Fit Testing PNUR 9001*


Course Description

Healthcare students are required as per the Health Authorities to have a current N95 fit-test record prior to entering clinical settings. N95 tight fit respirators are designed to provide at least 95% filtration efficiency against solid and liquid aerosols (of the .3 micron size) that do not contain oil. Fit Testing is required to ensure that the N95 respirator is providing you the respiratory protection it is designed to provide. Students must undergo fit-testing annually as per WorkSafe BC Part 8, Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z94.4-02, and manufacturer’s recommendation or if a student experiences changes to the shape of their face due to significant weight loss, weight gain, changes to facial structure, surgery, dentures, scars, makeup, etc. Students are responsible to ensure their fit-test record remains valid and is renewed prior to expiration or if changes occur.  Students must be in possession of their fit-test record card at all times while in the clinical area. Students will undergo fit-testing conducted by a trained Fit-tester using approved fit-testing equipment.

Course Format

Fit Testing is completed by appointment only at Surrey, Cloverdale or Langley campus.  The process takes approximately 15 minutes to complete using a latex free respirator mask.  Students will bring their completed medical questionnaire to the appointment.  Students must not have had any food/drink/smoking/candies/gum/etc. 15 minutes prior to the appointment and must be clean shaven.  Note: KPU is only authorized to conduct the Qualitative Fit testing method which requires students to be clean shaven.  If you are unable to be clean shaven students should source a vendor offering the Quantitative method using a porta-count machine.  The Quantitative method requires the use of a full hood respirator when in clinical rather than the tight fit respirator such as the 3M N95 1860s, 18060, 1807+ Aura.  First step requires students to undergo a sensitivity test for the fit-testing solution (Bitrex/Sweet) followed by education on donning and doffing their respirator.  Fit testing follows WorkSafe BC Regulations Part 8 and Canadian Standards Association Z94.4-02.  There are seven components to fit testing to ensure the respirator provides an adequate seal.  Each component takes 30 seconds to complete.  If at any time the student can taste the solution, the testing stops and the respirator adjusted or resized and the tests begin again. 

Students are responsible for ensuring they follow the fit testing procedures when in the clinical setting.  If wearing tight fit respirator such as the 3M N95 1860s, 1860 or 1870+ Aura students must remain clean shaven while in clinical and follow these procedures below:

  1. wash hands 
  2. inspect respirator for deficiencies and ensure correct size
  3. don respirator according to manufacturer's instructions (3M 1860S, 1860, Aura 1870+)
  4. perform two user seal checks (positive and negative) each time a mask is donned
  5. do not enter a contaminated area if a seal can't be achieved
  6. do not change sizes without being fit tested for that size
  7. once the seal is achieved, do not adjust respirator
  8. do not touch the respirator as it may be contaminated
  9. prior to removing the respirator, wash hands
  10. remove (doff) the respirator according to manufacturer's guidelines
  11. dispose of respirator according to hospital protocols for infection control
  12. wash hands

Students must ensure they are clean shaven prior to donning the tight fit respirator to ensure a proper seal.

The N95 respirator has limitations users need to be aware of to ensure they remain protected when wearing the N95 respirator:

  1. The N95 respirator cannot be used in an oxygen deprived setting
  2. The N95 respirator cannot be used in an IDLH setting which means immediately dangerous to life and health
  3. The N95 respirator cannot be used with any facial hair
  4. The N95 respirator cannot be used if altered, abused, damaged or wet
  5. The N95 respirator cannot be used for protection against vapour or gases
  6. The N95 respirator is a one-time use only and must be discarded after each use or when damaged or wet

Course Cost

$50.00 CAD plus GST - Please note the same fee is charged for the replacement of lost or stolen cards. (Please note: All Faculty of Health, Professional Studies course fees are non-refundable/non-transferrable.)  

Students will be issued an electronic receipt once your payment has been successfully completed online via the Elevate system.  Please include this receipt when emailing the office at to book an appointment.

Course Grade

Upon completion, students will be issued a Fit-Test Record Card current for one year.  In the event the fit-test cannot be completed due to the students’ inability to detect the solution, the student will be responsible for seeking fit testing at an alternate facility via Quantitative fit testing at the student's expense.

Entrance Requirements

To be eligible for Fit Testing, students are not permitted to have facial hair (this includes any facial stubble) at the time of testing. It is recommended that students shave the same day as the fit test appointment to ensure they are clean-shaven.  Students who refuse or unable to become clean-shaven are not permitted to be fit tested by law with our office.  Students with facial hair will need to personally source an alternate vendor for fit testing who offers the Quantitative method using the Portacount method as FOHPS is not certified to fit test anyone with facial hair.  Students who are not fit tested are prohibited entry into the clinical setting. Students must not have smoked, eaten or drank anything (with the exception of water), chewed gum, candies, etc. within fifteen (15) minutes of the test. Students are required to download the medical questionnaire and complete the "student section" and sign the form.  The form must be provided to the Fit Tester at the time of the appointment.   Copies are not available on site.  Please sign the medical form.

How to Register

  1. Check Elevate for current registration options
  2. The course to search is PNUR 9001.  All available options will appear. 
  3. The seats are sold by specific dates.  Only purchase a date that you are available to be fit tested during the times specified as appointment times will be automatically assigned based on first come/first serve starting at 10:30am each session.  
  4. Once purchased, seats cannot be changed for a different session. 
  5. To purchase the seat for fit testing, click on the "add course" for the session you plan to attend which will then populate the course to the middle of your screen. 
  6. Then press "register" in the bottom right corner and sign in with your KPU credentials and follow the on screen prompts to enter your credit card. 
  7. Payment can only be made with a credit card and will time out after 30 minutes so be sure to select the course and process your payment promptly to avoid any issues.  
  8. Payment is required at the time of registration.  If you are not given the option to pay or you experience issues with payment, please contact CPS via email
  9. Once payment is made, Elevate should email a receipt automatically.  If email is not received, please follow up with the Continuing and Professional Studies office at 604-599-2020 to ensure registration was completed.  
  10. Once registration is complete, email our office at  your fit testing receipt and you will be assigned the next available appointment time for that date.
  11. Appointments are only booked via email once payment has been made. 
  12. Appointments are not reserved in advance of purchasing a seat for fit testing. 
  13. Missed appointments will require the purchase of a new seat to attend a subsequent appointment.  If a student is sick the day of the confirmed appointment, we require a minimum of 4 hours notice to cancel the confirmed appointment and rebook.  Less than 4 hours notice, students would need to register and buy another seat for fit testing to rebook.
  14. Be sure to print this medical questionnaire and complete the "student section" and sign the form and bring this completed form to your appointment.  If you do not bring it to the appointment you can't be fit tested.  Copies are not available on site.

Once fit tested, it is also imperative that you retain your fit-test record card.  Duplicates cannot be issued.  The only way to obtain a replacement card is to register and pay again to attend a subsequent fit testing session.   

Students are not required to use KPU fit testing and are welcome to book with other vendors or employers in BC.  KPU does not offer the Quantitative Fit testing using the Porta Count method, students need to source vendors personally should they require this option.

Current Course Schedule

Fit testing is conducted by appointment and offered at the Surrey, Cloverdale and Langley campus.  Once payment is made, appointment times are scheduled via email based on next available timeslot for the date purchased.  


Please contact our office via email