Math Placement Test (MPT)
For on-campus MPT testing, select Langley, Richmond or Civic campus from the drop down choices below. The remote MPT can only be taken virtually if you live more than 100 kms from a KPU campus. For 'Out of Town' testing select Remote/Virtual for an online test proctored remotely by KPU Testing Administrators. All tests are done on computer using the ALEKS PPL platform and Moodle.
Your initial placement into a Mathematics course at KPU is determined primarily by your BC high school record in Mathematics. However, if you do not satisfy the requirements for direct admission to a mathematics course, you may qualify, on the basis of your high school grades, to write the Mathematics Placement Test. This test is designed to assess your true knowledge and comprehension of Mathematics.

How to Activate/Use Your ALEKS Account
- Use the link provided in your exam confirmation receipt email.
- Login with your KPU credentials (Student Number & Password) (links to SSO & directly to the ALEKS Account)
- In ALEKS, complete the initial survey, tools tutorial, and Initial ALEKS Knowledge Check
Important: You must complete at least ONE practice test in the ALEKS portal before the exam date.
Before test day at KPU - Activate your Moodle account at KPU: (You will need this activated 72 hours before your MPT at KPU)
- Use the link provided in your exam confirmation receipt email.
- Type in: your Username (KPU Student ID Number) & Password
- Once you log in, you have activated your Account
What does your placement result/score mean?
Placement Results Info (until Sept 2023).pdf
For a listing of alternative ways to meet a mathematics requirement, please review the Mathematics Alternative Table in the KPU calendar: Recommended: If you require assistance understanding these requirements, please book an appointment with an Academic Advisor online at
After Completing the Math Placement Test
Your results in ALEKS will look different when entered in your ‘KPU STUDENT PROFILE’:
- Go to:
- Click: ‘Online Self Service’ or ‘OSS’ (If it does not appear on the homepage, type in OSS on the Search line at the top of the page)
- Enter your KPU Student Number and Password. Click: Login
- Click: Student Menu
- Click: Prior Education (on the left of the page)
- Your Test Score(s) will be listed below the header ‘Testing’
To view a PDF of these instructions: How to View Your Admissions Test Scores Instruction
If you have questions about your test results or placement, book an appointment with Academic Advising - Upgrading: