June 2024 Convocation Student Awards

Governor General’s Silver Academic Medal

Amie Orsetti

Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Major in Psychology
Tuesday, June 11 - Morning Ceremony

Completing her Bachelor of Arts, Major in Psychology in 2024 marked the end of a 13-year journey for Amie Orsetti that began when she originally enrolled at KPU in 2011. Having gone directly from high school to post- secondary, Amie decided to put her studies on pause to work, travel and find herself. She would return to KPU several years later but due to a tragic apartment fire had to withdraw from studies again due to financial hardship.

In 2021 Amie returned as a motivated mature student dedicated to pursuing an education and career in mental health. Her thesis exploring the links between temperament, attachment and emotional mindset beliefs received a Certificate of Excellence from the Canadian Psychological Association.

Amie has been accepted into the University of British Columbia’s Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology program, where she will continue her studies in September 2024. Amie’s goal is to eventually work with children in pediatric palliative care, and their siblings, to help them navigate the extreme emotional challenges they face.

At KPU Amie achieved academic excellence in her courses and worked at the Matsuba Applied Development Lab. This applied lab lets students engage in independent research under the supervision of Dr. M. Kyle Matsuba. As a volunteer lab manager, she helped with student recruitment and organization, and coordinated the Canadian team of the Uganda Wang Oo Relit Project, which focused on helping youth from exceptionally difficult backgrounds.

Amie also worked at Dr. Daniel Bernstein’s Lifespan Cognition Lab as a volunteer lab assistant, where she assisted with planning and designing study structure and data analysis. In October 2023 Amie began volunteering at Canuck Place Children’s Hospice where she provides companionship and support to children in pediatric palliative care.

Amie has never been more confident in her future and attributes that to the psychology and counselling faculty at KPU who challenged her to think critically about her future while providing her with the opportunities to gain the hands-on experience and tools she needs to make the career of her dreams a reality.

Governor General’s Collegiate Bronze Academic Medal

Kelly Kyer

Diploma, Business Administration
Friday, June 14 - Morning Ceremony

As a mature student, Kelly Kyer is driven by a passion to make a positive impact on society. Kelly enrolled in KPU’s Diploma in Business Administration program where she excelled academically, and upon graduating, plans to continue her educational journey with the goal of starting a career in law.

Her passion arises from overcoming many obstacles in her youth, including having to make the difficult decision to leave home at 14 years old and struggling with physical, mental and drug abuse. Kelly’s journey to overcoming all the barriers in her way has fuelled her unwavering dedication to making positive change by helping those in need and inspiring her peers to achieve success.

At KPU, Kelly worked diligently to cultivate an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere where her peers feel valued, respected and inspired to express themselves. Kelly has served as a peer tutor and actively engaged in various leadership roles with student organizations where she worked to promote active participation that encourages dialogue and mutual understanding among students and team members at KPU. Her leadership in the classroom, on campus and in the community demonstrates her commitment to supporting her peers and colleagues to overcome any obstacles on the path to achieving their goals.

Kelly commits a significant amount of her time outside of the classroom to volunteer opportunities that align with her passion for human rights and the legal field. Those volunteer roles include assisting with pro-bono human rights cases, casework and research for Steele Law Corporation, a Vancouver criminal law firm.

Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Inclusion, Democracy and Reconciliation

Kayla MacInnis

Bachelor of Arts, Major in Journalism, Minor in Creative Writing
Wednesday, June 12 - Afternoon Ceremony

Kayla MacInnis came to KPU to make her dream of working as a writer a reality. Earning her Bachelor of Journalism with a Minor in Creative Writing, she is the first in her family to graduate from a post-secondary institution.

A responsibility she doesn’t carry lightly.

A displaced Polish/Ukrainian and Scottish settler on her mother’s side and Métis from the Red River settlement on her father’s, Kayla has made countless valuable contributions to her instructors and classmates, keeping them aware of the realities of reconciliation and the importance of BIPOC and 2SLGBTQIA+ perspectives.

