City of Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw No. 2400-2014 Agricultural Zone A1

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, composting, farm retail/farm gate sales, farm worker accommodation, food processing, livestock, residential development, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage; See document for siting and coverage regulations in Agricultural Zones. 210.3-210.4
development and productive use of agricultural land;

residential development;


An Accessory Family Residential Use:

a. shall only be permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 3.8 ha;

b. shall only be permitted on lots in the Agricultural Land Reserve;

c. shall be located on a lot that is classified as “farm” under the B.C. Assessment Act;

d. shall be limited to one dwelling unit for such use per farm operation, provided the total number of dwelling units, excluding Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use Buildings, will not exceed two dwelling units per farm operation;

e. on a farm operation consisting of one lot, may be located on the same lot as a Single Detached Dwelling;

f. on a farm operation consisting of two or more lots, at least one of which is unoccupied and all of which are owned by the owner of the farm operation and managed as a farm operation, may be located on the same lot as a Single Detached Dwelling, subject to prior registration of a restrictive covenant in favour of the City against the titles of the unoccupied lot or lots and of the lot containing the two dwelling units agreeing that no dwelling unit shall be constructed on the unoccupied lot or lots while more than one dwelling unit remains on the other lot;

g. where permitted in the form of a manufactured home, shall be placed on a non-permanent foundation without Basement excavation;

h. shall not be contained within, or attached to, a Building or structure used for a Single Detached Dwelling;

i. shall only be permitted: i. where the owner of the farm operation is a resident on the same lot where the Accessory Family Residential Use is to be located. In the case of a corporation, the owner shall be one of the directors of the corporation; ii. where a statutory declaration is deposited with the City setting out the conditions of the City’s consent, subject to annual renewal prior to the anniversary date of the approval of such use;

development and productive use of agricultural land; farm worker accommodation;

.4 An Accessory Full-Time Employee Residential Use:

a. shall only be permitted on lots within the Agricultural Land Reserve;

b. shall be located on a lot that is classified as "farm" under the B.C. Assessment Act;

c. shall be limited to one dwelling unit for such use per farm operation provided the total number of dwelling units, excluding Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use Buildings, will not exceed two dwelling units per farm operation;...See document for additional regualtions related to Accessory Full-Time Employee Use.

j. shall only be permitted where:

i. the owner of the farm operation is a resident on the same lot where the Accessory Full-Time Employee Residential Use is to be located, and an adult member of the owner’s immediate family works full-time on the farm operation. In the case of a corporation, the owner shall be one of the directors of the corporation. Despite the above, where a lot line realignment or lot consolidation results in a reduction in the number of contiguous lots in a farm operation and the two dwelling units have already been legally constructed and qualify as either a Single Detached Dwelling or an Accessory Full-Time Employee Residential Use, the owner of the farm operation need not reside on the farm operation;

ii. a statutory declaration is deposited with the City setting out the City’s conditions of consent;

iii. the resident employee is employed a minimum of 35 hours per week averaged over each month; and

iv. the minimum established level of operation on the farm operation meets or is equivalent to the following standards: ... See document for standards.


development and productive use of agricultural land; farm worker accommodation;

.5 An Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use shall:

a. only be permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 3.8 ha;

b. only be permitted on lots within the Agricultural Land Reserve; c. be located on a lot that is classified as “farm” under the B.C. Assessment Act,

d. be limited to a maximum floor area of 200 m² for such use per farm operation, except that where the owner of a farm operation can document by ownership records or copies of leases registered in the Land Title Office that the subject berry or vegetable farm operation is at least 40 ha in size, a maximum of 300 m² for an Accessory Seasonal Employee Residential Use per farm operation shall be permitted; and ....See document for additional regulations related accessory seasonal employrr residential use.

food processing, storage and distribution; food processing;

.6 An Accessory Processing Use shall only be permitted:

a. where approved by the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission;

b. where the Buildings and structures housing such use together do not exceed 2,000 m² in floor area; and

c. where associated unenclosed storage, including storage of drums, flats, and other containers, does not cover a lot area exceeding the floor area of the Buildings and structures housing the Accessory processing use.

food sales, access and procurement; farm retail/gate sales;

.7 Buildings and structures for Farm Retail Sales shall be:

a. limited to one per farm operation; and b. have a maximum floor area of 300 m2 , including both indoor and outdoor sales and display areas.

food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales;


