Examples of Academic Misconduct

Academic Integrity Banner - Fundamental Values

Examples of Academic Misconduct

Click on the boxes below to see some examples of academic misconduct and what you can do to prevent these issues. 

*The information below is intended to provide general information only and does not replace the official Student Academic Integrity ST2 Policy and Procedures.



Misrepresenting one’s knowledge in an academic assessment by using prohibited materials and information, including exchanging information with other students.


  • Sharing answers or discussing information with another student during an exam
  • Looking online for test answers or other test materials
  • Copying an exam answer from a friend or other source
  • Asking someone who has already taken a test to tell you what the questions are
  • Having someone else to do an assignment or test for you
  • Accessing websites like CourseHero and Chegg for test answers
  • Submitting test questions or content to online sources
  • Looking at your notes or other course material during an exam (without permission from your instructor)
  • Using a cell phone during an exam (without permission from your instructor)
  • Using unauthorized tools for assistance with assignments (this could include generative artificial intelligence tools)

*If you're not sure whether something is allowed or not, ask your instructor!


At the beginning of the semester, plan your time for each assignment so you have time to study and complete your assignments

Attend a free workshop with The Learning Centres that can help you succeed in your courses, such as Time Management Strategies or Exam Preparation Strategies

Ask for help!

  • Talk to your instructor if you are struggling or if you are not sure about the requirements for a test or assignment.
  • Meet with a Learning Strategist who can help you learn study skills and other strategies to help you succeed at KPU



Presenting the ideas and words of others as your own without giving proper credit to the original sources. This can be either intentional or unintentional


  • Copying passages or images from other sources without acknowledgement
  • Using ideas that are not your own without acknowledgement
  • Submitting an assignment with a reference/citation to a source which does not exist or that you did not use
  • Submitting an assignment as your own when someone else completed some or all of it (without permission from your instructor)
  • Submitting an assignment that you have already submitted in another course
  • Paraphrasing without acknowledging the source
  • Omitting quotation marks when using the exact words of someone else




“The intentional use of invented information or the falsification or research or other findings.”1

1 Kwantlen Polytechnic University (2023). Student Academic Integrity Procedure (Policy No. ST2).


  • Making up or altering research results, data, or ideas


Speak to your instructor about how to accurately and appropriately report research findings

Learn more about how to find and use sources by:

Forgery or Falsification of Documents


Deceptively creating or altering documentation related to an academic activity


  • Altering or making up an academic record
  • Creating a fake doctor’s note to be excused from an exam
  • Changing the date on a medical note
  • Being dishonest on an application form


Learn about and practice time management skills

  • Learning Strategists – Meet with a learning strategist from the Learning Centres who can help you learn skills to prevent academic integrity violations and succeed in your courses.
  • The Learning Centres – In addition to learning strategists, access tutoring, workshops, and learning aids that can support you in your studies.

Seek help if you are struggling by speaking to your instructor and using KPU support services such as:



“Providing misleading information or omitting information in order to gain an unfair advantage”2

2 Kwantlen Polytechnic University (2023). Student Academic Integrity Procedure (Policy No. ST2).


  • Submitting another's work as your own by deleting the other person's name and writing yours
  • Lying and denying when your instructor asks if you used any unauthorized outside sources in completing your assignment


  • Be honest and transparent about one’s own work and outside sources used, if any.
  • Have the courage to admit to having made a mistake.
  • Review the course syllabus, assignment instructions and engage in consultation with the instructor to double check if using outside sources is permitted or not, and if permitted, be transparent when using them in an assignment.

Assisting Another Student in Committing a Breach of Academic Integrity


“Allowing another Student to see examination answers, impersonating another student or agreeing to be impersonated (in person or online) on an Academic Assessment, online posting, or course-related activity; helping another student falsify documents, or assisting another student in any other Breach of Academic Integrity”3

3Kwantlen Polytechnic University (2023). Student Academic Integrity Procedure (Policy No. ST2).


  • Letting a friend look at your test answers
  • Sharing you essay with a peer
  • Writing and exam for a friend
  • Pretending to be someone else to write their test or assignment for them
  • Re-writing sentences in a friend’s paper for them
  • Helping someone write a fake medical note


  • Do not share your work with others. It might feel like you are helping someone by sharing your paper or answers with them, but doing so is wrong and you put your own education as well as your friend’s at risk.
  • Encourage your peers to find appropriate help for their studies, such as through KPU tutors, speaking to their instructors, or accessing other support services.

Collusion/Unauthorized Collaboration


“Working with a student or students without authorization of the instructor on an academic assessment that is meant to be completed individually”4

4Kwantlen Polytechnic University (2023). Student Academic Integrity Procedure (Policy No. ST2).


  • Working with a friend or classmate on an individual assignment (e.g. treating it like a group assignment)
  • Asking a student who completed the course last semester to give you past test questions/answers 
  • Asking a student who completed the course last semester to share their assignments with you


  • If you aren't sure if an assignment can be completed as a group, ask your instructor to clarify if this is an individual or group assignment
  • Do not share your assignments or test material with other students if not permitted by the instructor
  • Do not ask other students to share their assignments with you. If you need support, reach out to the Learning Centre (learnign strategist, tutors, workshops, learning aids) or your instructor.
  • Encourage your peers to find appropriate help for their studies, such as through KPU tutors, speaking to their instructors, or accessing other support services.

Infringement of Copyright


Violating the Canadian Copyright Act and/or university policies related to copyright rules.


  • Photocopying more than 10% of a book
  • Posting content from an instructor or other student online without permission
  • Selling, buying, or downloading an infringed textbook
  • Using an image from the internet that is protected under copyright without citing


  • Read through KPU’s Copyright for Students guide
  • Always cite the source of images and information
  • Look for images that are Public Domain or authorized for educational uses
  • If you are unsure if you are correctly following copyright rules, find more guidance on the library website or contact copyright@kpu.ca