The Melville School of Business Graduate
is a well-rounded business professional who:
- Is a high performing team member, who can identify and spark change in their organizations
- Communicate effectively in a variety of situations and audiences - use English professionally when speaking and writing
- Are job-ready, willing to learn and eager to contribute where their employer needs them, knowing that career success is built on results
- Can think critically and support their decisions with sound business principles, appropriate research and specialized, practical expertise in specific business disciplines
- Can present a business case for the initiatives they recommend
- Demonstrate strong analytical skills integrating their financial literacy, business expertise and breadth of knowledge to consider the big picture, in an increasingly global environment
- Perform in a social, environmental and ethical manner
Set a path for graduation
As you migrate through your final academic years, there are many experiences that will help enhance your career. Follow the pathway here and you’ll emerge not only a Melville School of Business Graduate but one who is ready to make their mark as a leader, innovator or entrepreneur.
KPU Business Graduate – Path for Graduation
Weekly Drop-in Schedule
Business Degree Advising Drop-ins have now ended for Fall semester.
Check back in the new year for the Spring drop-in schedule. Do you have a general inquiry? Send us an e-mail at businessadvising@kpu.ca
Health & Wellness
Never hesitate to ask for help even during this challenging time – our counsellors are here to help you.
Learning Centre Resources
For students, the four Kwantlen Learning Centres are facilities where any Kwantlen student can find individualized learning assistance and assessments, help with study skills and learning strategies, and free one-to-one and small group tutoring in a range of writing, math, and content areas.
Scholarship, Bursary & Rewards
Check out the wide range of scholarships, bursaries and awards available.
Make an appointment with your student success coach for help in developing a personal statement that best showcases you.
Student Clubs
The School of Business has many student clubs to check out! Get involved at YOUR university and join a club!