IEW 2013 Trivia Questions

International Education Week 2013 Trivia! 

Leading up to IEW 2013 we're running a trivia contest! Check back daily for new questions and test your knowledge about all things international. 

Score yourself! We suggest attending all the IEW 2013 events so you'll be able to get a perfect score on next year's IEW trivia! 

Trivia Questions and Answers*: 

Q1. Which of the following are personal attributes indicate the development of cultural competency?

a. Qualities of genuineness, empathy, non- possessiveness, warmth
b. Acceptance of ethnic differences between people
c. A willingness to work with clients of different ethnic backgrounds
d. Articulation and clarification of the worker's personal values, stereotypes, and biases about his/her own and others' ethnicity and social class
e. All of the above

A1: All of the above

Q2. Where and when did the first parachute jump occur?

A2. On October 22 1797, Andre-Jacque Garnerin’s jumped from a balloon above Parc Monceau in Paris. The Frenchman used a seven-metre silk parachute resembling an umbrella to ease his path to the ground. When Garnerin’s balloon reached 3,000 feet above the park, he cut his basket loose and opened the parachute.

Q3. Who was the world’s first recorded international student?

a. Emo of Friesland
b. Desiderius Erasmus
c. Socrates
d. Aristotle
A3. Emo of Friesland

Q4. Diversity is only about race and gender? (True/False)

A4. False - “Diversity” as used here refers to human attributes that are different from your own and from those of groups to which you belong.

Q5. Ethnocentrism is:

a. The condition of being or having differences.

b. Any observable response given by a person

c. A way of life—traditions and customs—transmitted through learning, which play a vital role in moulding the beliefs and behaviours of the people exposed to them.

d. The tendency to use one’s own cultural standards and values to judge the behaviour and beliefs of people with different cultures.

A5. d. The tendency to use one’s own cultural standards and values to judge the behaviour and beliefs of people with different cultures.

Q6. "A personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country or simply travel to another type of life" describes which of the following:

a. Discrimination

b. Culture shock

c. Prejudice

d. Subcultures

A6. b. Culture shock

These questions are just for fun however, if you want to check the sources email .