.8 Buildings and structures for a winery shall:

a. be permitted only where licensed by the Province of British Columbia;

b. be permitted where: i. at least 50% of that farm product is grown on the farm on which the winery is located; or ii. the farm that grows the farm products used to produce wine or cider is more than 2 hectares in area, and, unless otherwise authorized with the Agricultural Land Commission, at least 50% of the total farm product for processing is provided under a minimum 3 year contract from a farm in B.C.;

c. be limited to a maximum area for sampling, food and beverage service, retail wine display and sales of 125 m2 indoors and 125 m2 outdoors, and may include picnic areas Accessory to a winery use.

economic development; agri-tourism

.9 Buildings and structures for Agri-Tourism shall:

a. be limited to 300 m2 in area, excluding exterior activity areas;

b. be limited to a catered food and beverage service where farm products from the farm operation are highlighted;

c. exclude permanent commercial kitchen facilities;

d. be limited to a total of 10 months of any calendar year;

e. provide within the lot, parking for all visitors; and f. not exceed 100 m2 in area where utilized for biodiversity conservation, passive recreation, heritage, wildlife and scenery view purposes, as long as the area occupied by

food production; livestock;

.10 An Agricultural Use consisting of the keeping of swine:

a. shall only be permitted on a lot with a minimum lot area of 8.0 ha;

b. shall be provided with a manure storage facility with sufficient capacity to contain all manure generated from the swine operation over a minimum period of four months;

c. shall be provided with a mechanical ventilation system for all Buildings and structures housing swine;

d. existing on the date of adoption of this Bylaw, may be expanded provided such expansion is in accordance with section 210.3.4; and

e. shall ensure that all new development maintain a minimum 500 m minimum separation distance between the nearest points of any Building, structure, facility or enclosure used for the storage of swine, including manure storage facilities for the storage of swine manure and the Urban Area Boundary as shown within the Official Community Plan.

waste management;



.11 The area used for processing of livestock wastes into garden compost shall not exceed 465 m 2 per farm operation. 210.7.11
food processing, storage and distribution; food processing; See document for regulations for Agricultural and Resource Processing Zone. section 230
food processing, storage and distribution; food processing;

See document for regulations for Agricultural and  Produce Processing Zone 

section 240
food processing, storage and distribution; agricultural industry services;

See document for regulations for Agricultural and Farm Industrial Zone

section 250
waste management;



See document for regulations for Agricultural and Commercial Mushroom Composting Zone

section 260

Note: While all agricultural Zones (A1-A6) contain Conditions of Use regulations, only those is the A1 Agricultural Zone (section 210) are identified here due to the similarity of these regulations across all agricultural zones. See complete zoning document for Conditions of Use pertaining to each agricultural zone.  



City of Abbotsford Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2016, Part 3, Section 6 Agricultural Policies

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Food Self Reliance, Policy Partnerships, Advocacy & Development, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): beekeeping/apiculture, covenants, endowment fund, farm retail/farm gate sales, food distribution, food processing, livestock, local food culture, partnerships/advocacy/liaising, pollinators, research and data collection, urban farm, waste to energy, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic  Policy or Policy excerpt Document Location Language Rating
food system policy partnerships, advocacy and development process; partnerships/advocacy/liaising; Continue to work with the Agricultural Land Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture to develop up-to-date regulations to enable agriculture to grow and thrive.  6.1;  

development and productive use of agricultural land;

economic development;

endowment fund;

research and data collection;


Implement the Agricultural Enhancement Endowment Fund (‘Ag Trust Fund’) by requiring a $20,000 per acre contribution for land that is rezoned in the area identified on Map 16. Consider expanding the Ag Trust Fund program to further support agricultural research, innovation, and farm practices.  6.2; *

food processing, storage & distribution;

economic development;

food processing; Encourage a thriving and innovative agricultural sector by supporting value-added agri-businesses in appropriate locations, including directing agri-processing facilities to specific areas.  6.3; *
economic development; research and data collection; Support and showcase agricultural enterprise, research, and best practices.  6.4;  

economic development;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

  Support the agricultural sector by preserving the agricultural land base, marketing the industry, and supporting local and regional initiatives to protect and further develop the local food industry and culture.  6.6; *

food processing, storage & distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

waste management;

food processing;

food distribution;

local food culture;

waste to energy;

