Physics for Modern Technology - New Students

Welcome to the Faculty of Science!

We're so excited you've decided to study Physics for Modern Technology with us at KPU.  By enrolling in this program you are positioning yourself for a well rounded education to support careers and graduate school opportunities in a variety of scientific and technical fields.

University science courses are interesting, engaging and rewarding but have a heavy workload due to weekly mandatory labs.  As this is the case, we recommend the following course plan for your first year to keep your school-work-life balance and to ensure success in all of your courses. 

For information on NEXT STEPS including how to check your registration time,  registering for courses, paying your tuition and buying textbooks visit the Newly Accepted Students page.

Please note: Recommended course plan for a Major in Physics for Modern Technology assumes students are entering KPU with the following academic background:

If you are missing prerequisite/registration requirements, please make an appointment to see an Academic Advisor by calling 604.599.2828 for "first year course planning and prerequisites “and be sure to state your intended major area of study.

Recommended Course Progression for BSc. Physics for Modern Technology Majors


PHYS 1120 (4) - Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences I (recommended)

 or PHYS 1101 (4) - Physics for Life Sciences I

PHYS 1600 (3) - Introduction to Modern Technology

CHEM 1110 (4) – The Structure of Matter

MATH 1120 (3) Differential Calculus (recommended)

or MATH 1130 (3) Calculus for Life Sciences I


PHYS 1220 - Physics for Physical and Applied Sciences II (recommended)

Or PHYS 1102 (4) Physics for Life Sciences II -

CHEM 1210 (4) - Chemical Energetics and Dynamics

MATH 1220 (3) - Integral Calculus (recommended)

Or MATH 1230 (3) - Calculus for Life Sciences II

ENGL 1100 (3)  - Introduction to University Writing


Two electives from the Recommended Electives List Below AND

BIOL 1110 (4) - Introductory Biology I (***)


(***) Please note: students planning to enroll in BIOL 1110 are required to have a grade of ENGL 12 – B (or equivalent) or have completed ENGL 1100 in a previous semester.

Please review the NEW STUDENTS (Biology) page [bottom of the page] for a list of ENGL 12 (B) equivalents: or consult an Academic Advisor.


Recommended first-year electives for BSc. Physics for Modern Technology Majors:

PHIL 1145 (3) – Critical Thinking

PHIL 1150 (3) – Introduction to Logic

ECON 1150 (3) – Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 1250 (3) – Principles of Macroeconomics

BUSI 1110 (3) – Canadian Business Fundamentals

BUSI 1210 – (3) – Essentials of Business Management

CPSC 1103 (3) - Principles of Program Structure and Design I  

CPSC 1204 (3) - Principles of Program Structure and Design II

EDUC 1100 – (3) – Introduction to Higher Education  or

EDUC 1150 (3) - Introduction to Higher Education for International Students

CMNS 1110 (3) - Fundamentals of Business Communication  

CMNS 1140 (3) – Introduction to Professional Communications