Office of University Space Administration

About OUSA
Space is a vital but costly resource. Innovative new programs and initiatives, support services and enrollment growth create tremendous demand for university space. To achieve the university’s priorities, its space must be administered efficiently, fairly and transparently.
The Office of University Space Administration (OUSA) collaborates with the Faculties and Service units achieving the operational and strategic priorities of the university through the effective and efficient use of space.
The OUSA operates under the authority of the VP Academic/Provost and is responsible for:
- Development and implementation of space‐related policy and procedure.
- Allocation and reallocation of academic/non-academic space, and related strategic planning.
- Identification of the implications of space usage, and current/future space needs.
Contact Us
David Stewart
Executive Director, Facilities Services
Phone: 604.599.2896
Aaron Thien
Manager, University Space Administration
Phone: 604.599.2595
Jessica Leung
Coordinator, University Space Administration
Phone: 604.599.2850