Support a thriving food system throughout the city, including local production, processing, distribution, celebration, consumption, nutrient recovery, and waste to energy.  6.7; *
  research and data collection; Identify rural centres to enable support services for the rural farming community. 6.8; *

food sales, access and procurement;

urban agriculture;

urban farm;

farm retail/farm gate sales

Enable the production and sale of food throughout the urban area by developing urban agriculture guidelines and permitting small scale, commercial urban food gardens 6.9; *

urban agriculture;

food self reliance;

food production;





Consider supporting additional urban agriculture activities that encourage self sufficiency such as keeping bees in the urban area.  6.10;  


City of Vernon Zoning Bylaw #5000, Agricultural Zones in ALR

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, food processing, farm retail/farm gate sales, ALR, siting and coverage

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
development and productive use of agricultural land;

siting and coverage;


See document for coverage and siting regualtions in Agriculture Zones within the ALR.

food procesing, storage and distribution;

food processing;


Farm and animal products processing is allowed provided that a minimum of 50% of the products are produced on-site. 8.1.6
food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales;


Agricultural and garden stands selling produce grown on the site or another site operated by the same producer do not have a maximum area. The maximum gross floor area of stands selling produce that is produced off-site shall be 50.0m2 . For sites within the Agricultural Land Reserve, the maximum gross floor area of agricultural and garden sales for produce off-site shall be lesser of 33% of the total floor area of the agricultural or garden stand or 50.0m2 . 8.1.6
economic development; agri-tourism; Agri-tourist accommodation shall not be located on lots smaller than 2.0ha (5 acres) in size and shall not exceed 10 bedrooms, campsites or recreational vehicle pads.  8.1.6

Regulations included above are for section 8.1 Agriculture within the ALR (A1). See complete zoning bylaw for other agricultural zoning regulations including large and small holdings outside of the ALR (A2).

District of Saanich Zoning Bylaw 8200

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Sales, Access & Procurement

Sub-topic(s): demonstration farm, farmers' markets, food distribution, food processing, food storage, siting and coverage, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location
development and productive use of agricultural land; siting and coverage;

See document for siting and coverage of buildings and structures for agriculture, single family dwelling and accessory uses. 1 

101.3 - 101.7 ; 125.4-125.8
education demonstration farm; See document for regulations of Rural Demonstration Farm Zone (A-1DF).2 schedule 103
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets See document for regulations of Rural Zone Farm Market Zone (A-3). schedule 120

food processing, storage and distribution;

food sales, access and procurement;

food distribution;

food storage5;

See document for regulations of Rural Commercial Zone (C-1R).3 schedule 812
food processing, storage and distribution;

food storage5;

food processing;

See document for regulations of Food Processing Zone (M-5). schedule 925

1 The majority of rural parcels in the District of Saanich are covered in the A1 and A4 zones, section 101 and 125 respectively. Reference:Food and Agriculture Policies and Regulations,  District of Saanich, retrieved December 2016 from

2 " In 2006, the Capital Regional District transferred a piece of land zoned Utility (P-2) to the District of Saanich for the purpose of local sustainable agriculture. The District of Saanich rezoned the piece of land as Rural Zone (Demonstration Farm)(A-1DF). This land is now leased to the Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society, and is home to the Haliburton Community Organic Farm. The Society rents land to three farm businesses."  Reference: The Land Conservancy of BC, BC’s Farming and Food Future: Local Government Toolkit for Sustainable Food Production, published December 2009, retrieved December 2016.

3 "The C-18 Rural Commercial Zone was created to recognize the activities required for the sale and distribution of local agricultural products to the community."  Reference:Food and Agriculture Policies and Regulations,  District of Saanich, retrieved December 2016 from

4 "The zoning bylaw permits food processing (and warehousing) in the M-5 Zone but not Rural Zones. "  Reference:Food and Agriculture Policies and Regulations,  District of Saanich, retrieved December 2016 from

5 Warehousing is a permitted use in most industrial zones as well as select commercial zones. Reference:Food and Agriculture Policies and Regulations,  District of Saanich, retrieved December 2016 from 



City of Vancouver Food Strategy

Topic(s): Economic Development, Education, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Land Access, Nutrition and Public Health, Urban Agriculture, Waste Management

Sub-topic(s): local procurement, food distribution, edible landscaping, composting, urban chickens, mobile/street food vending, beekeeping/apiculture, urban farm, pilot project, pollinators, grocery stores, farm retail/farm gate sales, community kitchen, community food system education, commercial development, livestock, farmers' markets, residential development, urban gardens/orchard

