Future Course Offerings

Department of Criminology

Tentative Course Offerings for Upcoming Semesters

(Conditional on enrolment and subject to change)

Criminology Course







CRIM 1100 Introduction to Criminology

CRIM 1101 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System

CRIM 1107 Canadian Legal Systems

CRIM 1207 Introduction to Criminal Law

CRIM 1208 Methods of Research in Criminology

CRIM 1215 Interpersonal and Professional Development

CRIM 2103 Quantitative Data Analysis I

CRIM 2204 Criminal Justice and Psychology


CRIM 2205 Crime, Criminal Justice, and the Media


CRIM 2211 Introduction to Policing

CRIM 2214 Corrections: Theory & Practice


CRIM 2249 Youth Justice

CRIM 2330 Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour

CRIM 2331 Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour

CRIM 2341 Canadian Criminal Justice Administration

CRIM 2355 Police Deviance and Accountability


CRIM 3000 Justice/Injustice


CRIM 3100 Advanced Theories of Crime and Community

CRIM 3104 Qualitative Research Methods
CRIM 3111 Contemporary Sociological Criminology
CRIM 3113 Critical Criminology 
CRIM 3115 Crime Mapping  
CRIM 3118 White-Collar and Corporate Crime 
CRIM 3120 Organized Crime  
CRIM 3211 Policing and Community   
CRIM 3213 Community Corrections 
CRIM 3217 Women, Crime, and Justice  
CRIM 3249 Issues in Youth Justice 
CRIM 3270 Substance Use and Harm Reduction  
CRIM 3302 Procedure and Evidence 
CRIM 3305 Law and Society
CRIM 3307 Issues in Conflict Resolution  
CRIM 3310 Restorative Justice 
CRIM 3351 Philosophy of Law  
CRIM 3512 Mental Disorder and Canadian Law 
CRIM 3800 Service Learning in Criminology and Justice  
CRIM 3911 Green Criminology✓ (New course for Summer 2025 only, future offering to be determined)
CRIM 4112 Contemporary Psychological Criminology 
CRIM 4201 Community Safety and Crime Prevention
CRIM 4205 Surveillance, Privacy, and Control (Proposed new course)  
CRIM 4235 Marginalized Groups and the Criminal Justice System
CRIM 4240 Indigenous Peoples and Justice 
CRIM 4245 Indigenous Activism 
CRIM 4300 Administrative and Regulatory Law   
CRIM 4301 Community Advocacy and Human Rights 
CRIM 4310 Wrongful Convictions  
CRIM 4400 Ethics and Professional Development 
CRIM 4410 Policy and Program Evaluation   
CRIM 4800 Practicum in Criminology and Justice  By Application
CRIM 4900 Special Topics  
CRIM 4990 Honours Thesis I By Application 

CRIM 4970 Honours Seminar

 By Application 
CRIM 4995 Honours Thesis II  By Application

If you have any questions or would like information about the Honours program, please email: criminology@kpu.ca

Please make an appointment with an Arts Degree Advisor for further information on how these courses will fit into your program: ArtsDegreeAdvising@kpu.ca

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