Corporation of Delta Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3950, Schedule A


Topic Sub-topic Policy or Policy Excerpt Document Location Language Rating
wildlife/environmental/pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management;


Encourage land use and development practices that minimize soil erosion or loss of highly productive organic soils 2.4.30  
development and productive use of agricultural land;


Recognize farming as the primary use of agricultural land. 2.5.1  
development and productive use of agricultural land;

ALR subdivision;


Maintain the parcel size of Delta’s agricultural land and encourage consolidation of agricultural parcels to increase parcel size, rather than fragmentation of agricultural lands. 2.5.2 *

development and productive use of agricultural land;

urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning;

agricultural impact assessment;


Use Agriculture Impact Assessments to quantify the impacts of a proposed development, rezoning subdivision or non-farm use on the ALR, farmed lands or lands adjacent to farmed lands. Require mitigation for possible impacts. 2.5.4 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;

recreational use of agricultural land;

commercial development;

institutional development;


Consider alternate nonagricultural sites when recreational, institutional, industrial, commercial uses or utility facilities are proposed for agricultural areas. 2.5.5  

food production;

development and productive use of agricultural land;



Continue to work with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission and other appropriate stakeholders and organizations to determine the maximum threshold for greenhouses and other non-soil dependent farming operations that preserves a critical mass of land for soil based agriculture. 2.5.6 *
development and productive use of agricultural land;



Encourage non-soil dependent farm operations to locate in areas of poorer soils and minimize the impacts of these operations (e.g. air and light pollution). 2.5.7  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; protection of farming development permit area; Consider urban-rural edge planning initiatives, such as Development Permit Guidelines for the urban side. 2.5.10  
economic development; farm diversification; Support economic diversification initiatives accessory to and compatible with farming that add value to locally produced farm products. 2.5.11  
economic development; agricultural industry services; Encourage businesses that support and service farming to locate in Delta. 2.5.14  
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Encourage initiatives, including best management practices, that support both farming and wildlife, protect against soil erosion and degradation, and maintain water quality and hydrological functions on agricultural land.  2.5.19  
wildlife/environmental/pest management;


wildlife and ecosystem management;

climate change and greenhouse gases;

research and data collection;

Support and if appropriate participate in studies to determine the impacts of greenhouses and other agricultural and non-agricultural development on the Pacific Flyway, and study the impacts of waterfowl on agricultural lands 2.5.20 *
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Recognize and protect environmentally significant areas of farmland, including hedgerows, stands of trees, old fields, watercourses and other sensitive areas. 2.5.21  
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Continue to support programs that mitigate and compensate for crop damage from migratory birds and on farm stewardship activities such as setasides, and hedgerows. 2.5.22 *
wildlife/environmental/pest management;

wildlife and ecosystem management;

recreational use of agricultural land;

Minimize the negative impacts on farming and wildlife habitat when new agri-tourism, transportation and utility corridors, regional recreational opportunities and other economic initiatives are being developed. 2.5.23  
wildlife/environmental/pest management; BC environmental farm plan; Encourage farmers to prepare Best Management Practice Plans and Environmental Farm Plans.
wildlife/environmental/pest management; wildlife and ecosystem management; Encourage other levels of government and non-government agencies to implement habitat initiatives on agricultural land in cooperation with farmers. 2.5.25  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; recreational use of agricultural land; Work with the GVRD, user groups, and stakeholders to educate recreational users of private property rights, the implications of trespassing on farmland, nuisance activities for farming, and security concerns of the farm community. 2.5.26  
urban-agriculture conflict/edge planning; recreational use of agricultural land; Support planning initiatives that minimize conflicts between recreational and farm users. 2.5.27  


Corporation of Delta

Document Type:
Official Community Plan

Level of Government:


n n n n n


n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n

Policy URL:…

Policy File:

Metro Vancouver

British Columbia

consolidated 2015

Supplementary Information:

Population Range: