Keeping your personal information up to date is important so KPU can contact you with essential information and updates and ensure your records are accurate. It is each student's responsibility to keep their information up to date at all times.
There are several ways to keep your personal information up to date at KPU, such as your mailing address, phone number, or your preferred or legal name.
To update your contact information, visit the Personal information Menu tab in Online Self-Service:
- Select Personal Information
- Review to confirm/update your:
- Mailing address
- Personal email address
- Phone Number
- Emergency Contact
The Office of the Registrar maintains only one mailing address for each current student on behalf of KPU. Update this address to reflect where you will be living while attending KPU so you receive important correspondence from the University. Mail that is returned to the Office of the Registrar is not redirected.
Students are required to provide the following original documents in order to update their legal name:
- Government issued photo ID/driver's license with name change reflected.
- Other Legal proof of a name change such as a marriage certificate (issued by Vital Statistics, a religious organization or a marriage commissioner), a divorce certificate (both married and previous names must be on the document), or a legal change of name certificate.
Complete the Student Information Change form and submit it (with the above supporting documents) here.
- Legal name changes in BC: Legal changes of name - Province of British Columbia (
- Provincial and Federal ID and Name changes: ID & Name Change (
Student email addresses are in the form of with some variation to account for students sharing the same name. When updating your legal name, if you would also like to have your KPU email address updated, be sure this is indicated on the Student Information Change form.
To update your preferred or chosen name, visit the Personal information Menu tab in Online Self-Service.
Once your preferred name has been updated, you may email to request to have your email updated to use your preferred name instead of your legal name.
To update your gender identity, visit the Personal information Menu tab in Online Self-Service.
Original government-issued status document(s) are required in order to update your residency or citizenship status.
Complete the Student Information Change form and submit (with the above supporting document(s)) here.
Account adjustments, including tuition/fees, resulting from updated residency status will be processed until the Add/drop deadline of the term.
First-time SIN submissions must be done in by selecting the “Submit SIN” tile.
To change your SIN, the original SIN document (card or letter) AND government-issued photo ID is required.
Complete the Student Information Change form and submit it (with the above supporting documents) here.
To update your name or picture on your KPU card, please use the KPU Card Submission Form. Please note class lists will display your KPU card picture.
For the purposes of self-identification at KPU, an Indigenous Person is identified as an "Indian, Metis, or Inuit person of Canada" (Constitution Act of 1982, Section 35, Number 2).
To self-identify as an indigenous student, KPU students can complete the Indigenous Self-Identification and Contact Form
Students can request to be removed from the contact list at any time by contacting
For additional details, visit Indigenous Student Self-Identification