Chris Thomson
MEd Counselling Psychology UBC
Permanent ½ time since Fall 2020
I have a history of involvement in many aspects of criminal justice from frontline work to staff training with government and non-government organizations. I have previously taught at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (Law and Police Sciences Department) in New York City and the Justice Institute of B.C. (Law Enforcement Studies Program).
As part of my service to the community I am on the Board for the Walkathon for Kids with Cancer and a member of the Three Links Society providing services to the homeless in Vancouver.
Courses taught
- CRIM 1100 Introduction to Criminology
- CRIM 1101 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
- CRIM 2214 Corrections: Theory & Practice
- 3213 Community Corrections
- 3310 Restorative Justice
Areas of Interest
I am interested in all aspects of Criminology, especially sentencing, penal reform, and corrections. I am a member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers which is an international clinical and research organization. I also maintain a membership in the B.C. Criminal Justice Association:
My volunteer work includes being the chairperson for the Walkathon for Kids with Cancer, a non-profit charity that raises money that goes directly to families in economic need who have a child in cancer treatment at Children’s Hospital. Additionally I volunteer as a member of the Three Links Society and Oddfellows Lodge #90 working with homeless people and doing outreach work.
Scholarly Work
- Thomson, C.E. (February/March 2004). Staff Training for Treatment Providers of Sexually Violent Predators. Sex Offender Law Report Vol. 5, No.2.
- Lussier, P., Dahabieh, M., Deslauriers-Varin, N., Thomson, C. Community Reintegration of Violent and Sexual Offenders: Issues and Challenges for Community Risk