Ross Michael

Ross Michael Pink

BA (UBC), MA (McGill), PhD (Leicester)
Surrey Office: Fir 244
Surrey Campus: 604.599.2864

Areas of Interest

My academic focus and areas of interest are:  water rights and development, child rights, human security, anti-child trafficking laws and policy, refugee rights. I am Co-Founder, Global Water Rights, an Educational NGO.

A scholarly book, ‘Water Rights in Southeast Asia and India’ that I authored has been published by Palgrave Macmillan in November 2015. The book is currently cited on their website.

In addition, as the co-founder of global water rights, there is active engagement on water rights education to groups from children to university audiences and support for clean water projects in the developing world.

Recent activities include:

1. A donation to the clean water project in Dharamshala, India which supports a soup kitchen utilizing clean, safe water for refugees, July 2014;

2. Public lecture on water rights in Tibet, India, Mali and Indonesia at the Tibet parliament in exile, CTA, sponsored by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) in Dharamshala, India on July 4, 2014.

3. Delegate and featured speaker at the United Nations University, INWEH (Institute For Water Environment and Health) and McMaster University symposium called ‘Wash and Wellbeing’ held at McMaster University in November 2013.

4. Presentations on water rights to the KPU talk program audiences in 2014 and 2013

Guest lectures:

In February 2014, attendance at the Asia Pacific Sociological Association (APSA) international conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand to present a paper based upon the publication: 'Child trafficking in Thailand: Prevention and prosecution challenges,' in Asian Affairs: An American Review, vol. 40, issue 4, 2013

  • NUS in Singapore
  • Thammasat University in Thailand
  • Taiwan National Normal University
  • The Ministry of Health in Myanmar
  • Tibetan parliament in exile in Dharamsala, India
  • The University of the Philippines, Los Banos
  • Thailand Department of Water Resources

Contributions at KPU:   

Dr. Pink also served on the KPU Faculty Council representing the political science department in 2014

Co-chair with Dr. Greg Millard of the B.C. Political Science Association Annual Conference held for the first time at KPU in May 2014.  

Dr. Pink has also been a frequent guest speaker for the KPU talk program public lecture series

Scholarly Work