We will work with you and your instructors to create an accommodation plan.

Common Accommodations

Accommodations are individualized plans that help you access information, participate in learning, and demonstrate your skills and knowledge.

Some common accommodations include:

Access Exams

Accommodations for quizzes, tests, mid-terms, and finals include changes in when, where, or how you complete an exam. For example, you may require extra time, a distraction-reduced room, or the questions read out loud.

Accessible Course Materials

We can help you access textbooks or course materials in an alternate format such as e-text, audio, large print, or Braille.


This may include getting a copy of an instructor's PowerPoint slides before class, using a Smart Pen to record while taking notes, or getting notes from a classmate.


There are a lot of programs, tools, and apps that can help you organize your time, read textbooks, write assignments, and more. Some favourites are read aloud programs such as Kurzweil, screen readers such as JAWS, dictation programs such as Dragon.


We can help ensure a standing desk or ergonomic chair is available in your classrooms, find accessible equipment for a lab, or set up a large screen.

Communication Access

We provide Interpreting and Transcribing services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students in the classroom and other university-related activities and events.