Access Exams
Book your Access Exam
Access students can write at Langley in January, please contact us for booking.
Access (Accommodated) Exams are when a student uses Accommodations to write a quiz, test, mid-term, or final exam for a KPU course. You are encouraged to contact Accessibility Services to discuss an Accommodation Plan with an Advisor.
Accommodations are changes in when, where, or how you complete an exam. Accommodations may be used for class tests, mid-terms, finals, and supplemental tests. They may also be used for placement tests, out-of-town tests, and trades or technology tests.
Some examples of Accommodations for exams include:
- Alternate Formats - such as audio, e-text, or large print
- Extended Exam Time – additional time to complete an exam
- Distraction Reduced – exams are booked in a room where visual and auditory distractions are reduced
- Technology – use of computer, calculators, spell-check, or specific software
- Reader or Scribe – a technology or person who reads a text aloud or writes your responses.
When you receive your Course Outline at the beginning of the semester; book your quizzes, midterms and final exam. All access exam requests must be booked two weeks in advance of the testing date.
- If you are taking a Fully online/remote course then it is unnecessary for you to come onto campus to do your test. The instructor can simply extend your time on Moodle to allow for extended time while doing the test from home. If you want to come to campus to do your exam in the test centre, you are more than welcome to book this with us on RB.
- If you are taking an online course, and have accommodations that requires our staff (reader/scribe) or specialized equipment/software, you should book a time to come to the campus to do this in person at a test centre.
- If you are an online/remote student, and are out of town/unable to come to campus, and have above mentioned accommodations, you can book an access exam for any campus and then email to let us know that this needs to be done remotely ( There is no remote booking option for Access exams on our RB site.