Working as a freelance reporter, Kayla is deeply committed to amplifying voices and shedding light on pressing issues. She focuses on stories encompassing human rights, biodiversity and climate change, as well as cultural and arts stories. Her work is recognized through numerous bylines and photo credits in esteemed publications such as IndigiNews, the Globe and Mail, and The Narwhal, among others.

Community is critical to Kayla, who understands the importance of reciprocity. Originally hailing from Saskatoon, you’ll often find her doing shoreline cleanups or helping in soup kitchens. Closer to KPU, Kayla has volunteered with the Indigenous Student Council and worked as a student assistant for Dr. Aislinn Hunter’s Advanced and Innovative Research Techniques for Creative Writing class.

She has also volunteered with Special Bird Service, Raincoast Conservation, Indigenous Women at Sea, Sea Smart School, Plastic Oceans Canada, Indigenous Women Outdoors, Vancouver Pride Society, SAD Magazine, Growing Room Literary & Arts Festival, Vancouver Writers Festival, and Capture Photography Festival.

A Jack Webster award-winning student journalist, Kayla plans to take her love of storytelling back into the classroom. Her next dream is to become a university instructor with the goal of one day achieving her PhD. And she’s well on her way, having been accepted into a Master of Arts in English at SFU.

President’s Outstanding Graduate Award

Maimoona Rahman

Bachelor of Arts, Double Minor in Creative Writing and Criminology
Tuesday, June 11 - Morning Ceremony

Maimoona Rahman is graduating with a bachelor of arts, completing a double minor in creative writing and criminology. She looks forward to pursuing her education degree and becoming a teacher.

Maimoona’s motivation to become a teacher stems from a sense of responsibility to her community. From a young age, learning was her favourite part of the day, instilling a sense of purpose. Now, she aspires to use that passion to encourage other students to pursue their goals and unlock their potential.

At KPU, Maimoona is the president of the Muslim Student Association. Under her leadership, the number of members dramatically increased, making it one of the most active clubs at the university. She fostered a welcoming environment and passionately planned club events that enriched the student community. She hopes that her dedication inspires students to be courageous and take on leadership roles.

Outside KPU, Maimoona is a devoted volunteer, dedicating her time to tutoring young students at a non-profit organization. She was also the teaching assistant at the Traditional Learning Academy where she witnessed first-hand the impact that educators have on the future generation of students.


Maimoona’s volunteer work extends beyond her local community. She volunteered with international aid and development charities where she raised awareness and funds to address humanitarian needs for children.

Excelling in post-secondary education is Maimoona’s way of standing up for the importance of education for under-represented women and girls, drawing inspiration from her Pakistani Canadian heritage.

Maimoona’s academic performance as a student at KPU was exceptional. Her passion and commitment to learning are evident and represent her unwavering dedication to becoming a future educator. Maimoona believes the impact of teachers truly goes beyond the classroom — that they can change a student’s life.

Rajmale Kaur

Diploma, Computer Information Systems
Thursday, June 13 - Afternoon Ceremony

Rajmale Kaur came to Canada in November 2021 and became a student in the Computer Information Systems program at KPU. Since then, she’s made the Dean’s Honour Roll three times and was recognized with the KPU Student Leadership Award in 2023 and 2024 and the EC Managed IT Coop Award in 2024.

Passionate about community impact, Rajmale advocates for students on the KPU Senate as well as represents younger workers at the BC Federation of Labour. She also volunteered her time at the office of the Member of Parliament for Surrey-Newton, deepening her dedication to serving people around her.

Rajmale’s dedication and passion for others inspired her to create a workshop tailored to empowering young girls and guiding them in discovering meaningful career paths.

Her desire to support others sparked other interests. During her time at KPU, Rajmale collaborated with the Kwantlen Student Association to organize events focused on mental health awareness.

Rajmale played a key role in developing the Introduction to Academic Integrity Tutorial at KPU, where she appears in videos sharing her student perspective and guiding students through available resources.

Her outstanding performance during co-op placement resulted in being offered a full-time position of Learning Technology Senior Analyst at the Teaching and Learning Commons, highlighting the impact she has made with students and faculty alike. Rajmale aspires to play a vital role in the ongoing evolution of education through technology. Her goal is to contribute to the development and implementation of advanced technology in education.

