Melville School of Business Degree Advising & Student Success
What You Need to Be Successful
At Melville School of Business, our team of degree advisors and success coaches will provide you with the information, tools, and skills to achieve your goals. From helping you navigate through your degree requirements, to pointing to the right resources and guiding your transition from student life to professional life, success will be easily attainable with our support!
Academic Advisors and Career Coaches are your advocates. They are here to support your academic success, help you find clarity when planning your last academic years and enable you with lifelong skills in career search and professional success. Students that engage with their advisors are more confident in their skills, have a clearer understanding of their future steps, and a better idea of what success looks like. From course planning to resume writing and networking, we are here for you.
We recommend all our business students meet with an academic advisor at the beginning of their 3rd year and submit their resume draft to the success coach. Ask us how!
Who should I see: an advisor or a coach?
Our advisors and coaches can help with both academic and career support.
What can an Advisor help you with?
Program selection
Course planning for your major or minor
Enrollment & waitlist questions
Admission questions / Declaration questions
Progression checks
Academic difficulty
Graduation requirements
Confirming transfer credits
Changing your program
What can a Success Coach help you with?
Provide referrals to other consulting services
Career exploration and development, including a strategic individual plan to support your long-term employment goals
Provide formal or informal personality type assessments (such as Personality Dimensions) and discuss/ interpret results in a one-to-one meeting
Coach you with all related job search tools and techniques (Resume, Cover Letter, Portfolios, personal branding on social media)
Professional communication and understanding different workplace cultures
Connect you to employers and networking events
Provide Career Webinars and individual virtual online meetings
How do I book an appointment?
To make a virtual appointment go to Advisor Connect and search under business.
Click here, for a step by step process on how to book an advising appointment.
Can I just drop by?
YES! We have weekly drop-in hours through out the semester, no appointment necessary. Come visit us at the Melville School of Business Dean's office, Surrey Main, room 206.
Please note that we are very busy during the first two weeks of registration, just before the start of a semester and during the first two weeks of classes. Please be patient during these times.
I would like help with course planning & selection
This inquiry cannot be answered by email as it requires an advisor to look through your student record and verify what program requirements are affected by this course. Please make an appointment and we would be happy to assist you with course planning.
Do you know about My Action Plan (MAP)?
MAP is a tool for students to track completion of program requirements and map their route to graduation. Use MAP to plan courses ahead of time and enroll in courses. For more information, or to log in,
I would like to return and continue working towards my degree
That's great news! Policy dictates credentials be completed within 10 years from the first course taken. If you have courses nearing or already at their 10-year mark, you will need to apply for a time extension in order to complete your program and be eligible to graduate. Book an appointment with a degree advisor to discuss this option and help you with the process.
I would like to take courses for the CPA accounting designation
I would like to pursue a post-baccalaureate/graduate program
Please book an appointment with one of our Student Success Coaches through Advisor Connect or contact them directly at
I would like to learn more about business degrees, I am not yet a student
Our business advisors see students in their 3rd and 4th year of their degree programs. If you have not yet applied to KPU and have questions about programs, admission requirements or how to apply, the Future Student's Office is the place to start,
I would like to declare my program but I am not sure how
It's important to formally declare your program well in advance of registering for 3rd year courses. Remaining undeclared may restrict your registration.
Program declaration can be done online providing you have not declared previously. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the deadlines. For more information, please visit
Alternatively, a Request for Declaration can be submitted to provided you have completed 15 credit hours and are in good academic standing (min 2.00 GPA)
It is your responsibility as a student to be aware of university policies and regulations. You are strongly advised to meet with an academic advisor before withdrawing from a course.
There is a difference between dropping and withdrawing from a course. Whether or not fees will be reversed from withdrawing from a course is dependent on when the withdrawal was done. It is your responsibility as a student to be aware of university policies and regulations. It is strongly encouraged you meet with an academic advisor before withdrawing from a course.
For more information on Fee Deadlines and Refund periods, please click here.
I would like to repeat a course but the system will not allow me
Students may register for the same course a maximum of two times. A student who withdrawals will be considered to have registered if the withdrawal occurs during the period when a grade of W is assigned. The policy applies to all registrations, whether courses were successfully completed or not.