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location Language Rating

urban agriculture;

land access;

urban gardens/orchard; Explore opportunities to improve security of tenure for community gardens and community orchards on city property.  1.1  
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard;  Improve accessibility and clarity of application processes for creating or participating in community gardens and community orchards,  particularly for under-represented ethno-cultural communities.  1.2  

urban agriculture;


urban gardens/orchard;

community food system education;

Encourage community garden models which promote community  development opportunities with local schools, Neighbourhood Houses, and other local organizations as part of their education programming.  1.3 *
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchards; Enhance funding partnerships to support the creation, operation, improvement and capacity building opportunities for community gardens and community orchards. 1.5  
urban agriculture; urban gardens/orchard; Work with the Association of Community Garden Coordinators to implement strategies that will reduce community garden waiting lists  and to improve access for ethno-cultural communities.  1.8  
urban agriculture;

urban farm;

farm retail/farm gate sales;

Explore possibilities for urban farmers to sell produce directly from an urban farm (farm gate sales) with appropriate limitations and  mitigation strategies. 1.11  

urban agriculture;

food processing, storage and distribution;

food distribution;

urban farm;

farmers' markets;

Enable alternative food retail and distribution models for urban farming produce such as community food markets, food distribution hubs and pre-approved Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) distribution sites in locations such as community centres, neighbourhood houses and schools.  1.12 *

edible landscaping;

commercial development;

institutional development;

residential development;

Promote edible landscaping as an alternative to ornamental or flowering plants in residential, commercial, institutional and parks landscaping plans.  1.18  
urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard;

edible landscaping;

Increase the planting of food-bearing trees when planting new trees in parks and on other civic lands, and encourage community stewardship of those trees. 1.19 *

food production;


urban agriculture;



community food system education;


Support public education programs on pollinator bees, honeybees and beekeeping in response to community demand and interest. 1.22 *

food production;


urban agriculture;

urban chickens;

community food system education;


Support public education programs on backyard hens in response to community demand and interest. 1.25 *
food processing, storage and distribution; food distribution; Support businesses and social enterprises involved in processing and distribution of healthy, local and sustainable food within Vancouver and connect to local agricultural producers in the region. 2.4 *
food sales, access and procurement; local procurement; Explore opportunities to increase the percentage of local and sustainable food purchased by City and  school facilities as a way to support local farmers and producers.  2.6  
food sales, access and procurement; local procurement; Explore opportunities to increase the percentage of local and sustainable food purchased by Park facilities including community centres and concessions in parks and beaches.  2.7  
food sales, access and procurement; local procurement; Examine opportunities for aggregation of local and sustainable food purchasing among neighbourhood houses, smaller community centres  and childcare centres. 2.8  
food sales, access and procurement;

community kitchen;

residential development;

Encourage installation of community kitchens or retrofit existing kitchens in new developments, social housing  sites or City facilities.  2.9 *
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets; Explore opportunities to support farmers markets on Park Board sites with electricity and water where appropriate.  3.5  
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets; Establish community food markets as a permitted use and streamline application process.  3.9 *

food sales, access and procurement;

nutrition and public health;

farmers' markets; Encourage integration of community food markets into Vancouver School Board programming as part of healthy food options for youth and families.  3.10 *
food sales, access and procurement; farmers' markets; Incorporate community food markets into community centre programming. 3.11 *

food sales, access and procurement;

nutrition and public health;

mobile/street food vending; 

pilot project;

grocery stores;

Test pilot programs that improve access to healthy food in neighbourhoods (e.g. healthy corner stores, pop-up grocery stores or mobile green grocers). 3.14 *
food sales, access and procurement; mobile/street food vending; Explore options to enable street food vending on private property.   3.16  
food sales, access and procurement;

local procurement;

mobile/street food vending;

Encourage street food vendors to source local and sustainable ingredients in their menus, and require vendors to use reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging.  3.18 *

food sales, access and procurement;

economic development;

mobile/street food vending; Encourage street food vending as an economic development opportunity for low-income groups 3.19 *
waste management;   Develop strategies to reduce food packaging in City facilities. 4.2 *
waste management; composting; Ensure that food composting is available in City facilities, and that dishes and food packaging are reusable, recyclable or compostable.  4.3 *
waste management; composting; Support community composting model. 4.6  


Supplementary Information


Municipal Planner Interview with the City of Vancouver Re: City of Vancouver's Food Strategy

After over a decade of food policy and planning initiatives, the City of Vancouver developed a Food Strategy to establish a coordinated approach to food systems planning.

