Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling
Bring your imagination and creative ideas to life with our Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling program. You'll learn the basics of modelling, texturing, lighting, and animating, while gaining hands-on experience with the tools and techniques that form the foundation of 3D animation.
We've developed an intensive curriculum, in partnership with the Centre for Entertainment Arts, with 96 credits delivered over six consecutive terms. This compressed delivery ensures a more comprehensive education, while allowing you to complete the diploma and be ready for the job market in the quickest time possible.
Student Success
Shubham Bhalerao
Shubham Bhalerao, an accomplished Advanced 3D Animation student from Mumbai, India, shares insights into his final sixth semester at Kwantlen Polytechnic University's Entertainment Arts program. He shares his rigging demo reel project, showcasing mastery in body deformation rigging, facial rigging, and scripting skills.
Over five semesters, Shubham and his peers explored every aspect of the animation process, including Modeling, Sculpting, Animation, Rigging, storyboarding, and the intricate workflow of bringing an animation show to life.
Shubham attributes his rigging expertise to the invaluable mentorship of a seasoned KPU instructor, sparking his passion to become a rigging artist.
Why Study 3D Animation and 3D Modelling @ KPU?
Because we're focused on giving you the most comprehensive education in 3D animation and 3D modelling. You'll learn the fundamentals along with various specializations, such as 3D character and creature animation, rigging, 3D modelling and sculpting, and texturing and surfacing. Through our hands-on approach to learning, you'll use a wide range of leading-edge software and tools, and learn industry standard processes and workflows.
You'll learn the core principles of storytelling through acting and visual composition, look development and the basics compositing. And you'll also learn the about pre- and post-production, critical analysis and review, realistic production schedules and soft skills, like team work, creative problem solving, communication and collaboration.
Plus, we'll help you create and compile a demo reel of shots or still life images so you'll not only have the skills and experience but a killer portfolio to prove it. We know the industry and have the connections to help you find opportunities in studios, as soon as your skills and professional development allow.
Who Studies 3D Animation and 3D Modelling?
The advanced curriculum of this diploma program attracts a range of students, including industry professionals and mature students who have a proven background in a creative or technical field. The program is intended to empower artists with the creative and technical skills needed to enter the demanding VFX and games animation industries.
Our goal is for you to graduate as a production-ready artist, well-versed in theory, software, tools and processes, as well as many soft skills. In fact, you could find work before you graduate.
International graduates are eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program, which allows you to work in Canada for up to three years after graduation.
Program Overview
We've designed the Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling with a comprehensive curriculum to prepare you to enter the entertainment and creative arts industry confident and job-ready. Leveraging KPU's hands-on approach to learning, this two-year, full-time program delivers you the core practical and artistic skills you need to be successful in the entertainment arts industry.
Starting with traditional drawing and sculpting techniques, you'll apply these artistic skills to your 3D models, environments and animations.
Your 3D animation courses focus on animation principles, while integrating rigging, basic scripting, cloth simulation, body mechanics and animation for characters, inanimate objects and creatures.
Your 3D modelling courses teach you the latest industry techniques in the fields of hard surface modelling, sculpting, texturing and surfacing.
The integration of look development, shading and compositing fundamentals helps bring your 3D models and animations together for polished, final compositions.
Career Outcomes
Graduates of the Diploma in Advanced 3D Animation and 3D Modelling have the knowledge, skills and confidence to find employment in the VFX and games animation industries.
Graduates are qualified to work as 3D animators, character animators, riggers, 3D modellers, texturing and surfacing artists, storyboard artists, layout artists and more.
Students that apply themselves and maintain a high academic standing are more than capable of compiling a professional portfolio/demo reel and applying for work prior to graduation.
Portfolio Requirements
Once you have completed your application, you will receive instructions on how to submit your portfolio. Your portfolio is your chance to show us your creative skills and interests. Please visit, Entertainment Arts Portfolio Requirements for more information, including suggestions on what to put in your portfolio.