Inspired by the profound impact education has had on her own life, Rajmale strives to make a meaningful difference and inspire innovative initiatives within educational institutions.

George C. Wootton Award

Van Nguyen

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Thursday, June 13 - Morning Ceremony

Enrolled in the Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Operations and Supply Chain Management, Van Nguyen knows a thing or two about dedication and service. Having grown up in Vietnam, worked in Japan as an export coordinator, and learned about smart manufacturing in Germany, Van has gained a unique perspective on how to run an effective system, delivering what people need in the best way possible.

She brings this same service-driven mindset to her volunteer work, on and off campus. As a volunteer facilitator at the YMCA’s Guide to High School Program, Van helped prepare elementary school students for their high school journey. Through this initiative, she’s made a positive impact on the lives of those students transitioning to high school, while fostering a supportive learning environment and imparting valuable life skills.

On campus, Van is the President of the Operation and Technical Management student club. She’s taken a proactive approach to leadership and has an innate ability to foster strong connections with industry professionals, resulting in growth of the club’s membership and impact. She’s organized a variety of professional, social, and academic events, enhancing the club’s reputation, and providing valuable opportunities for its members.

In addition to all the other academic and extracurricular activities she does, Van is not only on the verge of starting a new career but is building a new life for herself in Canada. While relocating to another country was challenging, she’s grateful to the community she’s found at KPU for giving her the industry connections and knowledge she needs to be successful but also for motivating and encouraging her to continually improve herself.

Dean's Medal

Jessica Griffith

Citation in Employment and Community Studies
Wednesday, June 12 - Afternoon Ceremony

Jessica Griffith graduated from the Employment and Community Studies (EACS) program last year and gave the graduation address at her KPU Convocation ceremony in June 2023. She chose the EACS program because it was the only program that she knew of that catered to the needs of those with diverse abilities.

In September 2023, Jessica began the EACS Entrepreneurial pilot program and also started working as KPU Student Ambassador for the EACS program in the Future Students Office. In the fall she plans to study sociology as part of the Including All Citizens Pathway (IACP) program at KPU.

Jessica is a champion for accessibility and inclusion and goes above and beyond in supporting her peers. This is reflected in her social entrepreneurial projects that involve facilitating accessible study spaces and providing advocacy and support for students with disabilities. Jessica has a growing interest in governance and served as campaign manager for KSA Students with Disabilities representative Lesli Sangha.

Outside the walls of university, Jessica enjoys riding her bike on forest trails, or just curling up with a good book and enjoying the company of her pet kitten.

Joshua Millard

Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology
June 2024

Joshua Millard has always been interested in the relationship between crime and psychology, so studying criminology at KPU was an easy choice. Graduating with Distinction, the Dean’s Award demonstrates the hard work and countless hours of effort Joshua put in to complete his education.

Joshua has been recognized by the Department of Criminology for his excellent contributions in two key ways. First, Joshua received the Community Engagement Award from the KPU Criminology Department Student Recognition Awards last year. Second, he received the department’s Academic Achievement Award.

Faculty have praised Joshua for his incredible commitment to his courses, his exceptional public speaking skills, and his accomplishments during his practicum placement. Joshua is known for dedicating himself to meeting his goals — and not losing focus until such targets are met.

An exemplary KPU graduate, Joshua plans to continue his education in pursuit of a career as a lawyer. Travel is a passion for Joshua, who also enjoys watching TV in his spare time, along with reading, painting, cooking, and spending time with his friends and fiancée.

Jasmit Kahlon

Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Tuesday, June 11 - Afternoon Ceremony

Jasmit Kahlon knew she wanted a career in which she could help people. That led her to the field of nursing. Throughout her studies in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at KPU, Jasmit has proved to be a brilliant and exemplary student. Jasmit enrolled at KPU after a positive experience with the university in high school. While completing her secondary studies, she participated in the High School on Campus program, allowing her to complete a university course during her senior year.