Policy Development

In 2003, Council approved a motion to develop a “just and sustainable food system for the City of Vancouver”. The motion spurred the formation of Vancouver’s Food Policy Council (a citizen advisory group on food policy issues) as well as the creation of two planning positions to focus on food systems. Subsequently, a number of food-related policy and programs took root between 2003 and 2013. Some of these include the development of urban chicken keeping and beekeeping guidelines, grants to support neighbourhood food networks, street food program expansion, a kitchen scrap collection program, Vancouver’s Food Charter, and the Greenest City Action Plan. The latter two policies, which called for a coordinated strategy to focus the City’s efforts surrounding food systems, ultimately paved the way for the creation of the Food Strategy.


Both internal and public engagement were priorities during the development of the Food Strategy.

These included broad engagement efforts with the general public as well as targeted engagement with specific community groups such as urban farmers, community organizations, cultural groups and youth.

Internally, the planning department reached out to many city managerial divisions, including Real-Estate, Parks, Finance, Sustainability, the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and others to increase bureaucratic capacity for the project and foster cross-departmental cooperation.

Policy Adoption

The magnitude and range of ideas that were proposed by the draft plan complicated the adoption process, necessitating numerous iterations and a strategic evaluation of the contents against the local government’s capacity and jurisdiction. Applying such a pragmatic approach to refining the document was deemed necessary for the Food Strategy to be useful and achievable.

Policy Implementation

Vancouver’s dedicated staff planning positions have been key to implementing the Food Strategy since its adoption in 2013. It was reported that an ongoing challenge in implementing the Strategy has been adapting and accounting for emerging topics in food systems planning. Examples of these emerging themes include school food programs, indigenous food systems and the relationship between food security and income security.

Policy Outcomes and Recommendations

The Food Strategy has resulted in the creation and implementation of a multitude of policies and projects that are helping Vancouver move toward a just and sustainable food system. Some of these outcomes include:

Given the descriptive nature of the Food Strategy goals, it was reported that monitoring impact is an ongoing challenge. The Food Strategy provides directives, but not measurable goals, and therefore presents a challenge in evaluating progress. While annual reviews are conducted, it was reported that further monitoring could be beneficial.



City of Vancouver, Department of Social Policy, personal communication, November 2016.


City of Surrey Zoning Bylaw 12000

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): ALR, farm home plate, farm residence maximum setback, farm retail/farm gate sales, food distribution, food processing, food storage, livestock, mobile/street food vending, siting and coverage, urban chickens, zoning

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food production;

urban agriculture;


urban chickens;

Keeping of Animals

(a) The keeping of livestock, poultry, rabbits and chinchillas in the RA, RH, RF and RF-SS Zones is subject to the following maximum permitted numbers:

i. Two (2) livestock for every 0.4 hectare [1 acre], with the minimum lot size of 0.4 hectare [1 acre]; ii. Six (6) sheep or goats, for every 0.4 hectare [1 acre], with the minimum lot size of 0.4 hectare [1 acre]; iii. Twelve (12) head of poultry, excluding roosters, for every 0.4 hectare [1 acre], with the minimum lot size of 0.4 hectare [1 acre]; iv. Rabbits and chinchillas where the lot is 0.4 hectare [1 acre] or greater, or 2 rabbits or chinchillas where the lot is less than 0.4 hectare [1 acre]...See document for additional regulations for the keeping of animals including regulations for the keeping of urban chickens.

part 4 B.7
food sales, access and procurement; mobile/street food vending;

Portable Food Services

Portable food services providing temporary food services from a vending cart may be permitted in all commercial and industrial Zones provided that the vending cart: (a) does not exceed 4.0 sq. metres [43.0 sq. ft.] in area; (b) is capable of being moved on its own wheels without alteration or preparation; and (c) is fully self-contained with no service connection, excluding electrical connections, provided the portable vending cart is located no more than 2.0 metres [6 ft.] from the point of electrical connection.

part 4 B .9
food sales, access and procurement;

farm retail/gate sales;

Accessory uses limited to the following:

