
Criminology is an exciting and expanding area of study! The Criminology Department offers a number of programs to suit your needs. Please refer to the links for information on each program.

BA degree programs:

60-credit programs:

30-credit program:

Visit the Courses section of the on-line calendar to browse through the many criminology courses we offer:

  • Criminology Courses
  • CRIM 3800 Service Learning in Criminology and Justice (6 credits) offers students the opportunity to work in a frontline capacity with a not-for-profit social service agency or other community group. Students volunteer 10 hours a week for 11 weeks and attend class weekly to discuss and debrief their experiences.
  • The Practicum is an amazing opportunity for students to gain valuable first-hand experience and skills in a profession of interest: CRIM 4800 Practicum in Criminology and Justice.


Kwantlen Polytechnic University offers excellent academic preparation, with small class sizes and well-qualified and dedicated instructors. The Criminology degree has been carefully developed and reviewed by KPU’s internal committees, external consultants, including other universities and colleges, and approved by the BC provincial government.

Scholarship and Teaching

The emphasis at KPU is on excellence in teaching. Our instructors are highly qualified and come from many Canadian and international post-secondary institutions. They have excellent credentials; however, they are hired in large measure for their teaching ability.

Ongoing attention to quality instruction is obtained through instructor professional development. Collaborative peer and student reviews ensure that instructors use the best methods of teaching to engage their students in the learning process and advance their success. Many instructors also have significant practical experience working in their discipline and can help students see the relevance of course material to the outside world.


At KPU, class sizes do not exceed 35 students in the lower-level courses, and some upper-level courses are limited to 25 students. This allows for more individual attention and more contact between students and instructors.

Skill development in addition to content acquisition

All courses stress the acquisition of skills, in addition to content. Most courses include development of many of the following: creative thinking and problem-solving skills, reading, writing and oral skills, interpersonal skills, teamwork and leadership skills, personal management and entrepreneurial skills, visual literacy skills, intercultural skills, technological skills, and the development of citizenship and global perspective. These skills enhance students’ employability and their ability to engage and participate in their communities and more broadly.

Growth and innovation

KPU is only 39 years old, and while it has well-established programs, it has also created new programs unique to KPU. While most of the courses in Criminology transfer easily to other BC universities and colleges, several courses are unique and unavailable elsewhere.

Eclassrooms are equipped with computers, DVD players, VCRs, and screens. Many instructors use websites to support communication with students and provide them with extra help and guidance. While KPU offers some online courses, instructional methods emphasize personal contact and engagement.

Student services

KPU offers students many services, including career, student and personal counselling, learning centres, and employment centres. Student Awards and Financial Assistance are also available.


Students can take lower-level courses at three locations—Surrey, Richmond and Langley. Upper-level courses are offered at the Surrey and Richmond campuses.

More information on KPU, its mandate, policies, and programs.


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