Throughout her journey at KPU, Jasmit appreciated the small class sizes and the ample one-on-one opportunities to learn from KPU’s experienced instructors. A keen learner, she looked for opportunities to enhance her portfolio and better the quality of care she delivered to her clients. A good friend to her classmates, who looked up to her for advice and assistance when they were faced with challenges and struggles, Jasmit focused her attention on resolving issues and moving ahead. A true leader, she would step up and voice student concerns so they could be addressed, and her classmates benefitted because of her efforts.

Today Jasmit is working as a nurse in an emergency department within the Fraser Health region. She is continuing her education in specialized emergency nursing studies and is hoping to complete her master’s degree in nursing in the future, with an eye on teaching.

Outside of caring for others in her health care role, Jasmit enjoys getting outdoors, trying new restaurants with friends, reading romance novels and going to the gym.

Erwin Francis Yamzon

Bachelor of Science, Major in Applications of Mathematics
Friday, June 14 - Morning Ceremony

Erwin Francis Yamzon always loved math and computers as a child. Over the years, this passion didn’t wane, and he frequently found himself tutoring friends and family on these subjects. While preparing to enter university, Erwin saw KPU’s program as the perfect combination of the things he loved, and to his delight, it met all his expectations.

Throughout his time at KPU, Erwin was an outstanding student. He received the highest GPA in the faculty for a degree student. That’s all the more remarkable because of the difficulty level of mathematics. His instructors were impressed by the high quality of work he submitted and noted that he clearly understood what the instructors were trying to capture with each assignment.

Erwin found it fun to learn the applications of mathematics through programming languages and algorithms — as well as learning the theories behind them. Undoubtedly, Erwin is at the beginning of what will be an exceptional and impactful career. He currently is working as a research assistant for KPU’s Institute for Sustainable Horticulture. In this role, he is responsible for analyzing experimental data for a variety of projects.

Erwin’s other interests include reading books — particularly in the sci-fi and fantasy genres, playing video games and playing board games with friends.

Caitlyn Auger

Citation in Parts, Warehousing, Logistics and Distribution
June 2024

Enrolled in the Citation in Parts, Warehousing, Logistics and Distribution program at KPU, Caitlyn Auger was an engaged, enthusiastic team player throughout the program. Caitlyn received exceptional marks and took time to be a supportive classmate, patiently helping to mentor her classmates.

She chose to study at KPU because of the online delivery of the 20-week program, which prepares students for employment in the parts and service industry. Students in the program learn various techniques in inventory management, ordering, billing, identification, processes and customer service — and Caitlyn was a standout.

Caitlyn exemplified the three A’s of the Faculty of Trades and Technology Dean’s Award with perfect attendance, an impressive attitude and outstanding academics.

Outside the classroom and the workplace, Caitlyn has various interests, including her dogs, family, friends, gardening, movies and working out.

Jamie Verschoor

Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management
June 2024

Jamie Verschoor is an outstanding student, demonstrating remarkable proficiency in critical thinking and strategic human resources theory and practice. Her exceptional application of these concepts is evident in the well-thought-out, well-written, and well-developed product she produced for her client in her practicum course and has been seen by all her instructors throughout the program.

The field of human resources interests Jamie because it blends business concepts with human relations, and she welcomes the opportunity to have a positive impact on organizations and their people. She was drawn to KPU’s program because of its hands-on, practical learning. Another appeal? How the program positioned Jamie to become accredited with the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of BC & Yukon (CPHR).

Jamie exhibits a genuine interest in her studies and actively engages in class discussions, showcasing exemplary teamwork and communication skills. Her caring demeanour towards peers, coupled with her professionalism, sets a great example for others. Jamie’s proactive approach to learning and career development, coupled with her willingness to assist others, exemplifies her dedication and sincerity.

Today, Jamie is working in a junior human resources position for a logistics company. Outside of work she enjoys reading fiction books, going on long walks and checking out craft breweries.

Alyssa Scott

Bachelor of Interior Design (Honours)
Wednesday, June 12 - Afternoon Ceremony

An exceptional student and designer who has performed consistently at the top of her class throughout her entire degree, Alyssa Scott has made the Dean’s Honour Roll in all her years at KPU. Alyssa chose KPU’s program because of its reputation, Council for Interior Design Accreditation, and its conveniently located campus.

