Setting up Authy

Setting up Authy

These instructions will show you how to set up authy on Windows.

Because Authy does not integrate directly with your account, you will need to use a web browser for portions of this process.

You will also need to install Authy on your chosen device. Installers for Authy can be found on the Authy Download Page.

Either during your first time MFA setup (which will happen automatically when MFA is enabled on your account), or by selecting "Add Method" from your account Security Info page in your browser, you will see the "Add a Method" dialog box.

  1. From the “Add a Method” box, select “Authenticator App” and click “Add”
    MFA Choose Method Dialog
  2. Click “I want to use a different authenticator app”
    MFA Get App Dialog
  3. Click “Next”
    MFA Set Up App
  4. Click “Can’t Scan Image?”
    MFA Scan QR Code Dialog
  5. Keep this screen up and open Authy on your chosen MFA Device. (This guide will show the windows desktop client)
    You will use the secret key in a later step.

    MFA Get Code Dialog
  6. Launch Authy, enter your phone number and click submit.
    MFA - Authy Phone Number
  7. Choose a verification method that works for you.
    In the example below, we will use SMS.

    MFA - Authy Verify
  8. Enter the code you receive into the boxes shown.
    MFA - Authy Enter Code
  9. Click the (+) icon to add a new account to Authy
    MFA - Authy Main App
  10. Enter the secret key from step 5
    MFA - Authy Add Account
  11. Add a descriptive name to the account, choose a color, and select “6-digit” for token length., then click Save.
    MFA - Authy Configure Account
  12. Authy should now be producing codes.
    MFA - Authy Code
  13. In your browser, on the screen from step 5, click Next.
    MFA Get Code Dialog
  14. Enter the code currently displayed by Authy and click next to complete the setup.
    MFA - Enter Code

If your account has MFA enabled, either by self-enrollment, or by IT as part of the Student MFA rollout, you will now be prompted to use MFA each time you log in.