It is important to submit this request well in advance of the registration period. Approval is not always granted and an appointment with an Academic Advisor may be required. This could extend the processing time. If granted, approval is for one semester only. If you do not register for this course you must submit a new request for a future semester.
The Request to a Repeat a Course form can be found here. This form can be submitted to KPU Student Enrolment Services, We will email your KPU email with the outcome of your request.
I would like to request a transfer of credits
If you are transferring from another institution and wish to have credits formally recognized at KPU you are required to submit a Transfer Credit Request form. The Transfer Credit process can take 4-6 weeks so be sure to submit your request well in time of registration.
Alternatively, if you have already received transfer credit and would like to discuss how these credits may apply to your program, please book an appointment with an academic advisor to discuss.
I would like to repeat a course but the system will not allow me
Students may register for the same course a maximum of two times. A student who withdrawals will be considered to have registered if the withdrawal occurs during the period when a grade of W is assigned. The policy applies to all registrations, whether courses were successfully completed or not.
It is important to submit this request well in advance of the registration period. Approval is not always granted and an appointment with an Academic Advisor may be required. This could extend the processing time. If granted, approval is for one semester only. If you do not register for this course you must submit a new request for a future semester.
The Request to a Repeat a Course form can be found here. This form can be submitted to KPU Student Enrolment Services, We will email your KPU email with the outcome of your request.
I would like to confirm I have met all requirements for graduation
A graduation check is not a service our advisors provide over email. Please book an appointment with an academic advisor to determine if you are eligible to graduate. We will look through the program and university requirements and confirm if any requirements are missing.
You can also check you My Action Plan (MAP). Select Go to Action Plan here.
I would like to register but online registration has closed
Students are able to request registration to a class even after registration closes, providing there are seats available.
After the first week of classes, instructors signature is required
After the third week of classes, instructor and Dean signatures are required.
After the eight week of classes, instructor, Dean and Registrar signatures are required.
It is the discretion of the instructor should a late enrolment be approved. Please seek approval by emailing the instructor directly, be sure to include the Permission to Register Form. There must be seats available. Instructors are not able to approve any late enrolment for sections that are full.
I would like to discuss my academic status (Academic warning, probation or required to withdrawal)
Whether you are on academic warning, probation or required to withdrawal, it is best to meet with an academic advisor in person to plan for a successful future with KPU. There are many strategies and resources we can share that will help you boost your GPA.
I would like some direction as I am struggling with my job search
Many students are struggling with job search! Make an appointment with your program coach: postgraduate or undergraduate (link to the page with pictures). Career related advice is different for everyone as we all are unique, with different skills and experiences. Talk to a success coach and discover your unique abilities that will have employers want you in their team.
I would like help with my resume
We can help! Send you resume and/or cover letter to in Word format together with one or two job targets (job titles or opportunities you might want to apply to). If there are minor changes needed, you will receive an email within 48 business hours. If your documents need more work you will be invited to make an appointment with your success coach who by the way is a certified resume specialist. Congratulations for taking advantage of this free service!
I have an interview scheduled, I would like help to ensure I'm prepared
Congratulations! This is great news! To make sure you are prepared, make an appointment with your student success coach. Click here! You will go through a general rehearsal before the big performance. Tell me about yourself? What is your greatest weakness? Or What is your salary expectations? are just a few of the questions we will help you answer with confidence!
I am confused about my future, I would like help!
There are only a handful of students that have a clear picture about their future. In a world that is changing in front of our eyes, being confused is to be expected. Many jobs are disappearing and others, that we have never heard of before are showing up. Come and talk to your program's student success coach. You will explore together future opportunities and build clarity around future steps.
I would like to know of any scholarship, bursary or award opportunities for business students
Yes! KPU offers a wide range of scholarships, bursaries and awards to recognize students with high academic standing and provide financial assistance to help meet educational costs. Many are offered specifically to business students.
Click here and check out the Award Guide for current opportunities. Be sure to take advantage of our Success Coach who can assist you in preparing your application.
I would like to know other relevant information?
For information on Degree programs, course descriptions, and prerequisites: KPU University Calendar
To see which courses are being offered this semester, as well as dates and times: KPU University Timetables
Looking for Forms or documents for download including Transfer Credit, Admissions, and Registration? Student Enrolment Services