Carroll Boydell
BA (Hons) (UBC), MA (SFU), PhD (SFU)Image

Surrey Office: Surrey Main 3881-6
Surrey Campus: 604.599.3416
Richmond Office: Richmond 2345
Richmond Campus: 604.599.2666
Langley Office: Langley 2055
Langley Campus: 604.599.3364
Courses taught
- ARTS 1100 Experiencing the Arts
- CRIM 1100 Introduction to Criminology
- CRIM 1208 Research Methods in Criminology
- CRIM 2330 Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
- CRIM 3512 Mental Disorder and Canadian Law
- CRIM 4900 Special Topics
- CRIM 4310 Wrongful Convictions
Areas of Interest
Topics of interest in my research: whistleblowers, jailhouse informants, lie detection, cognition and memory in legal contexts, crime prevention.
My research interests lie at the intersection of psychology and law. To put it simply, I study what people believe and how they act within the criminal justice system, as well as the consequences of those beliefs and actions.
Scholarly Work
- Best practices in whistleblower legislation: An analysis of federal and provincial legislation relevant to disclosures of wrongdoing in British Columbia
- “You caught ‘em!...or not?: Feedback affects investigators recollections of speech cues thought to signal honesty and deception.
- Accuracy of and confidence in mock jailhouse informants’ recall of criminal accounts