Kwantlen University College


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Effective date of this calendar, unless otherwise indicated, is Sept. 1, 2002 to Aug. 31, 2003.

Fine Arts

FINA 1100 cr-3
Drawing I
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of drawing. It will emphasize an analytical, technical approach to the practice of drawing and introduce the student to a variety of mediums. These fundamentals will also be expanded to address broader areas of artistic expression in relation to contemporary art.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1110 cr-3
Painting I
This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of painting. While the course will focus on the basic, technical aspects of painting, it will also develop students' abilities to respond to projects in an imaginative, creative manner.
Corequisites: FINA 1100 or IDDS 1110
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1120 cr-3
History of Western Art: Prehistoric to Early Renaissance
This course provides an overview of the main achievements of Western art from the Prehistoric period to the early Renaissance in Europe. The course also traces the interrelationship between Art and the political, social, and technological developments of the period.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1121 cr-3
History of Western Art: Renaissance to 20th Century
This course provides an overview of the main achievements in Western art from the Renaissance to the 20th Century in Europe and North America. The course also traces the interrelationship between Art and the political, social and technological developments of the period.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1122 cr-3
History of Western Art: 1900 -1945
This course examines the main movements in Western art in the first half of the 20th century. The course also explores the effect on art of the various political, social and technological changes during the period. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between visual art and the arts of literature, music and film.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1124 cr-3
Non-Western Art
Students will study the history of art outside the traditional western perspective. They will explore important periods, styles and artistic traditions from a variety of ethnic, cultural, and historical contexts. Students will examine the political, religious and social issues informing and influencing the visual arts.

FINA 1130 cr-3
Ceramics I
This course covers the fundamentals of processes of handling and firing ceramic materials of different sizes, thicknesses and textures. The student will become familiar with basic techniques of clay preparation, joining, building, drying, glazing and firing while developing personal expression through form, colour and texture.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1131 cr-3
Introduction to Sculpture
Students will study the fundamental concepts, methods, and materials of contemporary sculpture. They will survey major movements in sculpture over the last century through slide lectures, demonstrations, and individual and group critiques. Students will integrate theory and practice through technical challenges presented by processes and materials.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1142 cr-3
Introduction Intaglio
FINA 1142 is an introduction to the art, theory and practice of both Drypoint and Intaglio. This course will be heavily weighted towards demonstration to ensure the student's thorough grasp of technical issues and competency in utilizing them. In the Printshop, students will be encouraged to learn from each other and contribute to the operation of the facility as a learning/working environment. Lectures will deal with both historical and contemporary issues and practices in printmaking.
Prerequisites: FINA 1144 or 1100
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1144 cr-3
Introduction to Printmaking
The course will commence with the most direct and least technically complex printmaking method, collograph, and move on to the more complex methods of silk screen, relief printmaking and etching. The definition of Fine Arts prints, as opposed to reproductions, will be discussed.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1145 cr-3
Monotype -The Painted Print
The study of monotypes readily incorporates the ethos of drawing and painting within the field of printmaking. This course will facilitate interdisciplinary study between these areas of study. The monotype process removes many of the technical biases associated with printmaking while acting as a conduit for study into other printmaking process.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1147 cr-3
Issues in Contemporary Art
Students will study contemporary issues in the visual arts at an introductory level. They will explore issues of local, national and international art practice and criticism from 1980 to the present.
Prerequisites: FINA 1121 with a C or better or FINA 1122 with a C or better.

FINA 1165 cr-3
Visual Language and Composition
This course is an introduction to the fundamental elements and principles of design through theory and application. Materials and function will be examined as design factors. The focus will be on design in two-dimensional media.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1166 cr-3
Color Theory and Practice
Students will learn the theory and uses of color in art and the contemporary environment. Students will gain practice in color mixing and manipulating color to produce specific visual effects.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1170 cr-3
Photography I
Students will be introduced to black and white photography. They will learn how to use a 35mm camera, film processing, basic darkroom techniques, and the use of natural light. They will develop a personal vision, individual thought processes and critiquing ability.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1200 cr-3
Drawing II
This course builds on the fundamentals of drawing learned in FINA 1100. It will continue to emphasize an analytical, technical approach to the practice of drawing in a variety of mediums. These fundamentals will also be expanded to address broader areas of artistic expression in relation to contemporary art.
Prerequisites: FINA 1100 or IDDS 1110
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1210 cr-3
Painting II
This course builds on the fundamentals of painting learned in FINA 1110. While the course will focus on the basic, technical aspects of painting, it will also develop students' abilities to respond to projects in an imaginative, creative manner. The course will address contemporary issues in painting and review various artistic styles, both current and historical.
Prerequisites: FINA 1110
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1222 cr-3
History of Western Art: 1945 to Present
Art forms from the latter half of the 20th Century are examined in this course, with special reference to principal movements and their exponents.
Prerequisites: FINA 1122
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1225 cr-3
Ideas, Theories and Techniques II Media Studies and Professional Practices
This course is a more detailed study of the concepts introduced in Ideas, Theories, and Techinques I (FINA 125). Emphasis is on the issues of Professional Practice and their relationship to the contemporary art environment. Major studio projects are assigned to give a practical understanding of these issues.
Prerequisites: FINA 1125
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1230 cr-3
Ceramics II
This course reviews and reinforces skills learned in Ceramics I, challenging the student to develop skills to a higher degree of sophistication and complexity. It will focus on developing complete control of the medium at this level and requires more responsibility for firing. Students will search for unusual approaches to and ways of using ceramic materials and will work toward defining their own personal style.
Prerequisites: FINA 1130
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1231 cr-3