(a) Display and retail sale of products provided all of the following are satisfied:

i. all of the products offered for sale shall be produced by the farm operation or at least 50% of the floor area for product sales and display shall be limited to product produced by the farm operation;

ii. products offered for sale shall be limited to agricultural and/or horticultural products and shall exclude dressed fowl or poultry, butchered meat and/or preserved food unless dressed, butchered or preserved off-site;

iii. the cumulative maximum floor area for the display and sale of products shall not exceed 93 square metres [1,000 sq. ft.];

iv. all products offered for sale and related displays shall be located entirely within a building; and v. products offered for sale and related displays shall be an accessory use to a single family dwelling and the agricultural and/or horticultural use of the lot;

(b) i. Food and beverage service lounge associated with a farm-based winery in accordance with the Agricultural Land Commission Act/Regs/Orders;

ii. Retail sales associated with a farm-based winery in accordance with the Agricultural Land Commission Act/Regs/Orders; provided the maximum floor area for retail sales and wine tasting does not exceed 93 sq.m. [1,000 sq.ft.].

part 10 B. 9 (a) (b)
food processing, storage and distribution;

food processing;


Primary processing of products provided at least 50% of the product being processed shall be produced by the same farm operation or is feed required for the farm operation; part 10 B. 9 (c)
development and productive use of agricultural land;

siting and coverage;


See document for siting regulations for buildings and structures in General Agriculture Zone (A-1) and Intensive Agriculture Zone (A-2)

part 10 F. 1 (a);

part 11 E;

part 11. F.1;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

farm residence maximum setback;


Maximum setbacks:

No portion of a single family dwelling and an additional single family dwelling or a duplex shall be located farther than 50.0 metres [164 ft] from the front lot line provided that, on a corner lot, no portion of a single family dwelling and an additional single family dwelling or a duplex shall be located farther than 50.0 metres [164 ft] from either the front lot line or the side lot line on a flanking street..

part 10 F. 1(b);

part 11 F.1(b)

development and productive use of agricultural land;

residential development;


A secondary suite shall:

(a) Not exceed 90 square metres [968 sq.ft.] in floor area; and

(b) Occupy less than 40% of the habitable floor area of the building.

part 10 J. 1;

part 11. J.1;

development and productive use of agricultural land;

farm home plate;


The following provisions shall apply to a farm residential footprint:

(a) The maximum size of the farm residential footprint shall be 2,000 square metres [0.5 acres];

(b) Despite Sub-section J.2.(a), the maximum size of the farm residential footprint may be increased by 1000 square metres [0.25 acres] for an additional single family dwelling or duplex where the lot is 4 hectares [10 acres] or more and is a farm operation;

and The maximum depth of the farm residential footprint from the front lot line, or the side lot line on a flanking street if it is a corner lot, shall be 60 metres [197 ft.].

part 10 J. 2;

part 11. J..2

food processing, storage and distribution;

food processing;

food storage;

food distribution;

This Zone is intended to accommodate and regulate industries which process agricultural products or provide services to agriculture. See document for regulations for Agro-Industrial Zone (IA). part 51


Supplementary Information


Municipal Planner Interview with the City of Surrey Re: Farm Homeplate Restriction

The City of Surrey’s farm home plate restriction requires the clustering of non-agricultural buildings and structures in Agricultural Zones close to the front property line. By clustering non-agricultural uses and regulating the size and siting of the associated footprint, known as the farm residential footprint, the City of Surrey aims to curtail the impact of estate development on agricultural land and the installation of long residential driveways over prime agriculture soils.

Policy Development

Given the urban areas within Surrey, the use of ALR land for residential development is an ongoing challenge within the municipality.  Approximately 7 years ago, the municipality began developing regulations for the size and siting of the farm home plate on ALR lands. It was a contentious process which resulted in the adoption of the farm residential footprint provisions into the zoning bylaw in 2012.  While the final home plate provisions cluster and limit the total footprint of residential uses (eg lawns, pools, residences, accessory buildings), they do not restrict the footprints of houses themselves. 

Public Consultation and Policy Adoption

The agricultural industry, Surrey’s Agricultural Advisory Committee and the general public were engaged during the farm home plate development and review process. Strong opposition toward limiting house size was expressed at open houses. As a result, house size restrictions were not included in the home plate provisions.

