Why Engage with KPU

KPU is a regionally focused special purpose teaching university, and Canada's polytechnic university. Applied research is integral to KPU's polytechnic culture - where thought meets action - not to mention key to productive community engagement and social innovation. We set our students up for success by connecting their learning to real-world applications from industry and community partners. This also offers an opportunity to establish mutually beneficial collaborative partnerships with local communities, industry, and government.

In its Strategic Plan (Vision 2026), KPU is committed to providing every student with an experiential learning opportunity before they graduate. We feel that we have a lot of resources in terms of expertise, facilities and human resources (researchers and students) that could be of huge value to our external/business partners in addressing their business needs and/or challenges.

  • Access KPU's renowned research experts, seasoned staff, and specialized facilities.
  • Gain from the credibility of a reputable academic partner and objective experts partnering with you.
  • Access scientific methods and infrastructure available at the university.
  • Access and assess talented students on projects and hire them pre-trained on graduation.
  • Network with other industry and community partners in your sector and sub-sector.
  • Gain unfettered, royalty-free access to intellectual property generated during the project.
  • Leverage and de-risk your co-investment with government and KPU investments.
  • Further a solid return on investment through additional federal and provincial funding.
  • Discover new opportunities for product- and service development through collaborations and commissioned research and innovation activities.

How KPU Engages

The Office of Associate Vice-President Research and Innovation (AVPRI) supports our employees and students in their research, innovation and collaboration with external partners, including creative artistry.

We collaborate with academic partners, government, industry (including SMEs), community and, business and Indigenous organizations in the regional, national, and international arena. As a learning ecosystem, KPU provides several ways for our external partners to engage with KPU.

  1. Philanthropy – KPU Foundation
  2. Co-Op and Other Experiential Learning
  3. Research and Innovation Partnerships through AVP-RIGS office
  4. Continuing and Professional Studies
  5. Graduate Hiring
  6. Access Facilities (e.g. library access space rental)
  7. Volunteering (Program Advisory Committees, Guest Lectures, Judging, etc.)

Best Practices to Engage with Academic Institutions

Canadian firms aim to build innovative technologies individually or in partnership with other organizations to solve their business challenges. New resources are available to help them work with Canada's post-secondary institutions such as the Guide to Research Partnerships compiled by the Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) which outlines practical steps businesses can take to create mutually beneficial agreements with Canadian universities.

(PDF) Guide to Research Partnerships with Canada's Universities

Resources at KPU

Why KPU? KPU is Canada's only polytechnic university which focuses on hands-on skills development, in addition to traditional academic education. KPU offers many unique programs that can't be found at other post-secondary institutions. These include, but are not limited to, fashion and technology, product design, brewing, traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, and urban ecosystems.

The Career Development Centre (CDC) offers a myriad of ways employers can connect with current students, soon-to-be grads, and alumni. The CDC hosts a free job board for employers to post their open positions or host virtual or on-campus recruitment events.

Online Data

Our resources are available online

CFI Navigator

  • Launched by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Research Facilities Navigator is a directory of publicly funded research facilities that are opening their doors to collaborations with industry, academia, and government.

Polytechnics Canada Applied Research Inventory

  • This inventory provides information about applied research space, equipment, and expertise from polytechnics across Canada.

The following video highlights the value Polytechnics, like KPU, can offer to its business partners to address a challenge they might be facing:

Ways to connect with KPU

  • Intake form for Industry wishing to connect – Lead generation form
    • Include these in the lead generation form (Drupal webform)
    • Do you plan to apply for SRED (fill the other form)
  • SRED – include 3 questions for eligibility – separate form??
  • Funding opportunities to work with academic researchers? (Mitacs, NSERC, BC gov., IRAP)

Key Considerations

Following are some key aspects to consider when engaging with KPU in applied research. However, please feel free to contact us should you wish to discuss any of these in more details.

1. Proprietary Research

KPU cares for confidential information at the highest standards possible. Proprietary research results will not be published. To assist in safeguarding proprietary information and/or arising intellectual property against disclosure, industry partners have the opportunity to review proposed publications and request removal of any such information.

2. Publication of Research

Given KPU's mandate to provide experiential learning opportunities and hands-on skills development for its students, publication of research results is essential and promoted. Being a publicly funded academic institution, KPU does not engage in secret and/or covert research. However, our researchers and students are always looking forward to any opportunities to work with external partners on applied research projects that help the partners in their business development/enhancement and, at the same time, provide experiential learning opportunities for our students.

If publication of results is an issue, please feel free to contact us to discuss options at ors@kpu.ca.

3. No Guarantee of Research Results

While all research at KPU is conducted in accordance with the responsibilities and policies outlined in the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research, the experimental nature of research means that research results cannot be guaranteed, and no warranty will be offered by KPU. KPU will conduct research in line with applicable scientific and professional standards and best practices in post secondary applied research.

4. Intellectual Property

As per KPU researchers' collective agreements and the University's Intellectual Property Policy and Procedure, the results of research belong to the researcher(s) and/or the University. Through responsible contracting, KPU will transfer appropriate intellectual property rights and offer unfettered loyalty-free license to the partner.

5. Indirect Costs

Applied research at KPU reflects fairly the economic realities of conducting cutting-edge research in modern facilities. All costs not directly associated with a research project are considered indirect costs e.g. employee salaries, rent, utilities, etc. All research projects conducted at KPU must include an allowance for indirect costs.

6. Risk Management and Insurance

KPU aims for equitable arrangements that distribute both the risks and rewards of applied research fairly. KPU expects sponsors to assume responsibility for the risks of their use of the project results. Ordinarily, KPU will not provide an indemnity. The Financial Administration Act of BC prohibits KPU from giving indemnities without advance approval from the Risk Management Branch of BC's Ministry of Finance.

7. Publicity and Use of Trademarks

KPU welcomes opportunities to celebrate its research collaborations and for its partners to publicise KPU research. However, KPU's name and logo are trademarks and must be used only with written authorization as outlined in University policy (GV6). To use KPU's name or logo or the name of researchers for commercial purposes or in publicity, such as company press releases, the use should be approved by KPU and/or the researcher, as appropriate.

8. Freedom of Information

KPU is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c.165 (“FIPPA”). Under FIPPA, KPU will ensure appropriate collection, use, access, disclosure, storage, retention, and disposal of personal information by the university. KPU will employ reasonable security arrangements for the protection of personal information in the custody or under the control of KPU. KPU will handle the Freedom of Information Request in compliance with the FIPPA.