Policy Development FAQs

Who is in the Policy Coordination Team (PCT) and what do they do?

The Policy Coordination Team (PCT) is inclusive of the University Secretary, with a reporting relationship to the Board of Governors, and administrators responsible for supporting the Board, Senate and Policy.

The Policy Coordination Team:

  • Maintains the master, official records of all policies and procedures as the University's official policy holder.
  • Coordinates, facilitates, and supports policy review, development, and approval processes.
  • Responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the KPU Bylaws & Policies website.
  • Provides guidance to policy sponsors, policy developers, and working groups on policy development, approval timelines, and associated requirements.
  • Administers the KPU Policy Blog by providing support and oversight on all communication and activities on the Blog.
  • Supports the Senate Standing Committee on Policy (and other relevant governance committees) on policy consultation, development, and approval processes.

I want to revise a KPU policy or procedure. Where do I start?

Please connect with:

Josephine Chan
Special Assistant to the Provost on Policy & Academic Affairs
Surrey Main 231

Tristan Li
Policy & Academic Affairs Specialist
Surrey Cedar 3020

What is the "Policy Protocol" and where can I find it?

The "Policy Protocol" is also known as Policy and Procedure GV2 Protocol for the Development of University Policies. It is listed under the "Governance" policy category on the Bylaws and Policies webpage.

What is the KPU Policy Blog?

The KPU Policy Blog  is a WordPress site where KPU employees and students can provide feedback on proposed draft policies and procedures as part of the public policy consultation process at KPU.

What is the difference between Phase One and Phase Two of the policy development process in GV2?

Phase One (3-week): A rationale for the policy/procedure development, proposed policy jurisdiction, proposed scope and content of policy/procedure, and a list of proposed key parties for consultation, are posted on the KPU Policy Blog for a 3-week period. An information note regarding the proposed policy/procedure development is sent to both the Senate Standing Committee on Policy and Board Governance Committee. During this phase, KPU employees and students can comment on the Policy Blog and request to be consulted during the policy development process.

Phase Two (3-week): A draft set of Policy and/or Procedure is posted on KPU Blog for feedback for a 3-week period.

Why do some policies proceed under the previous GV2, and some with the new GV2?

For policies that have initiated their process with the Policy Coordination Team prior to September 1, 2022, policy developers can proceed with the previous GV2 process (effective April 2013 – August 31, 2022), or the new GV2 process (effective September 1, 2022).

What is the difference between a Policy Sponsor and a Policy Developer?

A Policy Sponsor can be the President, Vice Presidents, and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). A Policy Sponsor is responsible for designating a policy developer in their reporting structure to review/develop a policy within their administrative portfolio. 

A Policy Developer is an individual assigned by a Policy Sponsor to review, develop, amend or eliminate a Policy or Procedure.

Where can I find the KPU policy request form, or the KPU policy and procedure templates?

Please connect with:

Josephine Chan
Special Assistant to the Provost on Policy & Academic Affairs
Surrey Main 231

Tristan Li
Policy & Academic Affairs Specialist
Surrey Cedar 3020

Who is responsible for approving policies?

Depending on the approving jurisdiction, it can be the Board of Governors, the Senate, or the President.

What does consultation involve in policy development?

Per Policy and Procedure GV2, members of the University community are invited to participate on the KPU Policy Blog where they can 1) request to be included in the policy consultation process, and 2) provide their feedback on the draft policy/procedure via the KPU Policy Blog.

In addition to the KPU Policy Blog (as per the Policy Protocol), some policy developers may choose to provide additional informal policy consultation opportunities to solicit input and feedback from the University community. This could include but is not limited to: townhall meetings, informal University-wide drop-in sessions on Teams, visits to Faculty Councils and other relevant University committees, and WordPress pages such as the Policy Consultation Engine hosted by the Provost's Office.

How often are policies and procedures reviewed at KPU?

Policies and Procedures are to be reviewed regularly, at least every 4 years, to ensure they continue to be relevant, accurate and current. Before the start of each academic year, the PCT initiates the policy review process with all Policy Sponsors.

What is the "black-out period"?

This refers to the months of July and August in each year, where the KPU Policy Blog will be on hiatus. Postings and commenting will be turned off during this time.

Does the 3-week posting period in Phases One and Two include weekends?

The 3-week posting period means 15 working days, and does not include weekends, statutory holidays, or KPU closure days. In the case of unexpected campus closures due to unforeseen incidents or circumstances, the PCT will work with the Policy Sponsor to determine if closure merits extending the posting period. Normally, closures less than 8 hours will not merit an extension. 

What is the difference between substantive and clerical changes?

A substantive change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of a Policy and/or Procedure.

A clerical change is a change that does not alter the scope or nature of a Policy and Procedure. These changes normally include: nomenclature changes, correction of typographical errors and language clarifications that do not alter requirements or responsibilities or updates to external links, titles or references, changes to the Policy Sponsor or classification due to organizational changes.