Policy Implementation

While non-compliant, pre-existing and pre-loaded sites were granted development variances and building permits, variances for future farm home plate adjustments are only to be supported where the proposal will benefit agriculture. Communicating this priority to the public and the need to implement it, takes time which was evident in the large number of variance applications submitted after the new regulations were adopted.

Policy Outcomes and Recommended Improvements

It was reported that the policy has generally helped reduce the loss of productive ALR land to residential development, but it has been less effective than initially intended. It was expressed that, to have the desired influence on restricting the use of ALR land for estate homes, a policy should ideally limit the footprint of farm residences in addition to restricting the footprint of the home plate.


City of Surrey, Planning and Development Division, Department of Community Planning, personal communication, October 2016



City of Terrace Zoning Bylaw No. 2069-2014

Topic(s): Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): agricultural industry services, zoning, greenhouses, siting and coverage, ALR, urban chickens, livestock

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Topic Sub-Topic Policy or Policy Ecerpt Document Location

urban agriculture;

food production;


urban chickens;


Urban Agriculture

.1 The keeping of backyard hens and bees is a permitted use in the City of Terrace, as set out in the City’s Animal Control Bylaw.

.2 Small Scale Urban Agriculture is a permitted use in the R1, R1-A, R2, RS1, P1 and P2 zones, under the following conditions: a. A greenhouse is subject to the setback requirements for an accessory building, and is permitted to a maximum size of 20 m2 ; and b. Lighting is permitted within a greenhouse, provided that the lighting is not directed onto neighbouring parcels.

development and productive use of agricultural land;

sinting and coverage;


See document for siting regulations for buildings and structures in agricultural zones (AR1 and AR2).

10.1.3; 10.2.3
food processing, storage and distribution; agricultural industry services; See document for regulations for Light Industrial (M1) and Heavy Industrial (M2) zones. 13.1 and 13.2


City of Nelson Zoning Bylaw No. 3199, 2013

Topic(s): Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): zoning, food storage, food distribution, agricultural industry services, urban gardens/orchard

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urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard;

Uses Permitted in All Zones

The following uses shall be permitted in all zones within this bylaw:

... d. Community Gardens...

1.1.2 (d)
food procesing, storage and distribution;

food storage;

agricultural industry services;

food distribution;

See document for regulations of Industrial Zones (M1) and Waterfront Mixed-Use Industrial & Commercial Zone (MU4), which permit food storage (warehousing).




Supplementary Information


Municipal Planner Interview with the City of Nelson Re: Zoning for Community Gardens and Food Storage

Nelson’s 2013 OCP and Zoning Bylaw update included accommodations to increase food storage and distribution in the City and permit community gardens in all zones.

Policy Development and Community Consultation

The OCP and zoning bylaw updates in 2013 were informed by Nelson’s Sustainability Plan (“Nelson Path to 2040”, 2011), which identified food security and agriculture as a focal area for future planning and development. This precedent in a high-level planning document facilitated the inclusion of food security/agricultural goals and policies within the OCP and Zoning Bylaw, including increased land use accommodations for warehousing and permitting community gardens throughout the City.

Both the OCP and the zoning bylaw included public engagement components in the form of open houses. At these forums, members of the public were invited to review and comment on the proposed bylaw and plan changes. The proposed changes to these policies were supported throughout the community consultation process.

Policy Adoption

The adoption of these particular zoning bylaw amendments resulted from discussions of how the City of Nelson can best support local food security. Recognizing the importance of agriculture and food production in the region, and the limited land base available within the City to support food production, Nelson adopted policies within its OCP and zoning bylaw to allow community gardens in all zones as well as support the storage and distribution of food from the surrounding agricultural region.

Policy Outcomes and Recommendations

Since the policies were adopted, one community garden has been established in a residential area of Nelson. The community garden project, proposed by a local food charity called the Nelson Food Cupboard, provides fresh produce and skills training to community members.

Now that the changes allowing warehousing and commercial storage in the City have been put in place, the City of Nelson aspires to play a more significant role as a distribution hub for the region’s agricultural sector.  With these provisions in the City’s zoning bylaw, and a food policy council currently being formed in the region, Nelson is anticipating identifying and enhancing its role in the regional food system.



