will set many of their own objectives within the framework of specific assignments and learn advanced firing techniques.
Prerequisites: FINA 2330
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Sculpture IV
Students will work with the material and technical possibilities afforded by the sculpture studios to develop independent projects under supervision of the instructor. The student and instructor will agree on timelines, material and conceptual research, and a detailed series of questions guiding the students’ inquiry. Students will initiate their own body of research and work closely with the instructor to develop work that encompasses a strong conceptual element as well as a focused material exploration. They will prepare for and generate class discussions.
Prerequisites: FINA 2331
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Print Media IV
Students will specialize in one or more print media to develop a portfolio of works. Building on independent work habits, students will examine ideas and practices in contemporary print media through assigned and self-initiated projects. They will investigate the possibilities of extending print media into multi-media prints, print-based installation or other art forms. They will develop an increased insight into their work and will improve their ability to articulate conceptual and critical issues in class discussions.
Prerequisites: FINA 2342
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Open Studio and Seminar I
Students will pursue and define individual and collaborative approaches to their art practice. They will be expected to develop artwork based on thematic assignments with the goal of understanding their own practice in relation to contemporary art production. Students are required to identify an area of practice to be developed. To assist in this investigation, students will study trends in art and various artistic practices, both contemporary and historical
Prerequisites: (Any 6 credits of FINA 2300, 2310, 2330, 2331, 2335, 2342, 2370 or 2400) and (FINA 1120 or 1121 or 1147 or ARTH 1120 or 1121) and ENGL 1100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Introduction to Curatorial Studies
Students will be engaged in discussions and workshops around various aspects of working in museum or gallery environments. They will explore the issues and procedures of mounting an exhibition which include organization, documentation, curatorial responsibilities, financial and budgetary matters, ethical and legal implications, and conservation of artwork. They will visit public art galleries and museums, artist-run centres, and alternative art exhibitions to analyze and respond to the theme and genre for those venues. Students are required to organize and curate an exhibition
Prerequisites: (Any 6 credits of FINA 2300, 2310, 2330, 2331, 2335, 2342, 2370 or 2400) and (FINA 1120 or 1121 or 1147 or ARTH 1120 or ARTH 1121) and ENGL 1100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Public Art: Theory and Practice
Students will explore, both in theory and in practice, the questions raised by public art. They will study the solutions offered by artists working in the field as well as the critical issues surrounding its diverse audience. Students will create a public art proposal exploring model making and other presentation methods for review by their peers.
Prerequisites: (Any 6 credits of FINA 2300, 2310, 2330, 2331, 2335, 2342, 2370 or 2400) and (ARTH 1120 or 1121 or FINA 1120 or 1121 or 1147) and ENGL 1100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide )
Advanced Digital Media: Open Studio 1
Students will pursue and define individual and collaborative approaches to their digital art practice. They will develop artwork based on thematic assignments with the goal of understanding their own practice in relation to contemporary art production. Students will work in a number of digital medias such as Photoshop™, Illustrator™, Dreamweaver™, Flash™, Premiere Pro™ and After Effects™.
Prerequisites: FINA 2235 or FINA 2335 or permission of the instructor
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Issues in Contemporary Art II
Students will expand their knowledge of issues in the field of contemporary art. They will explore principles of critical and cultural studies that inform contemporary art praxis.
Students will actively participate in this seminar-based course, which is structured around a series of required readings and facilitated discussions, supplemented by relevant slides, video and digital materials.Students will also go on local field trips to galleries, museums and artist run centres.
NOTE: Students may earn credit for only one of FINA 3147 and CUST 3147 as they are identical courses.
Prerequisites: FINA 2147/CUST 2147 or ARTH 2122 or 2222 or ANTH 2120
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Open Studio and Seminar II
Students will continue to pursue and define individual and collaborative approaches to their art practice and writing skills. They will be expected to develop artwork based on thematic assignments and also to identify an area of independent, self-directed work with the goal of understanding their own practice in relation to contemporary art production. To assist in this investigation, students will study trends in art and various artistic practices, both contemporary and historical.
Prerequisites: FINA 3100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Artistic Practice In The Community
Students will study the various forms and methods of introducing art, and issues surrounding art, into the community. They will formulate a plan and initiate an individual or group driven, community-based project, for which guidelines will be varied and tailored to each student's interests in the arts. Students might choose a commercial art project, long-term volunteer or committee work in the arts, a public art project, developing and teaching workshops, giving docent tours, and performing non-profit work relating to the arts.
Prerequisites: [FINA 3112 or (Any 6 credits of FINA 2300, 2310, 2330, 2331, 2335, 2342, 2370 or 2400)] and (FINA 1120 or 1121 or 1147 or ARTH 1120 or 1121) and ENGL 1100)
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Special Topics in Studio Arts
Students will engage in an intensive study of a special topic in studio arts chosen by the instructor. They will study the techniques of a particular art process and/or consider a topic from a specific thematic or conceptual approach.
Prerequisites: [(Any 6 credits of FINA 2300, 2310, 2330, 2331, 2335, 2342, 2370 or 2400)] and (FINA 1120 or 1121 or 1147 or ARTH 1120 or 1121) and ENGL 1100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Advanced Open Studio and Thesis I
Students will begin to develop a body of work in relation to their personal research. They are required to identify an area of practice to be developed, along with experimentation and innovation in different media and materials. Students will also focus their studio practice critically through reading, research and writing.
Prerequisites: FINA 3200 or by permission of the instructor
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)
Advanced Open Studio and Thesis II
Students will develop a substantial body of work based on personal research, with the goal of articulating their practice in relation to contemporary art production. They are required to identify an area of practice to be developed, which could include experimentation and innovation in different media and materials. Students will create a culminating body of work accompanied by a written thesis in which the intentions of the work are articulated and theorized.
Prerequisites: FINA 4300 or by permission of the instructor