Dr. Dada Otu Adebayo
B.Sc. (Hons) (Ibadan), M.Sc. (Ibadan), PhD (Ibadan)Image
Courses taught
- PSYC 1100 - Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes
- PSYC 1200 - Introduction to Psychology: Areas & Applications
- PSYC 2330 - Social Psychology
- PSYC 3200 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- PSYC 3930 - Consumer Psychology - Research & Applications
- PSYC 4500 - Interpersonal Relations II
Areas of Interest
My primary area of research is Industrial/Organisational Psychology with particular interest in three broad areas:
- Leadership, training & development
- Policing
- Gender & health-related issues in the workplace
Scholarly Work
- Adebayo, D. O., Sunmola, A. M., & Udegbe, I. B (in press). Workplace fairness and emotional exhaustion in Nigeria police: The moderating role of gender, Anxiety, Stress, and coping: An International Journal.
- Adebayo, D. O., Akanmode, J. A. & Udegbe, I. B. (2007). The importance of spirituality in the relationship between psychological contract violation and cynicism in the Nigeria police, The Police Journal, 80, (2), 141-166.
- Adebayo, D. O. (2006). Workload, social support and work-school conflict among Nigerian non-traditional students, Journal of Career Development, 33, (2), 125-141.
- Sunmola, A. M., Adebayo, D. O., Olapegba, P. M., & Alarape, A. I. (2006). The experience of condom use and other sexual risk practices among male brewery employees who recently migrated in Nigeria, Health Educational Journal, 65, (3), 288-301.
- Adebayo, D. O. (2005a). Perceived workplace fairness, transformational leadership and motivation in the Nigeria police: Implications for change, International Journal of Police Science & Management, 7, (2), 110-122.
- Adebayo, D. O. (2005b). Ethical attitudes and prosocial behaviour in the Nigeria police: Moderator effects of perceived organizational support and public recognition, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 28, (4), 684-705
- Adebayo, D. O. & Udegbe, I. B. (2004). Gender in the boss-subordinate relationship: a Nigerian study. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 25, 515-525.