Cassandra Hesse
BA (KPU), MA (UBC), PhD Candidate (UBC)Cassandra Hesse is developmental psychologist and sexologist. She is a PhD candidate at The University of British Columbia. Previously, she received her master’s degree at UBC in the study of Human Development, Learning, and Culture. Prior to this, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree (with honors) in the study of Psychology at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Currently, she is completing her PhD which will examine the effects of pornography on young people’s sexual knowledge, beliefs, behaviours, and attitudes. In her free time, Cass can be found rowing, biking, and spending time with her family.
Courses taught
- PSYC 1100 – Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes
- PSYC 1200 – Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications
- PSYC 2320 – Developmental Psychology: Child Development
- PSYC 2321 – Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
- PSYC 3316 – Developmental Psychology: Infancy
- PSYC 2322 – Developmental Psychology: Adult Development
Areas of Interest
Her area of interest focuses specifically on controversial human sexuality and developmental behavioral concepts. Primarily, this includes sex, pornography, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, pleasure, intimacy, and the biopsychosocial development of individuals across the life span.
Scholarly Work
- McKenzie, S., Hesse, C. L., Carson, A., & Knight, R. (2023). “Anticipate the need”: A narrative analysis of key stakeholders’ experiences providing services to sexual and gender minority youth in British Columbia, Canada, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Critical Public Health.
- Gaudette, M., Hesse, C., Kia, H., Chanady, T., Carson, A., Knight, R., Ferlatte, O. (2022). A “double-edged sword”: Health professionals’ perspectives on the health and social impacts of gay dating apps on young gay, bisexual, trans and queer men, The Journal of Sex Research.
- Parent, N., Dadgar, K., Xiao, B., Hesse, C. L., & Shapka, J. D. (2021). Social disconnection during COVID-19: The role of attachment, fear of missing out, and smartphone use. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31(3), 748-763.
- Wisener, K. M., Driessen, E. W., Cuncic, C., Hesse, C. L., & Eva, K. W. (2020). Incentives for clinical teachers: On why their complex influences should lead us to proceed with caution. Medical Education, 00, 1-11.
- Skoda, K., Oswald, F., Brown, K., Hesse, C. L., & Pedersen, C. L. (2020). Showing Skin: Tattoo Visibility Status, Egalitarianism, and Personality are Predictors of Sexual Openness Among Women. Sexuality and Culture, 24(4), 1-22.
- Champion, A., Brown, K., Hughes, S., Hesse, C. L., & Pedersen, C. L. (2020). The influence of relationship status and sexual orientation on reputational punishment of other women’s behaviour. Psychology and Sexuality, 1-32.
- Oswald, F., Lopes, A., Skoda, K., Hesse, C. L., & Pedersen, C. L. (2019). I’ll show you mine, so you’ll show me yours: Motivations and personality variables in photographic exhibitionism. Journal of Sex Research, 0(0), 1-13.
- Lewis, B. J., Hesse, C. L., Cook, B. C., & Pedersen, C. L. (2018). Sexistential crisis: An intersectional analysis of gender expression and sexual orientation in masculine overcompensation. Journal of Homosexuality, 67(1), 1-21.
- Hesse, C., & Pedersen, C. L. (2017). Porn sex versus real sex: How sexually explicit material shapes our understanding of sexual anatomy, physiology, and behaviour. Sexuality & Culture, 21(3), 754-775.
- Pedersen, C. L., Champion, A. R., Hesse, C. L., & Lewis, B. J. (2015). A question of deviancy: Comparing exotic dancers and female university students. Sexuality & Culture, 19(4), 800-815.