She’s made significant contributions to the profession of interior design, winning multiple awards in hospitality and millwork design, and innovation in design thinking. A strong volunteer spirit compelled her to donate her time outside of school as well as share her knowledge with classmates and peers generously. She served as class representative for several years, and in the Associate Dean Search and Design Research and Graduate committees. Alyssa is a resilient fighter even in the face of difficult circumstances. Instructors appreciated her happy disposition in class, and her contagious, positive attitude.

Today Alyssa is working as a junior designer at a Vancouver-based interior design studio that serves residential and commercial clients. Her other interests include drawing and sketching, baking, sewing and long walks with her husband and dog.

Alumni Awards

Kevin Kokoska

Tuesday, June 11 - Morning Ceremony

Kev Kokoska is a counsellor and social entrepreneur dedicated to making mental health accessible to all. In his work, Kev focuses on mental health care, mainly for incarcerated men and communities typically unable to afford counselling services.

Kev earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from KPU in 2010. During his time at the university, he won the President’s Award for combined excellence in athletics and academics. He developed an educational tool for coaches and athletes called “Depression in Collegiate Athletes,” winning the British Columbia Psychological Association (BCPA) award for Most Outstanding Outreach Project. He also volunteered with the BCPA to create an early intervention checklist to educate coaches on mental health risks in amateur athletes.

Kev is committed to making counselling affordable. During the pandemic, he challenged this by cofounding Phare, a platform that matches counsellors and clients using a pay-what-feels-fair system.

Driven by a desire to give back to the community and raise awareness about mental health, Kev has spent five years teaching the Family and Community Counselling program at Native Education College. He also established a pre-therapy practice aimed at those beginning their journey to self-awareness. This practice focuses on educating individuals and providing them with the tools needed for self-care.

Kev tries to address gaps in the mental health care system with creativity and innovation. While pursuing his master’s degree at the University of British Columbia, he discovered a passion for acting. He leveraged this interest by writing several one-person plays, a unique approach to educating people on self-awareness and the importance of mental health. He further expanded his interest by studying documentary filmmaking while pursuing his PhD in interdisciplinary mental health.

Kev’s limitless enthusiasm and ability to apply his education and professional skills to improve systems and create opportunities for others are commendable.

Dr. Yongjie Yon

Friday, June 14 - Morming Ceremony

Yongjie Yon is an expert in healthy aging committed to raising awareness and changing the narrative about age and aging. Earning his bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2007, Yongjie is the Technical Lead for the Ageing and Health program at the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe in Copenhagen, Denmark. His work focuses on supporting 53 member states in promoting healthy aging through national strategy development. This includes spearheading campaigns against ageism and elder abuse, as well as crafting age-friendly initiatives to enhance the health and well-being of older individuals.

Yongjie’s interest for aging was ignited during his time at KPU, particularly under the guidance of his psychology professor, the late Dr. Larry Anderson. Working as a research assistant to Dr. Anderson, they conducted the first study in B.C. on ageism. Building on this foundation, Yongjie pursued further education, obtaining a master’s degree in gerontology from Simon Fraser University and a PhD from the University of Southern California.

Driven by his commitment to enhancing the lives of older individuals, Yongjie has served as a research and policy analyst with the Canadian government on aging policies, advocating for evidence-informed decision making on issues such as elder abuse, retirement income and mental health of older persons. He actively participates in international conferences and symposiums, sharing insights and promoting innovative approaches to healthy aging.

Beyond his professional endeavours, Yongjie is passionate about bridging the generational gap between older persons and youth, advocating for a life-course approach to healthy aging. He believes that the journey to living longer and healthier lives starts early in life. In his spare time, Yongjie actively volunteers with the Soka Gakkai International, a Buddhist organization dedicated to peace, culture and education. He engages with youth in North America and Europe empowering them to believe in themselves and take purposeful action grounded in compassion.

Yongjie is an advocate for healthy aging and a leader in his field. His work not only focuses on developing policies to enhance the health and well-being of older persons but also on educating younger generations about the importance of health for the long term.