Pride @ KPU is a campus-wide initiative that aims to provide safer and more inclusive spaces for people of all genders and sexualities. Pride @ KPU ensures all 2SLGBTQIA+ students, staff and faculty feel visible and supported.

In collaboration with Student Health Promotion, we've developed Pride @ KPU web resources for both 2SLGBTQIA+ and allies, as well as demonstrating the ways KPU is showing its Pride.

Click here to find out more about joining KPU in the Vancouver Pride Parade


Pride @ KPU supports the 2SLGBTQIA+ community with resources both on- and off-campus, and supports allies through our FAQ and common terminology use.

Gender Inclusive and Accessible Washrooms

  • Surrey: Arbutus 1814, Main 1895, and Cedar 1256 and 1258, Fir 104, 204, 304 and across from Room 136
  • Richmond: Room 1436 (near Boardroom 1420)
  • Langley: Room 1802 (near Student Enrollment Services)
  • Tech: Room 1606 (near the café)
  • Civic Plaza: All bathrooms are individual – 1-2 accessible on each floor

Relearning Gender - Online Moodle - Available for all 

The Office of Equity and Inclusive Communities is excited to share that a new asynchronous training module is now available to all employees and students.

Created by Trina Prince, Manager, Culture & Wellbeing, in collaboration with many members from the community, Relearning Gender is now live and on Moodle.

Click here to access the course.

The topic of gender inclusion is something that many of us are learning, or relearning. Relearning Gender will help you approach the topic of how to create safer spaces for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

The learning outcomes of the module include a deeper understanding of gender identity, gender expression, and sexuality. As well, we hope that you have fun learning about the gender unicorn, the platinum rule, and some tips and tricks for using pronouns!

Any questions? Email the Office at

Preferred Name

A preferred name is the name that you commonly use that is different from your legal name. While there are many reasons why someone may use a preferred name, it is especially important for trans and non-binary individuals whose well-being can be negatively impacted when their preferred name is not used. As such, Individuals should indicate a preferred name if they want students, staff or faculty to refer to them by a name that is different from their legal name. You can find more information about Names at KPU by clicking here. 

If you would like to apply for a legal name change please visit the Government of BC webpage: Legal Name Change Application

Updating Your Preferred Name

To update your preferred or chosen name, complete the Student Information Change form and submit to Student Enrolment Services

Student email addresses are in the form of with some variation to account for students sharing the same name. When updating your preferred name, if you would also like to have your KPU email address updated, be sure this is indicated on the Student Information Change form.​

Who Are We & What Do We Do

Pride Advocacy Group

Formed in 2020, the Pride Advocacy Group (PAG) is made up of individuals from across KPU (student, employee and KSA representatives), who represent an array of intersectional gender and sexual identities. Our goals are:

  • To support and empower 2SLGBTQIA+ students, staff and faculty at KPU.
  • To increase awareness, affirmation and education around sexual and gender diversity issues.
  • To challenge patterns of silence around 2SLGBTQIA+ issues, as well as help create a more visibly welcoming, safer and inclusive campus community for all.
  • To increase the visibility of, and contribute to the development of, positive, supportive advocates and spaces for 2SLGBTQIA+ students, staff and faculty at KPU.
  • To demonstrate KPU’s commitment to enrich and enliven the diversity of its community, including 2SLGBTQIA+ persons.

The Pride Advocacy Group meets monthly, if you are interested in meeting with us or supporting an initiative, please contact

Pride Peer Leaders

The Pride Peer Leaders is a peer-to-peer program with a specialized focus on supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ students at KPU. All Pride Peer Leaders are 2SLGBTQIA+ KPU students who care about making KPU a safer place for students who are part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. 

The Pride Peer Leaders do not provide counselling, but rather offer confidential support, listening, and resource referral/navigation. The Peer Pride Program’s main objectives are to:

  1. Offer social support and mentorship to 2SLGBTQIA+ KPU students
  2. Provide students with internal and external resource navigation and referrals
  3. Advocate for enhanced student equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice at KPU

About 14% of KPU students identify as part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, with some expressing that they struggle with feeling like they don’t belong and a lack of community, and are also more likely to report experiencing systemic barriers in and outside the classroom. With this in mind, there was an identified need to support safer spaces on KPU campuses for 2SLGBTQIA+ students.

On top of providing mentorship and resource support, Pride Peer Leaders also host events. Previous events have included cookie decorating, movie days, PowerPoint days, and crafting sessions. Events are typically advertised online, on posters in the Pride Centre, and students can also ask Pride Peer Leaders about upcoming events.

KPU Pride Society 

Created by students in 2022, the KPU Pride Society was formed to bring 2SLGBTQIA+ students together. The society connects through a Discord channel and provides drop in hours at the Pride Centre. 

Come by the KPU Pride Society space weekdays from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm or send them an email at

The Pride Centre 

The Pride Centre is located at the Surrey Campus, Birch 240. The space has books, educational pamphlets, safer sex supplies, and menstrual products. 

Pride Advocacy Initiatives

KPU endeavors to provide learning and working environments that are inclusive and support fair and equitable treatment of all members within its diverse community, no matter their social identity.

Complete Initiatives

Over summer 2021, KPU painted the Progress Pride flag on crosswalks at Surrey and Langley, a pathway at Tech, a pillar at Civic Plaza and a staircase at Richmond as a physical demonstration of the university's commitment to inclusion.

Find out more about all the Pride Initiatives KPU is involved in, both on- and off-campus.

How Can We Better Support Inclusion?

We want to hear from you! KPU’s Pride Advocacy Group is looking for more ways to support the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and welcomes your thoughts and ideas.

Send Feedback

Allyship @ KPU

An ally is someone who considers themselves a friend to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. This person does not identify as part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, but supports and stands up for people who are.

Learn more

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us.