City of Nelson, Development Services and Engineering, personal communication, October 2016



City of Kelowna Zoning Bylaw No. 8000

Topic(s): Development and Productive use of Agricultural Land, Economic Development, Food Processing, Storage & Distribution, Food Production, Food Sales, Access & Procurement, Urban Agriculture

Sub-topic(s): agri-tourism, ALR, ALR subdivision, farm home plate, farm retail/farm gate sales, farm worker accommodation, farmers' markets, food processing, greenhouses, home occupation/home based businesses, livestock, residential development, siting and coverage, urban gardens/orchard, zoning

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Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location

food production;

urban agriculture;



Urban Agriculture

Where food is produced for consumption by residents of the subject parcel only, and is
in association with an existing principal use – single family dwelling,urban agriculture
must comply with the following:
a) greenhouses are permitted to a maximum of 30m2 in total floor area;
b) greenhouses, accessory buildings or structures associated with urban agriculture
shall conform to the applicable zoning requirements for accessory buildings or
structures and the relevant zone. A greenhouse is not included in the calculation
of site coverage for accessory buildings or structures;...

See document for additional regulations related to urban agriculture.


food production;

urban agriculture;


urban gardens and orchards;

Multi-residential Shared Garden

A Multi-residential shared garden must be solely for the use of the residents on
the parcel. Multi-residential shared gardens shall:
(a) be screened from adjacent streets and/or parking area by landscaping;
(b) be integrated into the overall landscape design;
(c) be located on a parcel where exposure to sunlight is optimal;...

See document for additional regulations related to multi-residential shared gardens.


food production;

urban agriculture;


urban gardens and orchards;

Community Gardens

In order to be permitted on a parcel a Community Garden shall:
(a) conform to the applicable zoning requirements for accessory buildings or
structures, or greenhouse when accommodating these structures in
conjunction with a community garden;
(b) be delineated from adjacent streets and/or parking areas by landscaping;
(c) have no or materials related to the community garden stored outside on the

See document for additional regulations related to community gardens.

development and productive use of agricultural land;


farm worker accommodation;

See document for additional regulations related to temporary farm workers accommodations. 9.13
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Subdivision Regulations

(a) The minimum lot width is 40.0 m.
(b) The minimum lot area is 4.0 ha

development and productive use of agricultural land;

siting and coverage;


See document for siting and coverage regulations for buildings and structures in Agricultural Zones.

development and productive use of agricultural land

farm home plate;

residential development;

For lots 0.4 ha and greater, a residential footprint must be registered on title for any residential development triggered by a Farm Protection Develoment Permit.The
maximum residential footprint is 2,000 m2. A second residential footprint up to 1,000 m2 may be registered for a mobile home for immediate family where permitted.
11.1.6 (c)
food processing, storage & distribution;

food processing;

siting and coverage

Not withstanding subsections 11.1.6(a), confined livestock areas and/or buildings housing more than 4 animals, or used for the processing of animal products, shall not be located any closer than 30.0 m from the lot line where the lot line borders a residential zone. 11.1.6 (f)
food processing, storage and distribution;

home occupation/home based businesses;

food processing;




When a home based business, rural involves the cutting and wrapping of wild game
or any meat, the lot must have a minimum lot area greater than 0.33 ha.

11.1.7 (a)
food sales, access and procurement;

farn retail/gate sales;


Agricultural and garden stands selling only produce grown on the site or another site operated by the same producer do not have a maximum area. The maximum gross floor area of stands selling produce that is produced off-site shall be 50.0 m². For sites within the Agricultural Land Reserve, the maximum gross floor area of agricultural and garden sales for produce produced off-site or off-farm products shall be the lesser of one-third of the total floor area of the agricultural and garden sales stand or 100.0 m². 11.1.7 (c)
economic development;



residential development;

(j) Bed and breakfast homes or group homes, minor in combination with a secondary suite shall not be located on parcels less than 2.0 ha in size. 

11.1.7 (j)
economic development;



residential development;

The following uses are specifically prohibited in the A1 – Agriculture Zone, in accordance with the requirements of the ALC Regulations to prohibit explicitly: (a) agri-tourist accommodation, as defined by the ALC Regulation....

urban agriculture;

urban gardens/orchard;

residential development;

Urban agriculture permitted in all urban residential zones. section 13
food sales, access & procurement;

farmers' markets;

The purpose is to provide for an agribusiness and agritourism zone that meets local and tourist demand for agricultural products, services and experiences. Due to the seasonal nature of agriculture, this zone also provides for a flexible range of secondary uses which serve local residents on a year round basis.
Section 18, Schedule B, CD23