Senate Engagement

Senate Engage Series

The Senate Engage Series was established to discuss and inform Senators about major issues or projects impacting the University.  The presentations and any related documents will be accessible to all members of the KPU community.  Senators are encouraged to submit recommendations for speakers or topics at Senate meetings or by emailing

Engage presentations will take place following the Senate meeting(s).

Upcoming Presentation

Monday, June 24, 2024

Global Indigenous Learning Experience  presented by Ada Lee, Global Learning & Partnerships Manager and Natalie Wood-Wiens, Indigenous Services Manager 

The Global Indigenous Learning Experience (GILE) is an innovative and inclusive non-credit collaborative online international learning (COIL) program, co-developed by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) and Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australia. This initiative is the first collaborative project between KPU’s Indigenous Services for Students and Office of Global Engagement at KPU International.

Established in 2022, students from both institutions participate in a 4-week online program, taking part in a series of lectures and focused breakout discussion groups led by Indigenous Elders, scholars, and community members to reflect on respective Indigenous peoples’ journeys. This year, we launch the first hybrid program: KPU students will travel to Perth, Australia for 1 week, and ECU students will then travel to Vancouver for the second week. The participants receive scholarships through the Access to Global Learning Award, which is funded by the Global Skills Opportunity grant, the Government of Canada’s Outbound Student Mobility Pilot Program. 


Past Presentations

April 22, 2024

The status of our health care system in BC: what we are seeing, how the province is responding and opportunities for KPU

For the past many weeks, health sector challenges and funding announcements have been dominating the media. During this Senate Engage session, Sharmen Lee, Dean for the Faculty of Health will provide an overview of the challenges the health sector in BC is facing, how the province is responding with regional and provincial initiatives, and the potential opportunities for KPU.

In case you missed the presentation, click the button below to read the PowerPoint.


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

What's New in Entertainment Arts

ENTA faculty members Clint Forward and Jeff Campbell as well as Associate Dean of Arts, Ed Ko provided a glimpse into the programs offered by the Entertainment Arts department including an exciting upcoming event "KPU Arcade" - a first-ever event of it's kind hosted by KPU.

Watch the presentation by clicking this  LINK

KPU's Global Strategy - An Update from the KPU Global Task Force

Presented by President Alan Davis and members from the Task Force.

The full report can be found in the November 20, 2023 Senate Agenda Package (item 4.1.1).  

Find the link here: 2023 11 20 Senate Agenda Package

Finding Your Place in the Climate Crisis presented by Dr. Brett Favaro

Climate change is terrifying, all-encompassing, and stands to ruin much of what we love about the world. But you already knew that, and my job isn’t to tell you what you already know. My job is to help you fight back.

In this talk, Dr. Favaro described how he sees the University – and leaders within it – as an essential engine of change in the climate crisis. He focussed on three pathways, including direct decarbonization of our own activities, creating a climate-capable workforce, and normalizing climate action by equipping students to push society past critical social tipping points. He synthesized relevant research in these areas, with a focus on helping you find your place in this story.

Watch the presentation by clicking this LINK

Academic Integrity presented by Anna Robinson

This presentation will include an overview of different perspectives on academic integrity, why violations occur, and what we can tell from the data about the extent and nature of academic integrity challenges at KPU.  She explains what we are doing now to address some of these challenges at the university, explores what it means to build a culture of academic integrity, and discusses some of our possible future directions.

Watch the presentation by clicking this   LINK

KPU's Applied Genomics Centre presented by Dr. Paul Adams

The presentation includes an introduction to KPU's Applied Genomics Centre, including information on current research and partnerships.

Watch the presentation by clicking this   LINK