Sculpture II
Students will investigate and debate a blend of traditional and non-traditional strategies for making sculpture. In addition to slide lectures, demonstrations, and individual and group critiques, they will use processes, materials, and display methods to reflect the complex nature of contemporary sculptural practice. Students will also use local resources such as libraries, galleries, and museums.
Prerequisites: FINA 1131
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1242 cr-3
Intermediate Intaglio
Students will continue to explore the techniques acquired in FINA 1142. Using their own imagery and in consultation with the instructor, they will employ these techniques to produce editioned suite of five prints.
Prerequisites: FINA 1142
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1244 cr-3
Exploring Printmaking
Students will develop at least four major projects using both previously gained skills and new techniques. They will participate in experimentation, invention and individual research.
Prerequisites: FINA 1144 or permission of Instructor
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1265 cr-3
Form, Structure and Materials
Students will study the fundamental principles of design, focusing on three-dimensional space. They will explore the significance of form, purpose, and materials to the overall design. Assignments will be based on design problems in the students' environment.
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 1270 cr-3
Photography II
Students will be introduced to archival printing processes on fiber-based paper. They will continue to investigate the effects of natural and artificial light on photographic imagery. Stduents will visit galleries and perform individual research on photographic artists and they will continue their personal development through a variety of projects.
Prerequisites: FINA 1170
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2300 cr-3
Drawing III
This course will focus on developing the student's abilities to respond, in a personal and creative way, to the challenges of drawing assignments. Student will be required to investigate and research alternative forms of expression as they continue to develop and re-evaluate their own style. To assist in this investigation, the course will address contemporary trends in art and various artistic styles, both current and historical.
Prerequisites: FINA 1200
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2310 cr-3
Painting III
This course will focus on developing student's abilities to respond, in a unique and creative way to the challenges of assignments. Students will be required to investigate and research alternative forms of expression as they continue to develop and re-evaluate their own style. To assist in this investigation the course will address contemporary trends in art and various artistic styles both current and historical.
Prerequisites: FINA 1210
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2330 cr-3
Ceramics III
This course builds on skills developed in Ceramics II and emphasizes personal research, experimentation and self-directed learning. Additional techniques of slip casting and mural tile production with the goal of developing greater expression, originality and personal style will also be covered.
Prerequisites: FINA 1230
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2331 cr-3
Sculpture III
Students will study sculpture within the framework of site-specific projects. They will generate ideas from the characteristics of a site, drawing on their particular interests in processes and materials. Assignments will frequently be collaborative in nature and centered on extensive use of the studio. Students will be expected to prepare for critiques.
Prerequisites: FINA 1231
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2365 cr-3
Design III
Students will study the use of design elements and principles in the built environment. They will focus on developing and applying skills of problem solving, design planning, and fabrication techniques to product design.
Prerequisites: One of FINA 1165, 1130, 1131 or 1125 and one of FINA 1265, 1230, 1231 or 1225
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2400 cr-3
Drawing IV
This course will build on skills acquired in FINA to develop the student's abilities to explore personal, experimental approaches in drawing. Students will be required to investigate and research alternative forms of expression as they continue to develop and re-evaluate their own style. To assist in this investigation the course will address contemporary trends in art and various artistic types, both current and historical.
Prerequisites: FINA 2300
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2410 cr-3
Painting IV
This course will focus on developing student's abilities to explore personal, experimental approaches in painting. Students will be required to investigate and research alternative forms of expression as they continue to develop and re-evaluate their own style. To assist in this investigation the course will address contemporary trends in art and various artistic styles, both current and historical.
Prerequisites: FINA 2310
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2430 cr-3
Ceramics IV
This course emphasizes the integration of ceramic forms, surfaces and materials in the development of a personal style, and focuses on originality and expressiveness. Students set many of their own objectives within the framework of specific assignments and learn advanced firing techniques.
Prerequisites: FINA 2330
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2431 cr-3
Sculpture IV
Students will pursue a personal study of sculpture, working on self-directed projects under supervision of the instructor. The student and instructor will agree on timelines, material and conceptual research, and a detailed series of questions guiding the students' inquiry. Students will use critiques and input from instructors to guide the evolution of their projects. They will prepare for and generate class discussions.
Prerequisites: FINA 2331
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

FINA 2465 cr-3
Design IV
Students will study basic design concepts and procedures relating to successful design problem solving. They will develop specific designs in their areas of concentrated study chosen in FINA 2365.
Prerequisites: FINA 2365
Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

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