Dr. Valérie Vézina

BA (McGill), MA (Memorial), PhD (UQAM)
Dr. Vézina.png
Surrey Office: Fir 244
Surrey Campus: 604-599-3021

Originally from Québec, Dr. Vézina has developed a passion about islands while living in Newfoundland for her Master of Arts. She enjoys visiting islands (tropical or not, big or small) and likes discussing issues of nationalism and identity in both a Canadian and global context.

Areas of Interest

Canadian Politics, Comparative politics, Global politics, Island Studies, Nationalism.

Scholarly Work

  • Books
  • - Vézina, V. (2018). Une île, une nation?: Le nationalisme insulaire à la lumière des cas de Terre-Neuve et Puerto Rico. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
  • Distinctions:
  • a) Finalist for the Peter-Cashin Prize (best book written on the political economy/history of Newfoundland) (2019)
  • b) Finalist for the Prix Francophone (best book written in French) of the Canadian Political Science Association (2020)
  • Edited Book
  • - Vézina, V. (editor). (2021). Political Ideologies and Worldviews: An Introduction. KPU Pressbooks licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 (open textbook)
  • Book Chapters
  • - Vézina, V. (2017). When the "Other" Becomes a Proud Newfoundlander. In: The Democracy Cookbook: Recipes to Renew Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador, ed. by A. Marland & L. Moore, St. John’s, NL: ISER Books, 208-211.
  • - Vézina, V. (2015). Occuper le territoire dans l'étude des nationalismes. Réflexions sur le nationalisme insulaire. In: Actes du colloque étudiant du Centre Paulo-Freire, 1, 1-26.
  • - Vézina, V. & Basta, K. (2014). Nationalism in Newfoundland and Labrador. In: First Among Unequals: Politics and Public Policy in Newfoundland and Labrador, ed. by A. Marland & M. Kerby, Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 67-83.
  • Articles/Reviews
  • - Tarry, H., Vézina V., Bailey, J., & Lopes, L. (2022) Political orientation, moral foundations, and COVID-19 social distancing. PLoS ONE, 17, no. 6
  • - Gardinetti, R.G. & Vézina, V. (2021). Anachronistic Progressivism: Advancing Sovereignty through Monarchy. The story of the Kingdom of L’Anse-Saint-Jean, Transformations: Journal of Media, Culture and Technology, Issue 35, 52-64.
  • - Vézina, V. (2020). Navigating citizenship and national identity in American territories: nationalism in American Samoa and Puerto Rico, Shima, 14, no. 2, 168-184.
  • - Vézina, V. (2019). Naomi Klein’s The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico takes on the disaster capitalists. Shima, 13, no 1, 159-162.
  • - Dorion-Souillé, M., Massie, J. & Vézina, V. (2018). Histoire militaire et politique étrangère: Les fondements du néonationalisme canadien, Politique et Sociétés, 37, no. 3, 51-75.
  • - Lecours, A. & Vézina, V. (2017). The Politics of Nationalism and Status in Puerto Rico. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 50, no.4, 1083-1101.
  • Distinction:
  • Long-listed for the John McMenemy Prize (best article published in the Canadian Journal of Political Science)
  • - Vézina, V. (2017). Puerto Rico: the Quest for a 'National' Anthem. Shima, 11, no. 2, 220-231.
  • - Vézina, V. (2014). The Role of the Political System in Shaping Island Nationalism: a Comparative Examination of Puerto Rico and Newfoundland, Island Studies Journal, 9, no. 1, 103-122.
  • Book Reviews
  • - Vézina, V. (2022). Book review of [Colonial debts: the case of Puerto Rico, Rocío Zambrana, Durham, Duke University Press, 2021, 280 pp.], Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes, 47, no. 2, 330-332, DOI: 10.1080/08263663.2022.2055337
  • - Vézina, V. (2021). Book review of [Island futures: Caribbean survival in the Anthropocene, Mimi Sheller, Durham and London, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2020, 226 pp.] Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Revue canadienne des études latino- américaines et caraïbes, DOI: 10.1080/08263663.2022.2005889
  • - Vézina, V. (2021). Compte rendu de [La sociologie du nationalisme : relations, cognition, comparaisons et processus, de Frédérick Guillaume Dufour, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, coll. « Politeia », 2019, 519 p.]. Politique et Sociétés, 40, no 1, 210-211.
  • - Vézina, V. (2020). Book review of [Violence and Militants: From Ottoman Rebellions to Jihadist Organizations Baris Cayli, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019, 224 pp.] Canadian Journal of Political Science, 53, no 1, 211-212. doi:10.1017/S0008423919001045
  • - Vézina, V. (2020). Compte rendu de [Les nations savent-elles encore rêver ? Les mythes nationaux à l’ère de la mondialisation, de Gérard Bouchard, Montréal, Boréal, 2019, 438 p.] Politique et Sociétés, 39, no 3, 232–234.