KPU Melville School of Business students are professionals in training. Businesses involved with Partners-in-Marketing must understand that while students may exceed expectations in many cases, they are still learning integral aspects of the marketing discipline and as such some areas of the plans may not exceed expectations.
Projects can take no longer than one term to complete, i.e. project scope must be such that the project can be completed in no more than 12 weeks.
Clients must be available to meet with their student teams; this can mean visiting the campus/students up to four times during the term.
Clients must appoint a single point of contact for their students.
Applying for the Partners in Projects does not guarantee your business will be selected for the program. KPU's Melville School of Business and the Surrey Board of Trade will need to balance the needs of the client with the needs of the student.
Applications must be received at least 30 days prior to the start of term. Term start dates are the first week of September, January and May.