
The KPU Multi-Faith Centre is a coalition of diverse faith and secular communities offering students, faculty, and staff an open door, an open mind and an open heart of care and advocacy.
Chaplains at the Multi-Faith Centre are here to:
- Respect the diversity of faith-based and secular worldviews and provide respectful alternatives for the questioning mind;
- Encourage individuals on their spiritual journey;
- Create spaces of solace and sanctuary, dialogue and discovery;
- Inspire thoughtful, integrated, virtuous living
- Collaborate with people of all faiths and secular worldviews for the common good
- Connect people to local faith and secular communities and to global causes
What do Chaplains do?
- The term "chaplain" is now a widely used and accepted term to refer men and women who represent religious or philosophical traditions in a seculary environment like a university, hospital or other public setting. The role of a chaplain varies depending on the community in which they are active.
- At KPU, chaplains are available for individual visits. They also provide programming that increases the understanding and respect of different religious and philosophical beliefs and work with faith-based and secular student clubs and groups.